Chapter 7 - Implementing Interfaces and Inheriting Classes

  1. What is a delegate?
    • A delegate is a type-safe method reference. It can be used to execute any method with a matching signature.
  2. What is an event?
    • An event is a field that is a delegate having the event keyword applied. The keyword ensures that only += and -= are used; this safely combines multiple delegates without replacing any existing event handlers.
  3. How is a base class and a derived class related?
    • A derived class (or subclass) is a class that inherits from a base class (or superclass).
  4. What is the difference between the is and as operators?
    • The is operator returns true if an object can be cast to the type. The as operator returns a reference if an object can be cast to the type; otherwise, it returns null.
  5. Which keyword is used to prevent a class from being derived from, or a method from being overridden?
  6. Which keyword is used to prevent a class from being instantiated with the new keyword?
  7. Which keyword is used to allow a member to be overridden?
  8. What's the difference between a destructor and a deconstructor?
    • A destructor, also known as a finalizer, must be used to release resources owned by the object. A deconstructor is a new feature of C# 7 that allows a complex object to be broken down into smaller parts.
  9. What are the signatures of the constructors that all exceptions should have?
    • The following are the signatures of the constructors that all exceptions should have:
      • A constructor with no parameters
      • A constructor with a string parameter usually named message
      • A constructor with a string parameter, usually named message, and an Exception parameter usually named innerException
  10. What is an extension method and how do you define one?
    • An extension method is a compiler trick that makes a static method of a static class appear to be one of the members of a type. You define which type you want to extend by prefixing the type with this.
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