12.5 Summary

Now that we have walked through a more detailed example, you should be able to implement some fun games in Ruby. Games like blackjack and poker are now all within your grasp.

We have combined the concepts covered in the previous chapters in this example. With the file processing we discussed in Chapter 11, you can even make it so that you can save the state of these games or the current high score to a file. These concepts are common among most programming languages. So, as a programmer, it is much more effective to learn these concepts and how they can be used to solve certain problems than to direct your focus onto learning syntax, which is just the tool that allows us to implement our ideas.

The best way to become more comfortable with these types of problems is to practice doing them. Take your time with the following problems, draw out what the problem requires, and design a solution. Eventually, this process becomes much easier, and you will be able to implement the solution in any language.

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