Self-test questions

Q1. You cannot get data from a view inside Entity Framework, true or false?

Q2. Which database method can be used to query and retrieve data using SQL statements?

  1. ExecuteSqlCommand
  2. Execute
  3. SqlQuery

Q3. You have to write all SQL Server stored procedures by hand if you want to map CRUD operations for an entity type to a set of stored procedures, true or false?

Q4. There is no downside to using the asynchronous API, true or false?

Q5. Which method can be used to asynchronously save changes in DbContext?

  1. SaveChanges
  2. SaveChangesAsync
  3. SaveChangesAsynchonously

Q6. What method needs to be called to mark a property as a concurrency property inside the entity type configuration class?

  1. RowVersion()
  2. HasDatabaseGenerationOption()
  3. IsRowVersion()

Q7. What exception type indicates a concurrency error?

  1. DbUpdateConcurrencyException
  2. ConcurrencyException
  3. OptimisticConcurrencyException
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