Chapter 15 - Building Mobile Apps Using Xamarin.Forms and ASP.NET Core Web API

  1. How does ASP.NET distinguish a request for MVC from a request for Web API?
    • Multiple entries are added to the route table. By convention, Web API controllers should use attributes to register routes that look for URLs that begin with api/. If a URL doesn't begin with api/ then it should match other routes registered by MVC.
  2. What data formats does Web API support by default?
    •  x-www-formurlencoded, JSON, and XML.
  3. What is the difference between Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms?
    • Xamarin allows developers to build native iOS, Android, and Windows apps using existing skills, teams, and code written in C# and .NET. But the user interfaces must be developed specifically for each platform. Xamarin.Forms allows developers to build native user interfaces for iOS, Android and Windows from a single, shared C# codebase using XAML.
  4. What types of cell are supported by the ListView?
    • Data in a ListView is presented in cells. TextCell displays a string of text, optionally with a second line in smaller font with an accent color. ImageCell displays an image on the left with text. SwitchCell and EntryCell can be used, but this is rare. Custom cells can also be defined.
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