Who is the user?

No meaningful conversation about programming can occur without considering the user. The user, whether they are a fellow programmer or the end user of a UI, is at the core of what we do.

Let's imagine that we are tasked with validating user-inputted shipping addresses on a website. This particular website sells medication to hospitals around the world. We're in a bit of a rush and would prefer to use something that someone else has implemented. We find a publicly available package called shipping_address_validator and decide to use it.

If we had taken the time to check the code within the package, in its postal code validation file, we would have seen this:

function validatePostalCode(code) {
return /^[0-9]{5}(?:-[0-9]{4})?$/.test(code);
This validatePostalCode function happens to be using regular expressions (also known as RegExp and regex), delimited by forward slashes, to define a pattern of characters to match a string against. You can read more about these constructs in Chapter 6, Primitive and Built-In Types.

Unfortunately, due to our haste, we didn't question the functionality of the shipping_address_validator package. We assumed it did what it says on the tin. One week after releasing our code to production we get a bug report saying that some users are unable to enter their address information. We look at the code and realize, to our horror, that it only validates US ZIP codes, not all countries' postal codes (for example, it doesn't work on UK postcodes, such as GR82 5JY).

Through this unfortunate series of events, this piece of code is now responsible for blocking the shipment of vital medication to customers all over the world, numbering in the thousands. Fortunately, fixing it doesn't take too long.

Forgetting for a moment who is responsible for this mishap, I'd like to pose the following question: who are the users of this code?

  • We, the programmers, who decided to use the shipping_address_validator package?
  • The unwitting customers who are attempting to enter their addresses?
  • The patients in the hospitals who are left waiting for their medication?

There isn't a clear-cut answer to this question. When bugs appear in the code, we can see how there can be massive unfortunate downstream effects. Should the original programmer of the package be concerned with all these downstream dependencies? When a plumber is hired to fix a tap on a sink, should they only consider the function of the tap itself, or the sink into which it pours?

When we write code, we are defining an implicit specification. This specification is communicated by its name, its configuration options, its inputs, and its outputs. Anyone who uses our code has the right to expect it to work according to its specifications, so the more explicit we can be, the better. If we're writing code that only validates US ZIP codes, then we should name it accordingly. When people create software atop our code, we can't have any control over how they use it. But we can communicate explicitly about it, ensuring that its functionality is clear and expected.

It's important to consider all use cases of our code, to imagine how it might be used and what expectations humans will have about it, programmers and end users alike. What we are responsible or accountable for is up for debate, and is as much a legal question as a technical one. But the question of who our users are is entirely up to us. In my experience, the better programmers consider the full gamut of users, aware that the software they write does not exist in a vacuum. 

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