12.2 Programming Approach

First we need to break the problem into key steps. Many programmers are tempted to run to the computer and start writing code immediately and then debug their code. This is not recommended.

It is strongly suggested that you step away from the computer, grab paper and pencil, and write out the key algorithms that will be needed to solve the problem. As part of this effort, you should be able to describe the key objects and methods that will be involved.

The key steps of a tic-tac-toe game are rather straightforward. Until the board is full and there is no winner, do the following:

  1. Draw the current board.

  2. Ask the player for a move.

  3. Make sure the move is valid (e.g., you can’t move to a square that is already taken).

  4. Store the current move.

You should write out the key objects and the key methods and then implement them gradually.

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