
This book was written for organisational leaders at all levels. I have deliberately avoided writing a conventional ‘careers book'. I'll admit, when I first contemplated writing a book in the careers field, I thought it would lean towards self-help advice for people facing career transition. However, after coaching literally hundreds of executives and seeing firsthand the positive difference career development makes to their overall leadership effectiveness, I was drawn towards a different focus. I decided to write this guide for leaders seeking to develop their skills in holding career conversations and to build this capability into their everyday leadership skill kit.

More specifically, I wanted to share with you, as leaders, the secrets of holding effective career conversations I have discovered through my experience as a leader and careers and coaching expert, as well as from the top researchers and practitioners in these fields. My goal was to provide an easy-to-read and practical guide to leading better, fear-free career conversations in the pursuit of career satisfaction.

Grounded in theoretical and applied aspects of contemporary career management, my approach is underpinned by the research showing career satisfaction to be a key driver of personal and business success through superior talent management and strong leadership capability.

Career Conversations synthesises my accumulated experience in leading organisations at the chief executive level with my professional and academic experience in marketing, careers leadership, education and development over the past 30 years. I use real-world career stories throughout the book to illustrate the models and techniques recommended, although I have changed the names and industries for privacy.

I owe much of my learning to a number of colleagues, professionals, trusted advisers and friends whom I have had the great fortune to work with throughout my career. I have drawn on their invaluable experience, wisdom and insights in these pages.

This book offers leaders an accessible, easily navigable road map with which to guide their employees through their careers and towards achievement of their own career satisfaction. Most importantly, it works!

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