Chapter 7: Database Migrations and Additional Features

Q1. This is correct. You have to run the Enable-Migrations commandlet to easily create all the necessary artifacts to support migrations.

Q2. The answer is false. Some operations, such as setting custom default values, cannot be done with automatic migrations. Neither can we create non-Entity Framework objects, such as stored procedures.

Q3. The answer is false. Entity Framework needs to compare our model, defined by entity classes and context, with the target database to know what structures have changed.

Q4. The answer is C—we need to create an empty migration which signals to Entity Framework that the target structure matches the model.

Q5. This is not correct. We can use the NuGet Package Manager Console window to run commandlets to maintain a local database.

Q6. The answer is false. The DbMigration class exposes many methods, including those that create stored procedures.

Q7. The answer is false. We can use conventions or global configuration methods of DbModelBuilder to achieve this task.

Q8. The answer is false. We can use the Log property of the Database object to log commands run by Entity Framework against the database.

Q9. This is not correct. We can create LINQ queries and use methods of the DbGeometry and DbGeography classes to execute native geospatial queries against the database.

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