15.2.3. Conversions and Inheritance


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Understanding conversions between base and derived classes is essential to understanding how object-oriented programming works in C++.

Ordinarily, we can bind a reference or a pointer only to an object that has the same type as the corresponding reference or pointer (§2.3.1, p. 51, and §2.3.2, p. 52) or to a type that involves an acceptable const conversion (§4.11.2, p. 162). Classes related by inheritance are an important exception: We can bind a pointer or reference to a base-class type to an object of a type derived from that base class. For example, we can use a Quote& to refer to a Bulk_quote object, and we can assign the address of a Bulk_quote object to a Quote*.

The fact that we can bind a reference (or pointer) to a base-class type to a derived object has a crucially important implication: When we use a reference (or pointer) to a base-class type, we don’t know the actual type of the object to which the pointer or reference is bound. That object can be an object of the base class or it can be an object of a derived class.

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Like built-in pointers, the smart pointer classes (§12.1, p. 450) support the derived-to-base conversion—we can store a pointer to a derived object in a smart pointer to the base type.

Static Type and Dynamic Type

When we use types related by inheritance, we often need to distinguish between the static type of a variable or other expression and the dynamic type of the object that expression represents. The static type of an expression is always known at compile time—it is the type with which a variable is declared or that an expression yields. The dynamic type is the type of the object in memory that the variable or expression represents. The dynamic type may not be known until run time.

For example, when print_total calls net_price15.1, p. 593):

double ret = item.net_price(n);

we know that the static type of item is Quote&. The dynamic type depends on the type of the argument to which item is bound. That type cannot be known until a call is executed at run time. If we pass a Bulk_quote object to print_total, then the static type of item will differ from its dynamic type. As we’ve seen, the static type of item is Quote&, but in this case the dynamic type is Bulk_quote.

The dynamic type of an expression that is neither a reference nor a pointer is always the same as that expression’s static type. For example, a variable of type Quote is always a Quote object; there is nothing we can do that will change the type of the object to which that variable corresponds.

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It is crucial to understand that the static type of a pointer or reference to a base class may differ from its dynamic type.

There Is No Implicit Conversion from Base to Derived ...

The conversion from derived to base exists because every derived object contains a base-class part to which a pointer or reference of the base-class type can be bound. There is no similar guarantee for base-class objects. A base-class object can exist either as an independent object or as part of a derived object. A base object that is not part of a derived object has only the members defined by the base class; it doesn’t have the members defined by the derived class.

Because a base object might or might not be part of a derived object, there is no automatic conversion from the base class to its derived class(s):

Quote base;
Bulk_quote* bulkP = &base;  // error: can't convert base to derived
Bulk_quote& bulkRef = base; // error: can't convert base to derived

If these assignments were legal, we might attempt to use bulkP or bulkRef to use members that do not exist in base.

What is sometimes a bit surprising is that we cannot convert from base to derived even when a base pointer or reference is bound to a derived object:

Bulk_quote bulk;
Quote *itemP = &bulk;        // ok: dynamic type is Bulk_quote
Bulk_quote *bulkP = itemP;   // error: can't convert base to derived

The compiler has no way to know (at compile time) that a specific conversion will be safe at run time. The compiler looks only at the static types of the pointer or reference to determine whether a conversion is legal. If the base class has one or more virtual functions, we can use a dynamic_cast (which we’ll cover in §19.2.1 (p. 825)) to request a conversion that is checked at run time. Alternatively, in those cases when we know that the conversion from base to derived is safe, we can use a static_cast4.11.3, p. 162) to override the compiler.

...and No Conversion between Objects

The automatic derived-to-base conversion applies only for conversions to a reference or pointer type. There is no such conversion from a derived-class type to the base-class type. Nevertheless, it is often possible to convert an object of a derived class to its base-class type. However, such conversions may not behave as we might want.

Remember that when we initialize or assign an object of a class type, we are actually calling a function. When we initialize, we’re calling a constructor (§13.1.1, p. 496, and §13.6.2, p. 534); when we assign, we’re calling an assignment operator (§13.1.2, p. 500, and §13.6.2, p. 536). These members normally have a parameter that is a reference to the const version of the class type.

Because these members take references, the derived-to-base conversion lets us pass a derived object to a base-class copy/move operation. These operations are not virtual. When we pass a derived object to a base-class constructor, the constructor that is run is defined in the base class. That constructor knows only about the members of the base class itself. Similarly, if we assign a derived object to a base object, the assignment operator that is run is the one defined in the base class. That operator also knows only about the members of the base class itself.

For example, our bookstore classes use the synthesized versions of copy and assignment (§13.1.1, p. 497, and §13.1.2, p. 500). We’ll have more to say about copy control and inheritance in §15.7.2 (p. 623), but for now what’s useful to know is that the synthesized versions memberwise copy or assign the data members of the class the same way as for any other class:

Bulk_quote bulk;   // object of derived type
Quote item(bulk);  // uses the Quote::Quote(const Quote&) constructor
item = bulk;       // calls Quote::operator=(const Quote&)

When item is constructed, the Quote copy constructor is run. That constructor knows only about the bookNo and price members. It copies those members from the Quote part of bulk and ignores the members that are part of the Bulk_quote portion of bulk. Similarly for the assignment of bulk to item; only the Quote part of bulk is assigned to item.

Because the Bulk_quote part is ignored, we say that the Bulk_quote portion of bulk is sliced down.

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When we initialize or assign an object of a base type from an object of a derived type, only the base-class part of the derived object is copied, moved, or assigned. The derived part of the object is ignored.

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