Declaring variables

If you want to store any kind of data in variables, you have to declare them first. In the backend of Construct 2, there are a lot of variables that are already declared for you. This means that Construct 2 takes out the work of declaring variables. The variables that are taken care of for you include the following:

  • Keyboard
  • Mouse position
  • Mouse angle
  • Type of web browser

Writing variables in code

When we use Construct 2, a lot of the backend busywork has already been done for us. So, how do we declare variables in code? Usually, variables are declared at the top of the coding document, as shown in the following code:

Int score;
Real timescale = 1.2;
Bool isDead;
Bool isShooting = false;
String name = "John Bura";

Let's take a look at all of them. The type of variable is listed first. In this case, we have the Int, Real, Bool (Boolean), and String variables. Next, we have the name of the variable. If you look carefully, you can see that certain variables have an = (equals sign) and some do not. When we have a variable with an equals sign, we initialize it. This means that we set the information in the variable right away. Sometimes, you need to do this and at other times, you do not. For example, a score does not need to be initialized because we are going to change the score as the game progresses.

As you already know, you can initialize a Boolean variable to either true or false—these are the only two states a Boolean variable can be in. You will also notice that there are quotes around the string variable.

Let's take a look at some examples that won't work:

Int score = -1.2;
Bool isDead = "false";
String name = John Bura;

There is something wrong with all these examples. First of all, the Int variable cannot be a decimal. Second, the Bool variable has quotes around it. Lastly, the String variable has no quotes. In most environments, this will cause the program to not work. However, in HTML5 or JavaScript, the variable is changed to fit the situation.

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