Self-test questions

Q1. What base class can be used to represent a table in a database inside the DbContext collection's property?

  1. List<T>/List(of T)
  2. DbSet<T>/DbSet(of T)
  3. ICollection<T>/ICollection(of T)

Q2. You do not have to call Dispose on DbContext after use, true or false?

Q3. Which method can be used to locate a row in the database using the primary key in Entity Framework?

  1. Find
  2. Locate
  3. Define

Q4. Which method of DbSet can you use after finding a record to delete it?

  1. Delete
  2. Remove
  3. Erase

Q5. You want to easily update the last name of a person in a record stored in the database. You can do so in Entity Framework by:

  1. Issuing a SQL command
  2. Getting the corresponding object, setting the LastName property, and calling SaveChanges
  3. Creating an instance with the same id and different values for LastName, then adding it to DbSet using the Add method, and then calling SaveChanges

Q6. You have changed a class that is mapped to a table by adding another property to it. What happens if you set the database initializer to null and run the program?

  1. All other columns' data is shown
  2. An exception is thrown
  3. The database is changed to match the new schema, but the data is lost
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