Chapter 8. Exporting Your Game

In the past, developing a game for multiple systems was tough. Often, developers would have to make the game from scratch for every system they deployed to. In order to get around this problem, they created libraries that could be used across platforms. Luckily, this problem is now solved, and one of the best ways to solve it is HTML5 games.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Hosting our game on Dropbox publically
  • Exporting our game to an HTML5 website
  • Exporting our game to web stores, web arcades, and for mobile devices

Exporting games in Construct 2

One of the best features about Construct 2 is that you can export your games to many locations. If you are new to game development, then this seems normal; most engines try to export to multiple locations. However, this wasn't always the case. In the past, if you wanted to develop a game for two different systems, it meant doing a lot of work behind the scenes. Construct 2 solves this problem by exporting to HTML5.

HTML5 is used in order to have a consistent browser experience between platforms in order to have websites that have the same quality through multiple platforms. This means that if you view your game on a mobile device, it will run the same as on a desktop or any other device.

"But you said websites, and not games!"

I did just say that, but you can also have games on the web. In the past, web games have typically been Flash games. HTML5 games are slowly replacing Flash games, as Flash games cannot run on some mobile devices.

Since HTML5 games can run on a web browser, it stands to reason that they can run everywhere—on a mobile device, console, laptop, or desktop. For the most part, this is true. You can run HTML5 games pretty much everywhere, but it will depend on the hardware provider to support HTML5.

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