Appendix A. Answers to Self-test Questions

Chapter 1: Introducing Entity Framework

Q1. Impedance mismatch between RDBMS and object-orientated programming is the main problem that ORM tools solve. They enable developers to talk to databases in the same way they talk to any other object, using the same programming language, such as C# or VB.NET.

Q2. This statement is false. LINQ can be used to create queries in Entity Framework, thus enabling developers to use C# or VB.NET instead of the SQL language.

Q3. Entity Framework Migrations are used to script and apply structural changes to the database, thus moving it from one version of your software to the next.

Q4. DbContext is the abstraction that represents a database you are working with using Entity Framework Code-First. It has collection-based properties that represent tables in the database.

Q5. The answer is false. As Entity Framework uses the provider architecture; it can work with any database that has a provider written for it. At this point, all major database engines are supported, such as MySQL, DB2, and Oracle.

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