Chapter 9 - Querying and Manipulating Data with LINQ

  1. What are the two required parts of LINQ?
    • A LINQ provider and the LINQ extension methods. You must import the System.Linq namespace to make the LINQ extension methods available and reference a LINQ provider assembly for the type of data that you want to work with.
  2. Which LINQ extension method would you use to return a subset of properties from a type?
    • The Select method allows projection (selection) of properties.
  3. Which LINQ extension method would you use to filter a sequence?
    • The Where method allows filtering by supplying a delegate (or lambda expression) that returns a Boolean to indicate whether the value should be included in the results.
    • List five LINQ extension methods that perform aggregation.
    • Max, Min, Count, Average, Sum, and Aggregate.
  4. What is the difference between the Select and SelectMany extension methods?
    • Select returns exactly what you specify to return. SelectMany checks that the items you have selected are themselves IEnumerable<T> and then breaks them down into smaller parts. For example, if the type you select is a string value (which is IEnumerable<char>), SelectMany will break each string value returned into their individual char values.
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