Self-test questions

Q1. You have to enable migrations on a project to take advantage of schema updates built into Entity Framework, true or false?

Q2. Automatic migrations work 100 percent of the time; there is no reason to ever create explicit migrations, true or false?

Q3. You do not need access to the target database in order to generate the migrations script to the latest version, true or false?

Q4. In order to add migrations to an existing production database, you need to do which of the following?

  1. Just enable automatic migrations
  2. Create an initial migration, scripting the entire database
  3. Create an initial empty migration

Q5. You cannot use Visual Studio in order to update a local development environment, true or false?

Q6. Entity Framework migrations have no support for stored procedures, so you must use other tools to achieve this task, true or false?

Q7. In order to set a common precision and scale for all decimal fields across all the entity classes and tables, you have to specify this size for every such field for each entity, true or false?

Q8. If you want to log the commands fired against your RDBMS by Entity Framework, you can only use database tools, such as the SQL Server profiler, true or false?

Q9. You have to use stored procedures in order to determine a distance between two geographic points, stored in our database using coordinates specified by SQL Server geography data types, true or false?

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