Calling a Hidden Virtual through the Base Class

Given the classes above, let’s look at several different ways to call these functions:

Base bobj;  D1 d1obj; D2 d2obj;
Base *bp1 = &bobj, *bp2 = &d1obj, *bp3 = &d2obj;
bp1->fcn(); // virtual call, will call Base::fcn at run time
bp2->fcn(); // virtual call, will call Base::fcn at run time
bp3->fcn(); // virtual call, will call D2::fcn at run time
D1 *d1p = &d1obj; D2 *d2p = &d2obj;
bp2->f2(); // error: Base has no member named f2
d1p->f2(); // virtual call, will call D1::f2() at run time
d2p->f2(); // virtual call, will call D2::f2() at run time

The first three calls are all made through pointers to the base class. Because fcn is virtual, the compiler generates code to decide at run time which version to call. That decision will be based on the actual type of the object to which the pointer is bound. In the case of bp2, the underlying object is a D1. That class did not override the fcn function that takes no arguments. Thus, the call through bp2 is resolved (at run time) to the version defined in Base.

The next three calls are made through pointers with differing types. Each pointer points to one of the types in this hierarchy. The first call is illegal because there is no f2() in class Base. The fact that the pointer happens to point to a derived object is irrelevant.

For completeness, let’s look at calls to the nonvirtual function fcn(int):

Base *p1 = &d2obj; D1 *p2 = &d2obj; D2 *p3 =  &d2obj;
p1->fcn(42);  // error: Base has no version of fcn that takes an int
p2->fcn(42);  // statically bound, calls D1::fcn(int)
p3->fcn(42);  // statically bound, calls D2::fcn(int)

In each call the pointer happens to point to an object of type D2. However, the dynamic type doesn’t matter when we call a nonvirtual function. The version that is called depends only on the static type of the pointer.

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