Adding a Gameplay Scene

After the play button is pressed, to actually transition to another scene, we need a new scene to create a transition into. So, let's take a look at how to create one.

Getting ready

Let's us now add a gameplay scene. Creating the file is similar to how we created it in the previous chapter.

How to do it…

Here, I created a class called GameplayScene. The Gameplay.h file should be as follows:

#import "CCScene.h"

@interface GameplayScene : CCNode



The GameplayScene.m file should be as follows:

#import "GameplayScene.h"
#import "cocos2d-ui.h"

@implementation GameplayScene


    return[[self alloc]initWithLevel:lvlNum];


  if(self = [super init]){

    CGSize  winSize = [[CCDirector sharedDirector]viewSize];

    //Basic CCSprite - Background Image
    CCSprite* backgroundImage = [CCSprite spriteWithImageNamed:@"Bg.png"];
    backgroundImage.position = CGPointMake(winSize.width/2, winSize.height/2);
    [self addChild:backgroundImage];

    CCLabelTTF *mainmenuLabel = [CCLabelTTF labelWithString:@"GameplayScene" fontName:@"AmericanTypewriter-Bold" fontSize: 36.0f];
    mainmenuLabel.position = CGPointMake(winSize.width/2, winSize.height * 0.8);
    self addChild:mainmenuLabel];

    CCLabelTTF *levelNumLabel = [CCLabelTTF labelWithString:lvlNum fontName:@"AmericanTypewriter-Bold" fontSize: 24.0f];
    levelNumLabel.position = CGPointMake(winSize.width/2, winSize.height * 0.7);
    [self addChild:levelNumLabel];

    CCButton *resetBtn = [CCButton buttonWithTitle:nil
      spriteFrame:[CCSpriteFrame frameWithImageNamed:@"resetBtn_normal.png"]
      highlightedSpriteFrame:[CCSpriteFrame frameWithImageNamed:@"resetBtn_pressed.png"]

    [resetBtn setTarget:self selector:@selector(resetBtnPressed:)];

    CCLayoutBox * btnMenu;
    btnMenu = [[CCLayoutBox alloc] init];
    btnMenu.anchorPoint = ccp(0.5f, 0.5f);
    btnMenu.position = CGPointMake(winSize.width/2, winSize.height * 0.5);

    [btnMenu addChild:resetBtn];
    [self addChild:btnMenu];


  return self;


  CCLOG(@"reset button pressed");


How it works…

The GameplayScene class is similar to MainScene, except that we added a custom scene and init function so that we can pass in a level number as a string to the class.

We also added a new label that will show the current level loaded.

The class, as such, doesn't do anything, but in the next section, we will take a look at how we can transition to the gameplay scene, where it will show which level we have currently loaded.

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