Chapter 6 - Building Your Own Types with Object-Oriented Programming

  1. What are the four access modifiers and what do they do?
    • private: This modifier makes a member only visible inside the class.
    • internal: This modifier makes a member only visible inside the class or within the same assembly.
    • protected: This modifier makes a member only visible inside the class or derived classes.
    • public: This modifier makes a member visible everywhere.
  2. What is the difference between the static, const, and readonly keywords?
    • static: This keyword makes the member shared by all instances and accessed through the type.
    • const: This keyword makes a field a fixed literal value that should never change.
    • readonly: This keyword makes a field that can only be assigned at runtime using a constructor.
  3. How many parameters can a method have?
  4. What does a constructor do?
    • A constructor allocates memory and initializes field values.
  5. Why do you need to apply the [Flags] attribute to an enum type when you want to store combined values?
    • If you don't apply the [Flags] attribute to an enum type when you want to store combined values, then a stored enum value that is a combination will return as the stored integer value instead of a comma-separated list of text values.
  6. Why is the partial keyword useful?
    • You can use the partial keyword to split the definition of a type over multiple files.
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