What is the problem? 

We've spoken about the importance of the user in programming, and how we must first understand what it is they wish to do if we are to have any hope of helping them. 

Only by understanding the problem can we begin to assemble requirements that our code will have to fulfill. In the exploration of the problem, it's useful to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What problem is the user encountering?
  • How do they currently carry out this task?
  • What existing solutions are there and how do they work?

When we have assembled a complete understanding of the problem, we can then begin ideating, planning, and writing code to solve it. At each step, often without realizing it, we will be modeling the problem in a way that makes sense to us. The way we think about the problem will have a drastic effect on the solution we end up creating. The model of the problem we create will dictate the code we end up writing.

What is the model of a problem?
A model or conceptual model is a schematic or representation that describes how something works. We create and adapt models all the time without realizing it. Over time, as you gain more information about a problem domain, your model will improve to better match reality.

Let's imagine for a moment that we are responsible for a note-taking application for students and are tasked with creating a solution to the following problem that a user has expressed:

"I have many notes for my studies and so am finding it hard to organize them. Specifically, when trying to find a note on a given topic, I'll try to use the Search feature but I rarely find what I'm looking for since I can't always recall the specific text I wrote."

We've decided that this warrants changes to the software because we've heard similar things from other users. So, we sit down and try to come up with various ideas for how we could improve the organization of notes. There are a few options we could explore:

  • Categories: There would be a hierarchical folder structure for categories. A note on Giraffes might exist under studies/zoology. Categories can be easily navigated manually or via search.
  • Tags: There would be the ability to tag a note with one or more words or phrases. A note on Giraffes might be tagged with mammal and long neck. Tags can then be easily navigated manually or via search.
  • Links: Introduce a linking feature so notes can link to other notes that are related. A note on Giraffes might be linked to from another note, such as the one on Animals with long necks.

Each solution has its pros and cons, and there is also the possibility of implementing a combination of them. One thing that becomes immediately obvious is that each of these will quite drastically affect how users end up using the application. We can imagine how users exposed to these respective solutions would hold the model of note-taking in their minds:

  • Categories: Notes I write have their place in my categorical hierarchy
  • Tags: Notes I write are about many different things
  • Links: Notes I write are related to other notes I write

In this example, we're developing a UI, so we are sitting very close to the end user of the application. However, the modeling of problems is applicable to all of the work we do. If we were creating a pure REST API for note-keeping, exactly the same considerations would need to be made. Web programmers play a key part in deciding what models other people end up employing. We should not take this responsibility lightly.

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