Practicing and exploring

Test your knowledge and understanding by answering some questions, get some hands-on practice, and explore the topics covered in this chapter with deeper research.

Exercise 11.1 - test your knowledge

Answer the following questions:

  1. Of the encryption algorithms provided by .NET, which is the best choice for symmetric encryption?
  2. Of the encryption algorithms provided by .NET, which is the best choice for asymmetric encryption?
  3. For encryption algorithms, is it better to have a larger or smaller block size?

Exercise 11.2 - practice protecting data with encryption and hashing

Create a console application named Ch11_Exercise02 that protects an XML file, such as the following example. Note that the customer's credit card number and password are currently stored in clear text. The credit card must be encrypted so that it can be decrypted and used later, and the password must be salted and hashed:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
        <name>Bob Smith</name> 

Exercise 11.3 - practice protecting data with decryption

Create a console application named Ch11_Exercise03 that opens the XML file that you protected in the preceding code and decrypts the credit card number.

Exercise 11.4 - explore topics

Use the following links to read more about the topics covered in this chapter:

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