
This book covers most topics needed to develop a broad and thorough working knowledge of modern computational statistics. We seek to develop a practical understanding of how and why existing methods work, enabling readers to use modern statistical methods effectively. Since many new methods are built from components of existing techniques, our ultimate goal is to provide scientists with the tools they need to contribute new ideas to the field.

A growing challenge in science is that there is so much of it. While the pursuit of important new methods and the honing of existing approaches is a worthy goal, there is also a need to organize and distill the teeming jungle of ideas. We attempt to do that here. Our choice of topics reflects our view of what constitutes the core of the evolving field of computational statistics, and what will be interesting and useful for our readers.

Our use of the adjective modern in the first sentence of this preface is potentially troublesome: There is no way that this book can cover all the latest, greatest techniques. We have not even tried. We have instead aimed to provide a reasonably up-to-date survey of a broad portion of the field, while leaving room for diversions and esoterica.

The foundations of optimization and numerical integration are covered in this book. We include these venerable topics because (i) they are cornerstones of frequentist and Bayesian inference; (ii) routine application of available software often fails for hard problems; and (iii) the methods themselves are often secondary components of other statistical computing algorithms. Some topics we have omitted represent important areas of past and present research in the field, but their priority here is lowered by the availability of high-quality software. For example, the generation of pseudo-random numbers is a classic topic, but one that we prefer to address by giving students reliable software. Finally, some topics (e.g., principal curves and tabu search) are included simply because they are interesting and provide very different perspectives on familiar problems. Perhaps a future researcher may draw ideas from such topics to design a creative and effective new algorithm.

In this second edition, we have both updated and broadened our coverage, and we now provide computer code. For example, we have added new MCMC topics to reflect continued activity in that popular area. A notable increase in breadth is our inclusion of more methods relevant for problems where statistical dependency is important, such as block bootstrapping and sequential importance sampling. This second edition provides extensive new support in R. Specifically, code for the examples in this book is available from the book website

Our target audience includes graduate students in statistics and related fields, statisticians, and quantitative empirical scientists in other fields. We hope such readers may use the book when applying standard methods and developing new methods.

The level of mathematics expected of the reader does not extend much beyond Taylor series and linear algebra. Breadth of mathematical training is more helpful than depth. Essential review is provided in Chapter 1. More advanced readers will find greater mathematical detail in the wide variety of high-quality books available on specific topics, many of which are referenced in the text. Other readers caring less about analytical details may prefer to focus on our descriptions of algorithms and examples.

The expected level of statistics is equivalent to that obtained by a graduate student in his or her first year of study of the theory of statistics and probability. An understanding of maximum likelihood methods, Bayesian methods, elementary asymptotic theory, Markov chains, and linear models is most important. Many of these topics are reviewed in Chapter 1.

With respect to computer programming, we find that good students can learn as they go. However, a working knowledge of a suitable language allows implementation of the ideas covered in this book to progress much more quickly. We have chosen to forgo any language-specific examples, algorithms, or coding in the text. For those wishing to learn a language while they study this book, we recommend that you choose a high-level, interactive package that permits the flexible design of graphical displays and includes supporting statistics and probability functions, such as R and MATLAB.1 These are the sort of languages often used by researchers during the development of new statistical computing techniques, and they are suitable for implementing all the methods we describe, except in some cases for problems of vast scope or complexity. We use R and recommend it. Although lower-level languages such as C++ could also be used, they are more appropriate for professional-grade implementation of algorithms after researchers have refined the methodology.

The book is organized into four major parts: optimization (Chapters 2, 3, and 4), integration and simulation (Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8), bootstrapping (Chapter 9) and density estimation and smoothing (Chapters 10, 11, and 12). The chapters are written to stand independently, so a course can be built by selecting the topics one wishes to teach. For a one-semester course, our selection typically weights most heavily topics from Chapters 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 11. With a leisurely pace or more thorough coverage, a shorter list of topics could still easily fill a semester course. There is sufficient material here to provide a thorough one-year course of study, notwithstanding any supplemental topics one might wish to teach.

A variety of homework problems are included at the end of each chapter. Some are straightforward, while others require the student to develop a thorough understanding of the model/method being used, to carefully (and perhaps cleverly) code a suitable technique, and to devote considerable attention to the interpretation of results. A few exercises invite open-ended exploration of methods and ideas. We are sometimes asked for solutions to the exercises, but we prefer to sequester them to preserve the challenge for future students and readers.

The datasets discussed in the examples and exercises are available from the book website, The R code is also provided there. Finally, the website includes an errata. Responsibility for all errors lies with us.


1. R is available for free from Information about MATLAB can be found at

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