Asserting your assumptions

One of the best ways to expand our knowledge of unfamiliar code is to write tests to confirm that the code behaves in the way we believe it does. Imagine we are given this piece of obscure code to maintain:

class IssuerOOIDExtractor {
static makeExtractor(issuerInfoInterface) {
return raw => {
const infos = [];
const cleansed = raw
.replace(/[_-%*]/g, '')
.replace(/o(d+?)/g, ($0, id) => {
if (issuerInfoInterface) {
return `[[ ${id} ]]`;
.replace(/^[sS]*?([[.+]])[sS]*$/, '$1');
return { raw, cleansed, data: infos };

This code is only used in a couple of places, but the various inputs are dynamically generated in a difficult-to-debug area of the application. Additionally, there is no documentation and absolutely no tests. It is quite unclear exactly what this code does, but, as we study the code line by line, we can begin to make some basic assumptions and encode these assumptions as assertions. For example, we can plainly see that the makeExtractor static function itself returns a function. We can specify this truth as a test:

describe('IssuerOOIDExtractor.makeExtractor', () => {
it('Creates a function (the extractor)', () => {
expect(typeof IssuerOOIDExtractor.makeExtractor()).toBe('function');

We can also see some type of regular expression replacement occurring; it seemingly looks for patterns where the letter o is followed by a string of digits (o(d+?)). We can begin to explore this extraction functionality by writing a simple assertion in which we give the extractor a string matching that pattern:

const extractor = IssuerOOIDExtractor.makeExtractor();

it('Extracts a single OOID of the form oNNNN', () => {
raw: 'o1234',
cleansed: '[[ 1234 ]]',
data: []

We can add additional assertions as we slowly discover what the code does. We may never arrive at 100% understanding, but this is OK. Here, we're asserting the fact that the extractor is able to correctly extract multiple OOIDs present within a single string:

it('Extracts multiple OOIDs of the form oNNNN', () => {
expect(extractor('o0012 o0034 o0056 o0078')).toEqual({
raw: 'o0012 o0034 o0056 o0078',
cleansed: '[[ 0012 ]] [[ 0034 ]] [[ 0056 ]] [[ 0078 ]]',
data: []

When running these tests, we observe the following successful results:

 PASS ./IssuerOOIDExtractor.test.js
✓ Creates a function (the extractor) (3ms)
The extractor
✓ Extracts a single OOID of the form oNNNN (1ms)
✓ Extracts multiple OOIDs of the form oNNNN (1ms)

Note how we're still not entirely sure what the original code does. We have only scraped the surface, but in doing so, we are building a valuable foundation of understanding that will make it far easier for us to interface with or change this code in the future. With each new successful assertion, we get closer to a complete and accurate understanding of what the code does. And if we commit these assertions as a new test, then we are also improving the test coverage of the code base and providing assistance for future colleagues who may have been similarly confused by the code.

Now that we have a solid grasp of how to explore and understand an inherited piece of code, we can now look into how we might make changes to that code.

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