Direct  property access

The syntax for directly accessing a property is a single period character, with a left-side operand that is the object you wish to access, and with a right-side operand that is the property name you wish to access:

const street = {
name: 'Marshal St.'
};; // => "Marshal St."

The right-side operand must be a valid JavaScript identifier, and as such, cannot start with a number, cannot contain whitespace, and in general, cannot contain any punctuation characters that exist elsewhere within the JavaScript specification. You can, however, have properties that are named with so-termed exotic Unicode characters such as π (PI):

const myMathConstants = { π: Math.PI };
myMathConstants.π; // => 3.14...

This is an unconventional practice and is usually only used in novelty settings. It may, however, be genuinely useful in code that is embedded in problem domains where there are legitimate exotic symbols with existing meanings (mathematics, physics, and so on).

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