9.2 Instantiating Objects from Classes

As we mentioned in previous chapters, a class is a description of objects. A particular object is an instantiation of the class, having a unique name selected for it by the programmers. As with all information in a computer system, the various classes are stored in files. When reading the previous chapters, you probably noticed the following syntax in some examples:

customer = String.new

This is essentially the syntax for instantiating a new object. The example shows that you are instantiating an object whose class is String. The object’s name is customer, and the name is used as a variable from the class String. Now you can manipulate the customer variable using the different methods learned in the preceding chapters.

Ruby provides many built-in classes like strings and arrays, but you can also create your own class. User-defined classes are a great way to group and categorize something’s characteristics. For example, if you want to organize a database for bank accounts, you can create a class describing the properties and behaviors of each bank account.

Example 9-1 provides an outline for defining your own class.

Example 9-1. Class definition syntax
     1 class Classname
     2 	def initialize(var1, var2, ..., varn)
     3 		@variable_1 = var1
     4 		@variable_2 = var2
     5 		...
     6 		@variable_n = varn
     7 	end
     9 	def method_1
    10 		# code
    11 	end
    13 	def method_2
    14 		# code
    15 	end
    16 end

Gem of Wisdom

In Ruby, class names must begin with an uppercase letter.

We now describe lines 1–7 (the rest will be covered in the following sections), which define a class and initialize variables local to the class. To define a class, use the class keyword followed by a descriptive name that characterizes an object. For example, if you wanted to create a class for a bank account called Account, define the class by typing:

class Account

Another important keyword you should notice in the class definition is def (short for define). This keyword is used to define new activities (called methods) that may be performed on the object. This keyword is also used to define the special method initialize, which is called every time a new instance of the class, that is, a new object, is created. All classes have this special method, which is called a constructor. We will explain class generation using an example of a class describing bank accounts called Account, the first iteration of which can be seen in Example 9-2.

Example 9-2. Account version 1
    1 class Account
    2 	def initialize(balance)
    3 		@balance = balance
    4 	end
    5 end

The variables inside the parentheses after initialize are the parameters that are assigned when creating, or instantiating, the object.

Now when instantiating an object using the Account class, the object will have a variable called balance with an initial value that you can assign using a parameter. The special character (@) is used to indicate that this is an instance variable, meaning that it is a parameter of the object. Variables might be specific to a single method in the class, but these instance variables can be accessed by any method in the object description. These instance variables are sometimes referred to as storing the properties of an object.

We have just created a user-defined class, but how do you use it? You can instantiate an object of the Account class the same way you create new strings and arrays:

bob = Account.new(10.00)

Gem of Wisdom

Each created instance of a class will have its own unique instance variables. If a variable is prefixed with @@, it becomes a class variable that is shared across all instances of the class. We do not discuss class variables in this book.

This example creates an object called bob of the Account class. Remember when you created the initialize method? You assigned one parameter called balance; this is the value in the parentheses. The parameter passed in the parentheses will become the initial balance of Bob’s account.

What other variables should you consider adding to the Account class? What kind of behaviors should the class contain? In the following sections, we describe grouping data, as well as adding your own methods and working with the data through the object’s methods.

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