2.3 Scales of Magnitude

Mass storage devices and memories are very large and thus measured with units that have names different from those used in everyday life. While we use the colloquial word grand to refer to $1,000, for amounts greater than $1,000 we use the names of the decimal system, such as million. These are not universally used—in the United States, one thousand million is called billion; in Europe it is called milliard. There is, however, an agreed upon nomenclature for powers of 10 so that one thousand is called kilo, one million is called Mega, and so on (see Table 2-1). Note the lowercase in kilo, the uppercase in Mega, and all that follow. This comes from the fact that the letter K is reserved, in the decimal nomenclature, for the designation of the absolute temperature measure (degrees in Kelvin).[1]

Table 2-1. Scales of magnitude


Actual size (bytes)

Other names

Real-world quantities

Megabyte (MB)


Million, 106

The King James version of the Bible contains approximately 5 million characters.

Mebibyte (MiB)



The speed of light is 300 million meters/second.

Gigabyte (GB)


Billion, 109

At 5% interest, $1 billion would return $50,000,000/year.

Gibibyte (GiB)



A billion $1 bills, end to end, would wrap the Earth at the equator 4.5 times.

Terabyte (TB)


Trillion, 1012

The U.S. GDP for 2006 was $13 trillion.

Tebibyte (TiB)



Global GDP in 2006 was estimated by the World Bank to be $46 trillion.

Petabyte (PB)


Quadrillion, 1015

108 × 1015 meters is the distance to the nearest star (excluding the sun), Alpha Centauri.

Pebibyte (PiB)



Large multinational enterprises and massive scientific databases are in this neighborhood of storage.

Exabyte (EB)



The oceans on the Earth contain about 326 quintillion gallons of water.

Exbibyte (EiB)



Zettabyte (ZB)




Zebibyte (ZiB)



The computer is not based on the radix 10; it is based on the radix 2. Inasmuch as 210 equals 1,024, which is close to 103, it became customary in the past to refer to 210 as kilo. Thus, one kilobyte was approximately one thousand bytes, and the discrepancy was small. When we move from a kilobyte to a megabyte, which now stands for 220 bytes, the discrepancy between 106 and 220 is significant, as 106 = 1,000,000 and 220 = 1,048,576. This is not a small difference and cannot be ignored. Obviously, as we move toward larger scales, the discrepancy in sizes expressed as decimal names for binary-based quantities is increased, causing confusion and inconsistency in reporting sizes.

For that reason, as of 2005, there is a standard that introduces new names for quantities expressed as powers of 2 and retains the familiar names for quantities expressed as powers of 10. Table 2-1 has names, sizes, and observations about the real meaning of the sizes, starting with megabyte for the decimal meaning of the size in bytes and mebibytes for the binary meaning. As of the time of this writing (2013), sizes of mass storage devices are usually quoted in the decimal meanings, and sizes of RAM are quoted in the binary meaning, both using the decimal nomenclature. This confusion, well exploited in advertising, will hopefully disappear as the binary nomenclature becomes better used, or if the community will decide to report correctly when decimal nomenclature is used.

Please refer to Table 2-1 to make sense of what you just read. The binary prefixes were first proposed by the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) in January 1999 and expanded in 2005 to include all binary equivalents to the accepted decimal prefixes. All binary prefixes and names were codified by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) as a standard in 2005 (IEEE 1541-2002).

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