Static typing

As we've explored at length, JavaScript is a dynamically typed language. If wielded carefully, this can be a great benefit, allowing you to work quickly and permit a level of flexibility in your code that enables colleagues to work with it less painfully. However, there are situations in which dynamic types can create the possibility of bugs and needless cognitive burdens for programmers. Statically typed compiled languages, such as Java or Scala, force the programmer to specify the types they are expecting at the point of declaration (or infer the type by how it is used, prior to execution).

Static typing has the following potential benefits:

  • The programmer can have confidence in the types they'll be dealing with, and thus, can make a number of safe assumptions about the capabilities and characteristics of their values, easing development.
  • The code can be statically type-checked prior to execution, meaning that potential bugs can be caught easily and are not liable to specific (and accidental) arrangements of types. 
  • The maintainers and users of the code (or its APIs) have a clearer set of expectations to operate under and are not left guessing what may or may not work. The specification of types can itself serve as a sort of documentation.

Even though JavaScript is dynamically typed, there have been efforts to give JavaScript programmers the benefits of a static typing system. Two pertinent examples of this are Flow and TypeScript:

  • Flow ( is a static type checker and language extension to JavaScript. It allows you to annotate types using its own specific syntax, although it isn't considered a distinct language of its own.
  • TypeScript ( is a superset language of JavaScript, developed by Microsoft (meaning that valid JavaScript is always valid TypeScript). It is a language unto itself, with its own syntax for type annotations.

Both Flow and TypeScript allow you to declare the types that you are declaring, either alongside variable declarations or parameter declarations within functions. Here's an example of declaring a function that accepts productName (string) and rating (number):

function addRating(productName: string, rating: number) {
`Adding rating for product ${productName} of ${rating}`

Both Flow and TypeScript generally allow the annotation of types following a declaration identifier in the IDENTIFIER: TYPE form, where TYPE can be any of number, string, boolean, and many more. They do differ in many ways though, so it's important to investigate both. Naturally, both Flow and TypeScript, and most other static type checking technologies for JavaScript, will require a build or compilation step in order to work, as they include syntax extensions.

Be aware that static typing is not an elixir. The cleanliness of our code is not only constrained to its ability to avoid type-related bugs and difficulties. We have to zoom out, in our perspective, and remember to consider the user and what they're trying to achieve via our software. It's quite common to see passionate programmers get lost in the minutiae of their syntax but forgo the bigger picture. So, to change tack slightly, we'll now explore E2E testing tools, as E2E testing can be as significant in its effect on the quality of a code base as the typing system or syntax we use, if not more!

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