

acetic acid. See also vinegar

baking soda and, 274, 276

generating sour tastes in food, 72

hard water and, 240–241

pungent smell of, 93

sourdough starter, 272

yeast production of, 264

Achatz, Grant, 392

acid hydrolysis, 197

acidic water, 241–242, 250

acidity of foods

baking powder and, 286

chemical reactions and, 17, 45, 47

cooking approaches, 207

egg white foams and, 291

FAT TOM acronym, 175

food safety and, 177

PROP/PTC tasters and, 61

sour taste receptors and, 72

acid neutralization, 51

Acmella oleracea, 79

Acree, Terry, 95


about, 164–165

denaturing, 138, 164, 197, 332, 334

sous vide cooking and, 321, 332, 334

activation energy, 214

adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 164

adhesion promoter, 45

Adrià, Ferran, 392, 426

aflatoxins, 434

African cuisines

flavorful ingredients by culture, 111

mingled with other cultures, 22

miracle berries and, 71

rice porridge, 22

spicy/hot taste, 79

tasty ingredients by culture, 63

agar, 423–425

about, 349, 379

Chocolate Panna Cotta, 424

Clarified Lime Juice, 425

air bubbles

foamed foods and, 318

leaveners and, 48, 238, 247

removing, 317

air generation, 235–303

biological leaveners, 262–272

chemical leaveners, 273–288

gluten and, 246–250

key variables in baking, 236–238

mechanical leaveners, 17, 289–301

Albufera Sauce, 106

albumin, 168, 330


beer, 262

Chocolate Port Cake, 295

in cooking, 99

edible martini, 319

as food additive, 399

Poached Pears, 210

as solvent, 398, 400

Vanilla Extract, 400

Vodka Sauce, 107

White Wine and Cheese Sauce, 298

aldehydes, 91

Alexander, Christopher, 27

alkaline water, 241–242, 250

allicin, 217

alliin, 217

alliinase, 217

alloyed steels, 41

almond milk, 349

alternative reaction pathway, 432

altitude cooking tips, 238

aluminum, thermal conductivity of, 46–47

Amanita mushroom, 434

American Society for Testing and Materials, 93–94

America’s Test Kitchen, 51, 231

amines, 91, 436

amino acids

Maillard reaction and, 213

protein denaturation and, 138

umami and, 77

ammonium chloride, 244

Amoore, J. E., 93

amphotericity, 274

amylase, 241

amylopectin, 206

amylose, 206, 207

Anctil, Linda, 121, 415

anions, defined, 383

Anisakis simplex, 183

anti-griddle, 366

antisugar, 393

AP flour, 246, 248

appetizers and sides

Baked Goat Cheese with Almonds and Honey, 31

Broiled Belgian Endive, 75

cooking artichokes, 70

Flatbreads, 253

Grilled Summer Vegetables, 211

Grilled Sweet Potato Fries, 211

Grilled Vegetables, 211

Mac ‘n Cheese, 105

Puff Pastry Squares or Twists, 31

Quick-Steamed Asparagus, 208

Roasted Glazed Carrots with Red Onions, 230

Roasted Green Olives, 31

Rosemary Mashed Potatoes, 212

Salmon Gravlax, 385

Sautéed Greens with Sesame Seeds, 209

Seeded Crackers, 253

Skillet-Fried Potatoes, 216


Dishwasher Poached Apples, 326

Mock Apple Pie, 96–97

apricots, storage tips, 119

Arn, Heinrich, 95

Arnold, Dave, 319, 358–359, 425

arrack (alcoholic drink), 360

arrowroot, 409–411


cooking, 70

pairing difficulty with wine, 71

ascorbic acid, 72, 241

Asian cuisines

alcoholic drinks, 360

flavorful ingredients by culture, 111

learning flavors from, 133

rice porridge, 22

spicy/hot taste and. See spicy/hot (taste)

tasty ingredients by culture, 63


Lemony Quinoa and Asparagus with Shrimp Scampi, 53

Quick-Steamed Asparagus, 208

storage tips, 120

aspartame, 69

aspartate (amino acid), 76

Aspergillus, 434–435

Aspergillus oryzae, 435

astringency, 79

Atlas of Odor Character Profiles, 93–94, 127

atoms, defined, 382

ATP (adenosine triphosphate), 164

Aurora Sauce, 106

autoignition point (fats), 153

avocados, storage tips, 119

Axel, Richard, 89

Ayurvedic practices, 80


Bacillus cereus

danger zone rule and, 171

FAT TOM acronym and, 177

survival temperature for, 177, 325

toxins produced by, 173


Bacon-Wrapped Scallops, 437

Frisée Salad with Poached Eggs and Lardons, 75


as biological leavener, 272

carbon knives and, 41

categories of, 175

converting cis fats to trans fats, 151

count required, 179

danger zone rule, 170–186

dishwashers and, 44

eggs and, 191

foodborne illness and, 170–186

freezing foods and, 186

sous vide cooking and, 320, 322, 325

surface contamination, 169

survival temperatures, 138, 170, 177, 325

thermal death time, 172

vacuum sealing and, 320

yogurt and, 73

Bad Bug Book (FDA), 173, 325

bakers (cooking type)

characteristics of, 8

self-test, 9

baker’s yeast, 262

baking, 235–303

acidity of berries, 17

biological leaveners, 262–272

chemical leaveners, 17, 51–52, 207, 273–288

convection method and, 143, 145

error tolerances in, 258

gluten and, 246–250

heat shields, 144

humidity affecting, 142

ingredients at room temperature, 17

Lahey on, 260–261

mechanical leaveners, 17, 289–301

pastry chefs and, 221–223, 302–303

Pie Dough, 258–259

Potter’s kitchen tips, 440

power of steam in, 236–238

temperatures for reactions, 138, 223

tips for altitude, 238

water chemistry and, 240–242

weighing ingredients, 50

with butter, 155

baking powder, 286–288

making from baking soda, 286

Ried on, 52

tips for altitude, 238

baking soda, 273–285

acidity of berries and, 17

acid neutralization of, 51, 207

alkaline water and, 242

as food additive, 377

making baking powder from, 286

tips for altitude, 238

baking stones, 35, 144, 265

Baklava, Pistachio Chocolate, 256

Baldwin, Douglas, 327–329

bananas, storage tips, 119

Barbecue Ribs, Oven-Cooked, 405

Barrett, Ann, 412–413

Bartoshuk, Linda, 61, 86–87

Basic White Stock, 350

Basil, Tomato, and Mozzarella Salad, 114

Bayou Sauce, 105

bean and lentil dishes

Khichdi, 311

Lemon Lentil Soup, 19

pressure cooking, 309

Smoked Paprika, Chickpea, and Cilantro Chicken, 28

Winter White Bean and Garlic Soup, 116

Béarnaise Sauce, 108

Béchamel Sauce, 105

Beef Jerky, 322, 353–355

Beef Steak Tips, 335


filtering with isinglass, 349

foams from, 391

yeast for, 262

Beet Salad, 121

Belgian Endive, Broiled, 75

Belgian Meatballs, 185

Belitz, H.-D., 123–124

benzaldehyde, 97

benzoate, 384

Bercy Sauce, 106


acidity of, 17

freezing, 365

miracle, 71

storage tips for, 119–120

beurre monté, 322

binders, 164

biological leaveners, 262–272

bacteria, 272

tips for altitude, 238

yeast, 262–271

bitter (taste)

about, 58–59, 74

adjusting seasonings, 74

confusing with sour taste, 74

genetic taste differences, 61, 65, 74

Lancaster on, 232

neutralizing with salt, 56

salt substitutes and, 64

sugar substitutes and, 69

taste adaptation and, 60

tasty ingredients by culture, 63

Bittman, Mark, 260

blackberries, storage tips, 120


in chocolate, 158–159

in spices, 399

Bloom, Oscar, 381

blowtorches, 367–369, 403

blueberries, storage tips, 119

Blumenthal, Heston, 128

boiling point of water

altitude and, 238

pressure cooking and, 306, 308–309

salt and, 238, 242, 306

bone digester, 309

boning knife, 42

Bordelaise Sauce, 109

Boston Cooking-School Cook Book, 18

Boston Globe Magazine, 51–52

Botox, 175

botulism, 402

BPA (bisphenol A), 323

Brabender Units, 249

Bread-and-Butter Quick Pickles, 388–389

bread knife, 37

Bread Pudding, 192


Bread Pudding, 192

Flatbreads, 253

freezing, 265

friendship bread, 262–263

Golden Corn Cake, 18

kneading, 249, 261

Lahey on, 260–261

No-Knead Bread, 261

No-Knead Pizza Dough, 271

Popovers, 239

salt-rising, 272

Scones, 288

Seeded Crackers, 253

Simple Bread, 264–265

Sourdough Starter, 272

yeast in, 264–268


Buttermilk Pancakes, 278

Congee, 22

Crepes, 251

Foamed Scrambled Eggs, 315

French Toast, 192

Hard-Cooked Eggs, Easy-to-Peel, 193

Internet Average Pancakes, 10

Oat and Egg White Frittata with Fruit, 13

Oven-Roasted Eggs, 194

Poached Eggs, 193

Scones, 288

Simple Ginger Syrup, 70

Skillet-Fried Potatoes, 216

Slow Scrambled Eggs, 194

Steel-Cut Oats, 12

Yeast Waffles, 267

breaking knife, 42

Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme, 76


about, 386

flash pickling, 319

Japanese-style Brine, 62

Lancaster on, 232

tenderizing meats, 165

Brisket, 48-Hour, 336

broccoli, storage tips, 120


Broiled Belgian Endive, 75

Butterflied Roast Chicken, 218–219

as radiant heat, 145

bromelain, 165

broths, 31, 76, 349

Brown, Alton, 219–220

Brown, Amy, 344–345

Brown Butter, Powdered, 417

browned butter, 153, 156

Brownies in an Orange, 32

browning reactions. See caramelization; Maillard reaction

Brown Sauce, 109

brown sugar, 69

brunoise cuts of meat, 174

Bruschetta, Tomato, Herb, and Squid, 199

Buck, Linda, 89


Crepes, 251

gluten sensitivies and, 246

butcher’s steel, 41–42


about, 152, 154–156

baking with, 155

browned, 156

clarified, 153, 156

error tolerances in measuring, 258

herbed, 401–402

making, 154

melting point, 153

storing, 155

types of, 154–155

water whisked into, 322

Butter Cookies, 224–225

Buttermilk-Marinated Skirt Steak, 167

Buttermilk Pancakes, 278

Butternut Squash Soup, Fall, 118

Butternut Squash Soup, Vadouvan, 110


cabbage, storage tips, 120

cacao, 157

caffeine, 61

Cake Doughnuts, 345–346

cake flour, 252


Chocolate Cake, 30-Second, 316

Chocolate Cake, One-Bowl, 280–281

Chocolate Espresso Ganache Frosting, 281

Chocolate Port Cake, 295

optimal cake-cutting protocol, 296

Pumpkin Cake, 287


pectin and, 419

sodium alginate and, 427

vegetable tissue and, 338

in water, 240–241, 250

calcium carbonate, 240–241


freezers, 244–245

ovens, 35–36

caliciviruses, 175

camphoric odor, 93

Campylobacter, 178–179

Candied Orange Rind, 396

canola oil, 152–153, 377

capacity (egg white foams), 290


about, 59, 80

Scoville scale measuring, 80


about, 136–137, 221

Caramel Sauces, Wet and Dry, 228–229

Maillard reaction and, 215

starches and, 223

temperature for, 138, 221–230


cooking vegetables, 205–212

FAT TOM acronym and, 175

saccharides and, 254

carbonated drinks, 307

carbon dioxide, 237, 240–242, 313, 365

carbonic anhydrase 4 enzyme, 80

carbon knives, 41

carboxylic acid, 149, 393

Carême, Marie-Antonin, 104

Caribbean cuisine, 63, 111

carrageenan, 379, 421–422


Roasted Glazed Carrots with Red Onions, 230

storage tips, 120

carryover in cooking, 140

carvone, 91

cassoulet, 112

cast iron pans

chemical reactions in, 45, 47

pan searing and, 169

as pizza stones, 265, 371

Reid on, 52

seasoning, 45

thermal conductivity of, 46–47

washing, 45, 52

cations, 383

Cato the Elder, 382

CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), 171

cellulose, 205

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 171

centrifuges in the kitchen, 351–352, 359

cestodes, 183

chalaza (eggs), 187–188, 316

Chantilly Cream, 301

charcoal, making, 404


Baked Goat Cheese with Almonds and Honey, 31

Fennel, Portobello Mushroom, and Parmesan Salad, 114

Fresh Basil, Tomato, and Mozzarella Salad, 114

Mac ‘n Cheese, 105

Mozzarella cheese, making, 433

Mozzarella Spheres, 427

Roasted Poblano and Cheddar Cheese Stuffed Pork Chops, 66–67

Summer Watermelon and Feta Cheese Salad, 85

White Wine and Cheese Sauce, 298

Wolfe on, 434–435

chef card, 446

chef’s knife, 37

Chef Watson, 129

chemesthesis, 59, 79

chemical leaveners, 273–288

baking powder, 52, 286–288

baking soda, 17, 51, 207, 273–285

tips for altitude, 238

chemical reactions

acidity and, 17, 45, 47

as function of time/temperature, 136–138

ingredients at room temperature, 17

rigor mortis, 162–163

temperatures of common, 138

chemical similarity method, 126–128

chemicals in foods. See food additives

chewy cookies, 282–285

Chez Panisse, 302


Butterflied Roast Chicken, 218–219

Chicken Kiev, 436

Chicken, Smoked Paprika, Chickpea, and Cilantro, 28

hold times for, 172

proteins in, 163

sous vide cooking, 332–333

Child, Julia

appeal of, 15

distaste for cilantro, 91

fear of cooking and, 14

kitchen organization and, 26

making French onion soup, 38

Mastering the Art of French Cooking, 219

McGee on, 439

chill injury, 119

Chinese cuisine

flavorful ingredients by culture, 111

learning flavors from, 133

rice porridge, 22

spicy/hot taste and. See spicy/hot (taste)

tasty ingredients by culture, 63

chinois, 349

Chiquart, Maistre, 20

chirality, 91

chloride ion, 64

chlorine, 241

chlorogenic acid, 71

chlorophyll, 207


about, 157–160

blooming in, 158–159

Chocolate Bar, Bittersweet, 161

Chocolate Cake, 30-Second, 316

Chocolate Cake, One-Bowl, 280–281

Chocolate Chip Cookies, 284–285

Chocolate Espresso Ganache Frosting, 281

Chocolate Mousse, 301, 313, 315

Chocolate Panna Cotta, 424

Chocolate Port Cake, 295

Cocoa-Goldschläger Ice Cream, 364

conching process, 157, 161

couverture, 160

heap fermentation and, 435

ingredients similar to, 128

Peppermint Chocolate Mints, 81

Pistachio Chocolate Baklava, 256

seized, 159

sous vide cooking, 339

tempering, 157–160, 339

volatile compounds in, 90

white, 160

chromatography, 348

Chu, Michael, 19

cimeter steak knife, 42

Cinnamon Raisin Pumpkin Cake, 287–288

Cinnamon Snickerdoodles, 225

cis fats, 151

citric acid, 72, 74, 241

citronellyl valerate, 95

citrus. See also lemons and lemon juice

Brownies in an Orange, 32

Candied Orange Rind, 396

Citrus Marmalade, 396

Clarified Lime Juice, 425

storage tips, 120

Civille, Gail Vance, 132–133

cladded pots and pans, 47

clarified butter, 153, 156

classification systems, 93–94

Clostridium botulinum, 175, 386, 389

Clostridium perfringens, 272, 328

cloud point (fats), 153

CNC printer, 340

coagulation, 165, 189

cocoa butter/fat, 152, 157, 158

Cocoa-Goldschläger Ice Cream, 364

cocoa solids, 157, 158

coconut oil, 150, 152

Codex Alimentarius Commission, 378

Cognitive Cooking (Watson), 129


about, 164

denaturing, 148, 165, 195–204, 327

experiment, 204

isinglass and, 349

Lancaster on, 232

slow cooker and, 333

sous vide cooking and, 321

collard greens, storage tips, 120

colloids, 379–381

about, 379–380

continuous phase, 380

dispersed phase, 380

Marshmallows, 381

table of colloid types, 380

color contrast, 102

combi steamers, 236

commercial and industrial tools. See hardware in the kitchen

community-supported agriculture (CSA), 124–125

competitive (cooking style), 9

complex colloid, 380

compounds, 383

computational flavor inspiration, 125–128

conching process, 157, 161

condensation, 143, 236–237, 360

conduction (heat transfer), 142, 145, 322

Congee, 22–23

connective proteins, 163, 195


defined, 349

Drip-Filtered Consommé, 351


BPA, 323

foodborne illnesses and, 170

industrial hardware and, 314, 359

on fruits and vegetables, 182, 200

surface, 169, 182, 184

continous phases (colloids), 380

convection (heat transfer)

about, 143, 145, 236

dry heat methods, 143, 145

wet heat methods, 143, 145

conventional foods, 122–123

converting to metric, 11

co-occurence of ingredients, 125–126, 129

cook-chill cooking, 325

cook-hold cooking, 325


Butter Cookies, 224–225

caramelization and, 136–137

Chocolate Chip Cookies, 284–285

Cinnamon Snickerdoodles, 225

Coconut Macaroons, 294

crispy-chewy, 282–283

Gingerbread Cookies, 279

Meringue Cookies, 294

Oreo Cookies, 377

rates of reactions in, 226–227

Sugar Cookies, 224–225

cookie sheets, 144

cooking foods

with dry ice, 365–366

fear in the kitchen, 14–15

for one person, 28–29

for others, 30–33

heat shields, 144

high-heat cooking. See high-heat cooking

history of, 18–19

humidity affecting, 17, 142, 250, 373

in dishwasher, 146, 326

key temperatures in, 148–233

Lancaster on, 231–233

with liquid nitrogen, 361–366

low-heat cooking. See sous vide cooking

methods of, 141–146

most important variable in, 137

Pépin on, 24–25

using pressure cooking. See presssure cooking

safe undercooked foods, 184

sous vide. See sous vide cooking

time and temperature when, 135–233

tips for altitude, 238

with alcohol, 99

cooking styles

conflicts between, 8

self-test, 9

understanding, 8

Cooking: The Quintessential Art (This), 391

cooks (cooking type)

characteristics of, 8

self-test, 9

Wansink on, 8

Cook’s Illustrated, 51, 231

cooling effect (menthol), 79

copper bowls, 291

coq au vin, 112

corn, gluten sensitivies and, 246


as food additive, 377, 409–411

crispy chewy cookies and, 283–284

Lemon Meringue Pie, 411

making molds, 341

Quick Pan Gravy, 413

corn syrup, 69

countertops, 3 x 4 rule of, 27

couverture chocolate, 160

covalent bonds, 196, 436

Crackers, Seeded, 253

cream of tartar, 221, 96, 286

cream whippers, 313–316

about, 313–314

pressure cooking and, 314

usage tips, 314

whipper fizzy fruit, 314

Crème Anglaise, 192

Crème Brûlée, Quinn’s, 368

Crepes, 251

Crisco shortening, 151

crispy-chewy cookies, 282–285

Chocolate Chip Cookies, 284–285

science of, 282–283

Crispy Oven Kale Chips, 353

cross-contamination of foods

avoiding, 180–181

cutting boards and, 44

food allergies and, 446

raw meats and, 186


aging animals and, 198

defined, 196–197, 247–248

mechanical agitation and, 249

crystallization, 356–357

CSA (community-supported agriculture), 124

cucumber, storage tips, 120

culinary mystery ingredient, 103

Cumin and Salt Seared Tuna, 169

curing fish, 386

curious (venn diagram), 1

curry powder, 110

Custard, Vanilla, 192

cutting boards, 44

cynarin, 71


dairy products

allergies to, 447

Bread Pudding, 192

carrageenan in, 422

Chocolate Panna Cotta, 424

Cocoa-Goldschläger Ice Cream, 364

Crème Anglaise, 192

fats in, 300

foodborne illnesses and, 171

Gelled Milk with Iota and Kappa Carrageenan, 422

pressure cookers and, 310

Quinn’s Crème Brûlée, 368

S’more Ice Cream, 405

Sour Cream, Homemade, 155

substitutions for allergies, 447

Vanilla Custard, 192

Yogurt, Homemade, 73

danger zone rule, 170–186, 325

Darwin Award, 362

dashi (stock), 77

de Botton, Alain, 15

decanting centrifuge, 347

deep-fat frying, 145, 146

dehydration (drying foods)

about, 347, 352–353

freeze-drying, 318

osmosis and, 386

Democritus, 58

denaturation. See protein denaturation

desmin, 164

desserts. See also cakes; cookies

Bread Pudding, 192

Brownies in an Orange, 32

Caramel Sauces, Wet and Dry, 228–229

Chocolate Bar, Bittersweet, 161

Chocolate Mousse, 301, 313, 315

Chocolate Panna Cotta, 424

Cocoa-Goldschläger Ice Cream, 364

Crème Anglaise, 192

Dishwasher Poached Apples, 326

Doughnut, 500-Pound, 344–346

French Meringue, 293

Fruit Soufflé, 299

Italian Meringue, 293

Lemon Meringue Pie, 411

Mock Apple Pie, 96

Pie Dough, 258–259

Pistachio Chocolate Baklava, 256

Poached Pears, 210

Quinn’s Crème Brûlée, 368

Scones, 288

S’more Ice Cream, 405

Suger Bowls for Ice Cream, 342–343

Tiramisu, 19

Vanilla Custard, 192

Zabaglione, 298

dewar, defined, 362

dew point, 236

Dexter-Russell, 40–42

dextrin, 223

dextrose, 267

Diable Sauce, 109

diacetyl, 97

dietary restrictions, 30, 445–450

differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), 222, 230

digital probe thermometers, 35, 49, 183, 324

digital weight scales, 258

Dijon Sauce, 108

dinner parties, 30–33

dipole, 398

dishwasher, cooking in, 146, 326

Dishwasher Poached Apples, 326

dispersed phase (colloids), 380

dispersion of gas, 289

distillation process, 347, 360

2,4-dithiapentane, 97

divalent cation, 426

DNA fingerprinting, 178


heat transfer and, 139–141

temperatures required for, 166

testing for, 138, 140

dork (venn diagram), 1

double bond, 149, 150, 151

Double-Crust Pie Dough, 259


500-Pound Doughnut, 344–346

Cake Doughnuts, 345–346

Dravnieks, Andrew, 93–94, 127


almond milk, 349

Simple Ginger Syrup for, 70

Sugar Swizzle Sticks, 356–357

yeast in, 262

Drip-Filtered Consommé, 351

drip-thawing, 349, 351

dry aging meats, 165

dry heat methods, 141–142, 236

dry ice, 365–366

drying foods (dehydration)

about, 347, 352–353

freeze-drying, 318

osmosis and, 386

DSC (differential scanning calorimetry), 222, 230

Duck Confit, 200–201

Du fait de cuisine (Chiquart), 20

Duncker, Karl, 6

Duncker’s Candle Problem, 6–7

Dutched cocoa powder, 157


Early French Cookery (Scully), 20

E. coli

on chicken, 172

count required, 179

on cutting boards, 44

die off temperatures, 174

lethality of, 179

on meats, 355

probabilities of contracting, 171

time between ingestion and symptoms, 178

edamame, preparing, 78

Edman, Lenore, 341


about, 187

allergies to, 448

Bread Pudding, 192

cooking, 17, 142, 189–191, 358

cracking, 188

Crème Anglaise, 192

Foamed Scrambled Eggs, 315

food safety and, 174, 191, 293, 329

Frisée Salad with Poached Eggs and Lardons, 75

Hard-Cooked Eggs, Easy-to-Peel, 193

key temperatures for, 166, 187–194

Oven-Roasted Eggs, 194

parts of, 187–188

pasteurizing, 329

Poached Eggs, 193

Salad Lyonnaise, 75

sample weights, 194

Slow Scrambled Eggs, 194

sous vide cooking, 320–322, 329

Steak Tartare with Poached Egg, 174

steaming, 193

substitutions for allergies, 448

temperatures for doneness, 166

Vanilla Custard, 192

egg whites, 289–296

about, 188

beating, 439

copper bowls and, 291

food safety and, 293, 301

Maillard reactions and, 214

as mechanical leaveners, 289–296

meringues, 293

Oat and Egg White Frittata with Fruit, 13

tips for altitude, 238

egg yolks, 297–299

about, 187–188

fatty acid profiles, 152

as mechanical leaveners, 297–299

protein temperature span for, 190

elasticity, 241

emulsions and emulsifiers

about, 297, 429

from beer, 391

lecithin and, 313, 430–431

Mayonnaise, 430–431

table of colloid types, 380

enantiomers, 91

endothermic reaction, 395

endowment effect, 102

energy, thermal, 46–47

enhanced cell-cell adhesion, 338

E numbers classification, 378–379, 397

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 45, 242

Environmental Working Group, 12

enzymes, 432–437

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), 45, 242

Epsom salt, 64, 383

equipment. See also kitchen equipment

Escoffier, Auguste, 104, 107

Espagnole Sauce, 109

esters, 91

ethanol. See alcohol

ethereal odor, 93

ethyl butanoate, 97

ethylene gas, 119–120

ethyl hexanoate, 97

European Union, 122

Evans, Maureen, 19


distillation and, 360

drying and, 352–353

making sea salt via, 65

rate of reaction, 353

exothermic reaction, 395

experiments. See labs (experiments)

exploration, inspiration by, 103–111

extinction, 100


Fahrenheit, Daniel, 244

Farmer, Fannie, 18


in dairy products, 300

egg white foams and, 291–292

error tolerances in measuring, 258

gluten formation and, 249

key temperatures in, 148–161

in meats, 163

Powdered Brown Butter, 417

FAT TOM acronym, 175, 382, 384

fatty acids, 149–151

FDA (Food and Drug Administration)

Bad Bug Book, 173, 325

on bittersweet chocolate, 161

on cooking chicken, 172

on curing fish, 386

on food additives, 376

Food Code, 172, 330

food safety, 402

on freezer temperatures, 245

on handling fish, 184, 330–331

inspecting imports, 124

on pasteurizing eggs, 329

on salt concentrations, 386

screening for aflatoxins, 434

fear of failure, 14–15

feathers (burrs), 41

Fennel, Portobello Mushroom, and Parmesan Salad, 114


hard water and, 241

heap, 435

sour taste and, 72

wild, 272

yeast and, 266

Feta Cheese (and Watermelon) Salad, 85

filtration, 347–351, 430

fire point (fats), 153

fish and seafood

allergies to, 448

Bacon-Wrapped Scallops, 437

collagen in, 197

curing, 386

environmentally sound, 115

Fish Tacos with Pickle and Strawberry Relish, 129

food safety and, 177, 180, 183–184, 330–331

freezing, 183, 184, 331

key temperatures in cooking, 162–169

Lemony Quinoa and Asparagus with Shrimp Scampi, 53

Pan-Seared Mussels with Butter and Shallots, 67

pasteurizing, 183, 328

prepackaged, 331

proteins in, 162–169

Salmon Gravlax, 385

Salmon Poached in Olive Oil, 168

salt concentrations in, 386

Salt-Roasted Fish with Lemon and Herbs, 147

salt roasting, 147

Scallop Ceviche, 176

Seared Scallops, 220

sous vide cooking, 322, 329–331

storage tips, 186

substitutions for allergies, 448

temperatures for doneness, 166

Tomato, Herb, and Squid Bruschetta, 199

fixed function, 6–7

flash pickling, 317, 319–320

flash point (fats), 153

Flatbreads, 253

flavor and flavorings, 98–102, 397–399

about, 98–99

Civille on, 132–133

fats and oils, 148

inspiration by, 84

inspiration by exploration, 103–111

inspiration by seasonality, 112–124

inspiration, computational, 125–128

liquid smoke, 403–407

pleasure and, 87

regional/traditional method, 21

shopping for, 88

taste and smell producing, 56, 58

Wansink on, 101–102

flavor enhancers

about, 397

Potter’s kitchen tips, 440

salt as, 16, 56, 65

Savage on, 16

seasoning with, 56

Flavornet, 95

floral odor, 93


as food additive, 377

gluten in, 246–250

maturing process, 252

measuring, 50

milling, 252

Quick Pan Gravy, 413

weighing, 49

wheat allergies and, 246

Flying Food Group, 95


cakes relying on, 295

cream whippers and, 313

egg white, 290

Foamed Scrambled Eggs, 315

from beer, 391

Fruit Juice Foam, 431

low pressure and, 318

pressure cooking and, 310

stabilizing, 429

table of colloid types, 380

food additives, 375–439

about, 376–377

buying, 378

colloids, 379–381

emulsifiers, 429–431

E numbers classification, 378–379

enzymes, 432–437

flavorings, 397–407

gelling agents, 418–428

mixtures, 379–381

politics of, 376

preservatives. See preserving foods

salt. See salt

sugar. See sugar

texture and, 412–413

thickeners, 408–417

This on, 390–392

Food Additives Amendment (1958), 376

food allergies, 445–450

cooking around, 445–446

cooking for others and, 30

Lancaster on, 232

substitutions for, 446–450

Food and Drug Administration (FDA). See FDA

foodborne illness. See food safety

Food Chemistry (Belitz), 123, 390

food engineers, 412

Food Politics (Nestle), 376

food pornography, 179

food preferences, 30

food safety

at-risk groups, 171, 184

bacteria and, 170–186

danger zone rule, 170–186, 325

drying foods, 353

experimentation and, 358–359

fish and, 177, 180, 183–184, 330–331

food additives and, 376

foodborne illness and, 180

infused oils, 402

parasites and, 183–184

Potter’s kitchen tips, 440

Powell on, 178–179

sous vide cooking and, 325–329

Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), 172, 180, 325

food sensitivity, 30

forged blades (knives), 37

freeze-dried foods, 318

freezers, calibrating, 244–245


bacteria and, 186

berries, 365

breads, 265

dough, 288

fish, 183, 184, 331

gelled liquids, 349

parasites and, 175, 183, 328

plant material with liquid nitrogen, 363

freezing point of water, 244–245, 306

French cuisine

flavorful ingredients by culture, 111

French Meringue, 293

French Onion Soup, One-Hour, 38–39

Lebovitz on, 302–303

sauces and, 104

Sauce Tomate, 107

tasty ingredients by culture, 63

French Toast, 192

friendship bread, 262

Frisée Salad with Poached Eggs and Lardons, 75

Frosting, Chocolate Espresso Ganache, 281–282

fructose, 68, 81, 221, 267


Candied Orange Rind, 396

Citrus Marmalade, 396

cooking, 207

Dishwasher Poached Apples, 326

DIY roll-ups, 353

drying, 352

environmentally sound, 115

fizzy fruit, 365

food safety and, 182

Fruit Juice Foam, 431

Fruit Soufflé, 299

growing seasons chart, 113

Oat and Egg White Frittata with Fruit, 13

osmosis and, 392

pectin in, 418

Pickle and Strawbery Relish, 129

Poached Pears, 210

Preserved Lemons, 387

sous vide cooking, 337–338

storage tips, 119–120, 186

sugar in, 68

Summer Watermelon and Feta Cheese Salad, 85

translucent, 317

whipper fizzy fruit, 314

frying pans, 45

FSIS (Food Safety and Inspection Service), 172, 180, 325

functional fixedness, 6–7

fungiform papillae, 86

furanone, 97


Gagnaire, Pierre, 391

Ganache Frosting, Chocolate Espresso, 281–282

Garcia Effect, 100

Garcia, John, 100


Garlic Bread, 217

storage tips, 120

Winter White Bean and Garlic Soup, 116

garlic presses, 48, 217

gastrointestinal distress, 171

Gazpacho Soup, Summertime, 117

geek thinking

defined, 6

Duncker’s Candle Problem, 6–7

functional fixedness and, 6–7

in kitchen, 7

learning how to cook and, 15

mental restructuring, 7

smart, 440–443

geek (venn diagram), 1


about, 349

collagen and, 197, 232

cooking vegetables and, 205–206

foaming and, 313

improving mouthfeel, 418

gels and gelling agents, 418–428

agar, 423–425

carrageenan, 379, 421–422

classifying, 418

filtration and, 349

gelatin and, 197, 205

Gelled Milk with Iota and Kappa Carrageenan, 422

Lemon Meringue Pie, 411

making, 420

making molds, 340

pectin and, 206, 419–420

sodium alginate, 426–427

starches, 205–212

table of colloid types, 380

typical composition, 411

generally recognized as safe (GRAS), 376, 393

ghee, 153, 156

Gingerbread Cookies, 279

Ginger Syrup, 70

giving (cooking style), 9

gliadin, 247–249, 254–255, 258


crystal formation inhibitor, 69

invertase enzyme and, 81

Maillard reaction and, 223, 309

sucrose inversion and, 221

glutamate (amino acid), 61, 76–77, 184

glutamic acid, 72, 76

glutamine, 436

glutathione, 263


choosing flour wisely, 246–250

elasticity of, 241

hard water and, 241–242

Lancaster on, 232

making your own, 254–255

managing formation, 247–250

tips for altitude, 238

wheat allergies and, 246

glutenin, 247–249, 254–255, 258

glyceride, 148, 154

glycerol, 148–150

glycogen, 162, 164

Goat Cheese, Baked, with Almonds and Honey, 31

Golden Corn Cake, 18

Google Books, 20, 442

Google Scholar search engine, 442

Gourmet Magazine, 103


Congee, 23

cooking, 207, 309

gluten level of, 246–248

Lancaster on, 232

Lemony Quinoa and Asparagus with Shrimp Scampi, 53

miraculin and, 71

granula, 12

GRAS (generally recognized as safe), 376, 393

Greek cuisine

flavorful ingredients by culture, 111

Greek-style Marinade, 62

tasty ingredients by culture, 63

Green Olives, Roasted, 31

Greenspan, Eric, 344


as radiant heat, 145

Grilled Summer Vegetables, 211

Grilled Sweet Potato Fries, 211

Grilled Vegetables, 211

vegetables, 211

guanylate, 76

gustatory sense. See taste (gustatory sense)

Gustavson, Carl, 100


hackers, 253

half-and-half, 192

Hard-Cooked Eggs, Easy-to-Peel, 193

hardware in the kitchen

about, 305

Arnold on, 358–359

high-heat cooking, 367–371

high-pressure situations, 306–316

liquid nitrogen, 183, 361–364

low-pressure tricks, 317–320

making molds, 340–346

Myhrvold on, 372–373

sous vide cooking, 207, 320–339

wet separations, 347–357

hard water, 240–241

Haugh, Raymond, 188

Haugh units, 188

healthy (cooking style), 9

heap fermentation, 435

heat gradient, 337

heat shields, 144, 147, 219

heat transfer

carryover and, 140

combined methods of, 145–146

conduction, 142, 145

convection, 143, 145

doneness and, 139–141

experimenting with sources, 145–146

methods of, 141–146

oil and water, 142

pressure cooking and, 308

radiation, 144, 145, 186

sous vide cooking and, 322

temperature gradients, 139–141

time/temperature rule of thumb, 136

helium, 142

hemicellulose, 205, 207, 321

Henry’s Law, 307

hepatitis A, 178


in butter, 401–402

Civille on, 132

drying, 352

Fresh Basil, Tomato, and Mozzarella Salad, 114

fresh versus dried, 99

Rosemary Mashed Potatoes, 212

Salt-Roasted Fish with Lemon and Herbs, 147

Smoked Paprika, Chickpea, and Cilantro Chicken, 28

storage tips, 119

substituting, 6

Tomato, Herb, and Squid Bruschetta, 199

volatile compounds and, 97

hexanal, 97

hexenal, 97

hexyl acetate, 97

hierarchy of needs (Maslow), 14

high-heat cooking

about, 367–369

cooking high-heat pizza, 370–371

high-heat ovens and, 305, 370–371

high-pressure situations, 306–316

about, 306–307

cream whippers, 313–316

popping popcorn, 307

pressure cooking. See pressure cooking

history of food, 18–19

hold times, 172–173, 180, 325

Hollandaise Sauce, 108

homogenization process, 433

honey as preservative, 382

Hot Marshmallows, 415

hot spots (pots and pans), 46–47

hot (taste). See spicy/hot (taste)

hot-water-dip treatment, 174, 355


about, 307

affecting cooking, 17, 142, 250, 373

in ovens, 144, 237–238

yeast and, 237

Hungarian Sauce, 106

hydration energy, 395

hydrocolloids, 428

hydrogen, 72, 142, 243

hydrogenated fat, 151

hydrolysis, 197–198, 221–223

hydrophobic proteins, 189, 289


IBM’s Chef Watson, 129

ice cream

Cocoa-Goldschläger Ice Cream, 364

Crème Anglaise in, 192

making with liquid nitrogen, 305, 361–364

making with salt and ice, 394–395

S’more Ice Cream, 405

Sugar Cone Bowls, 342–343

Ikeda, Kikunae, 76

immersion blenders, 48, 51

Indian cuisine

flavorful ingredients by culture, 111

Khichdi, 311

spicy/hot tastes, 59

tasty ingredients by culture, 63

individually quick frozen (IQF), 365

industrial tools. See commercial and industrial tools

infused oils, 401–402


chemical similarity of, 126–128

choosing, 56

co-occurrence of, 125–126, 129

culinary mystery ingredient, 103

by culture, 111

flavor and, 56

inspiration by exploration, 103–111

inspiration by seasonality, 112–124

inspiration, computational, 125–128

isolating, 110

Potter’s kitchen tips, 440

prepping, 11

at room temperature, 17

sifting dry, 275

using unfamiliar, 110

Walshin on, 110

weighing, 49–50

innovative (cooking style), 9, 21

inosinate, 76


computational flavor, 125–128

by exploration, 103–111

by seasonality, 112–124

interfacial tension, 414, 429

intermolecular bond, 398–399

Internet Archive, 20

Internet Average Pancakes, 10

invertase, 81, 432

ion channels, 64

ions, defined, 383

iota carrageenan, 421, 422–423

IQF (individually quick frozen), 365

Iron Chef (tv show), 387

isinglass, 349

isoamyl acetate, 97

isotopomers, 243

Italian cuisine

flavorful ingredients by culture, 111

Italian Meringue, 293

Italian Tomato Sauce, 107

tasty ingredients by culture, 63


Jackson, James, 12

Jacques Pépin’s New Complete Techniques, 24

Japanese cuisine

dashi, 77

flavorful ingredients by culture, 111

Japanese-style Brine, 62

Miso Soup, 77

preparing edamame, 78

savory taste and. See umami (taste)

tasty ingredients by culture, 63

Johnson, Samuel, 157

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 390

Journal of Food Science, 390

Joy of Cooking, 18, 258

Jung, Carolyn, 387



Crispy Oven Kale Chips, 353

storage tips, 120

Kamozawa, Aki, 315

kappa carrageenan, 421–422

Kayser, Eric, 261

Keller, Thomas, 16, 322

Kellogg, John, 12

Ketchup, 107

key temperatures in cooking, 148–233

85F/30C, 148–161

104F/40C, 138, 162–169

122F/50C, 138, 162–169

131F/55C, 138

136F/58C, 138

141F/61C, 187–194, 325

150F/65.5C, 138

154F/68C, 138, 195–204

158F/70C, 138, 205–212

170F/77C, 138, 333

212F/100C, 138

310F/154C, 138, 213–220

325F/163C, 138

350F/175C, 138

356F/180C, 138, 221–230

375F/190C, 138

about, 148

Khichdi, 311

Kirshenbaum, Kent, 403, 405

kitchen equipment, 34–52. See also hardware in the kitchen

bare minimum, 34, 48–49

calibrating ovens, 35–36

cutting boards, 44

garlic presses, 48

immersion blenders, 48, 51

kitchen scales, 49

kitchen shears, 48

knives, 37–43

Lancaster on, 232

Lebovitz on, 303

measuring cups and spoons, 51

mixers, 48, 51

mixing bowls, 48, 51

pots and pans, 45–47, 51–52

pressure cookers, 49

Ried on, 51–52

silicone spatulas, 48

strainers, 51

thermometers, 49

tongs, 48

usage decisions, 34

kitchen organization, 34–52

calibrating ovens, 35–36

Child on, 26

counter layout, 27

kitchen equipment, 34–52

Ried on, 51–52

kitchen scales, 49

kitchen shears, 48

kneading (mechanical agitation), 249, 261

knives, 37–43

alloyed steels, 41

bacteria and, 41

basic skills, 37

“failure mode”, 37

forged blades, 37

heat treatment, 40–41

holding, 37

Lancaster on, 232

Raper on, 40–42

repurposing, 42

sharpening, 41–43

stamped blades, 37

types of, 37

Krugman, Paul, 441

Kurti, Nicholas, 390


labs (experiments)

A/B experiments, 21

baking soda reacting with itself, 276–277

calibrating freezers, 244–245

calibrating ovens, 35–36

collagan protein, 204

differences between taste and smell, 57

finding perfect cookie, 226–227

food safety and, 358–359

genetic taste differences, 82–83

making ice cream with salt and ice, 394–395

making liquid smoke, 406–407

making pectin, 420

making your own gluten, 254–255

Potter’s kitchen tips, 440

sensing flavors, 130–131

separation via crystallization, 356–357

sous vide cooking, 321–322

This on experimentation, 392

lactic acid, 72, 264

lactisole, 393

Lactobacillus, 73, 272, 328

Lahey, Jim, 260–261

Lancaster, Bridget, 231–233

lard, 152, 153, 311

Latin American cuisine, 63, 111

lattice energy, 395

lauric acid, 152

leaveners, 262–303

air bubbles and, 48, 238, 247

biological, 262–272

chemical, 17, 51–52, 207, 273–288

mechanical, 17, 48, 289–301

multiple, 297

Lebovitz, David, 302–303

lecithin, 313, 430–431

leeks, storage tips, 120

Le Guide Culinaire (Escoffier), 104

Leidenfrost effect, 365

lemons and lemon juice

balancing tastes with, 60

cleaning cutting boards, 44

as flavor enhancers, 56

Lemon Lentil Soup, 19

Lemon Meringue Pie, 411

Lemons, Preserved, 387

Lemony Quinoa and Asparagus with Shrimp Scampi, 53

Lentil Soup, Lemon, 19

Lersch, Martin, 428

lettuce and salad greens. See also salad dishes

Springtime Lettuce Soup, 116

storage tips, 120

Leucippus, 58

lignin, 205

lime juice

bacteria and, 176

Clarified Lime Juice, 425

Lindley, Michael, 393

Lindt, Rodolphe, 161

line structure, 148–149

linoleic acid, 152

lipids, 398

liquid nitrogen, 361–364

about, 361–363

dangers of, 361

making dusts, 363

making ice cream, 305, 361–364

oxygen and, 361

parasites and, 183

liquid smoke, 403–407

Listeria monocytogenes

canning technique and, 389

count required, 171

lethality of, 179

pH and, 385

survival temperatures, 181

time between ingestion and symptoms, 178

listeriosis, 171

lithium, 64

local foods, 122–124

log reductions, 173

low-heat cooking. See sous vide cooking

low-pressure tricks, 317–320. See also sous vide cooking

lysine, 309, 436


Mac ‘n Cheese, 105

Madison, Deborah, 29

magnesium in water, 240–241, 250

magnesium sulfate, 64, 383

magnetic separation, 348

Maillard, Louis Camille, 213

Maillard reaction

about, 136

liquid water and, 237

pressure cooking and, 309

temperature for, 138, 213–220

main dishes. See fish and seafood; meats; salad dishes; vegetarian main dishes

maker’s gratification, 19

malic acid, 72

Maltaise Sauce, 108

maltodextrin, 223, 416–417

marinades and sauces

Albufera Sauce, 106

Aurora Sauce, 106

Bayou Sauce, 105

Béarnaise Sauce, 108

Béchamel Sauce, 105

Bercy Sauce, 106

Bordelaise Sauce, 109

Brown Sauce, 109

Buttermilk-Marinated Skirt Steak, 167

Caramel Sauces, Wet and Dry, 228–229

Diable Sauce, 109

Dijon Sauce, 108

Espagnole Sauce, 109

French cuisine and, 104

Greek-style Marinade, 62

Hollandaise Sauce, 108

Hungarian Sauce, 106

Ketchup, 107

Maltaise Sauce, 108

marinating meats, 165, 232

Mornay Sauce, 105

Mustard Sauce, 105

Noisette Sauce, 108

Pepper Sauce, 109

Piquante Sauce, 109

Poivrade Sauce, 109

Poulette Sauce, 106

Quick Pan Gravy, 413

Sauce Robert, 109

Tomato Sauce, 107

Velouté Sauce, 106

Venetian Sauce, 106

Vodka Sauce, 107

White Sauce, 105

White Wine and Cheese Sauce, 298

Marmalade, Citrus, 396

Mars, Forrest, Sr., 157

Mars, Frank C., 157

Marshmallows, 381

Marshmallows, Hot, 415

martinsite, 40

Mashed Potatoes, Rosemary, 212

Maslow, Abraham, 14

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (Child), 219

maturing flour, 252

Mayonnaise, 430–431

McFarlin, Patrick, 29

McGee, Harold

Baldwin on, 327

on salt-rising bread, 272

on solving food mysteries, 438–439

website, 359

on whisking egg whites, 291, 349


converting to metric, 11

error tolerances in, 258

pinch as, 11, 56, 65

Scoville scale, 80

“to taste”, 11

volume versus weight, 50

measuring cups and spoons, 51

Meatballs, Belgian, 185


Beef Jerky, 322, 353–355

Beef Steak Tips, 335

Belgian Meatballs, 185

Brisket, 48-Hour, 336

Butterflied Roast Chicken, 218–219

Chicken Kiev, 436

Chicken, Smoked Paprika, Chickpea, and Cilantro, 28

collagen in, 195–204

cutting boards and, 44

dry aging, 165

Duck Confit, 200–201

environmentally sound, 115

food safety and, 171–172, 182–183, 186, 200, 355

heat transfer and doneness, 139–141

heat transfer methods, 142

key temperatures in cooking, 162–169, 195–204

marinating, 165, 232

Oven-Cooked Barbecue Ribs, 405

Pork Chops, Stuffed with Roasted Poblano and Cheddar Cheese, 66–67

pressure cooking, 309

Pulled Pork Under Pressure, 312

Quick Pan Gravy, 413

rigor mortis and, 162–163

Short Ribs, Slow-cooked, 203

Skirt Steak, Buttermilk-Marinated, 167

sous vide cooking, 322, 327, 332–336

Steak, Pan-Seared, 140

steaks, aging, 164, 165

Steak Tartare with Poached Egg, 174

storage tips, 186

temperatures for doneness, 166

tenderizing, 165

mechanical agitation (kneading), 249, 261

mechanical filtration, 347–351

mechanical leaveners, 289–301

about, 289

egg whites. See egg whites

egg yolks. See egg yolks

steam, 236–238

whipped cream, 17, 300–301

medieval recipes, 20

melting point

of fats, 148–161

techniques to identify, 222

menthol, 79

menu planning for dinner parties, 30


about, 293

Chocolate Port Cake, 295

Coconut Macaroons, 294

French Meringue, 293

Italian Meringue, 293

Lemon Meringue Pie, 411

Meringue Cookies, 294

methodical (cooking style), 9

methylcellulose, 414

metmyoglobin, 163, 183

metric, converting to, 11

milling flour, 252

Mindless Eating (Wansink), 8, 101

Minestrone Soup, 106

Mints, Peppermint Chocolate, 81

miracle berries, 71

miraculin, 71

mise en place technique, 11

Miso Soup, 77

mixers, 48, 51

mixing bowls, 48, 51

mixtures, 379–381

Mock Apple Pie, 96

modernist cuisine

defined, 372

Myhrvold on, 372–373

moist heat methods, 141–142


FAT TOM acronym, 175, 177, 384

seized chocolate and, 159

mold making, 340–346


food safety and, 170

Wolfe on, 434–435

molecular conformation, 138

molecular gastronomy

defined, 372

This on, 390–392

molecules, 383, 398, 401

monellin (protein), 69

monocalcium phosphate, 286

monosaccharides, 283

monosodium glutamate (MSG), 76–78, 383, 395, 397

monounsaturated fats, 150

Monster Kitchen (TV show), 344

Monterey Bay Aquarium, 115

Mornay Sauce, 105

mother dough, 272

Mousse, Chocolate, 301, 313, 315

Mozzarella cheese

Fresh Basil, Tomato, and Mozzarella Salad, 114

making, 433

Mozzarella Spheres, 427

MSG (monosodium glutamate), 76–78, 383, 395, 397

Munroe, Randall, 50


Fennel, Portobello Mushroom, and Parmesan Salad, 114

sautéeing, 359

savory taste in, 76

musky odor, 93

Mussels, Pan-Seared, with Butter and Shallots, 67

Mustard Sauce, 105

Myhrvold, Nathan, 372–373

myofibrillar proteins, 164–166

myoglobin, 163, 183


about, 164

denaturing, 138, 164–165, 334

sous vide cooking and, 321, 334

myristic acid, 152, 154


National Organic Program (NOP), 122

nebulin, 164

nerd (venn diagram), 1

Nestle, Marion, 376

neutralizing odors

cutting boards, 44

off-smelling amino compounds, 56

nitrite, 384

nitrous oxide, 313

Noisette Sauce, 108

No-Knead Bread, 261

No-Knead Pizza Dough, 271–272

nonpolar molecules, 398

nonstarch polysaccharides, 254

nonstick pans, 45

nootkatone, 97

NOP (National Organic Program), 122

norovirus, 175

North African cuisine

flavorful ingredients by culture, 111

rice porridge, 22

tasty ingredients by culture, 63


nut allergies, 449



Oat and Egg White Frittata with Fruit, 13

steel-cut, 12

odor affect, 87

odorants, 89, 92, 95


bacteria and, 175

egg whites and, 290

heat transfer rate, 142

infused, 401–402

key temperatures in cooking, 148–161

pressure frying and, 310–311

sous vide cooking and, 322

oleic acid

in cocoa butter, 159

example of, 150–151

fatty acid profile, 152

melting point, 151, 152, 154

smoke point, 153

olfactory fatigue, 92

olfactory sense. See smell (olfactory sense)

olive oil

fatty acid profile, 152

key temperatures for, 153

oleic acid and, 151

Olive Oil Poached Salmon, 168

Olives, Roasted Green, 31

omega-3 fatty acid, 151

omega-6 fatty acid, 151


crying from, 39

One-Hour French Onion Soup, 38–39

Roasted Glazed Carrots with Red Onions, 230

storage tips, 120

oral irritation, 56, 61, 79

Orange, Brownies in an, 32

order of operations in recipes, 11

O’Reilly, Tim, 288

Oreo Cookies, 377

organic foods, 122–124

organoleptic tests, 80

orthonasal olfaction, 98

Oskay, Windell, 341

osmazome, 76

osmosis in food, 384, 386, 392

ovalbumin, 189, 190

oven overclocking, 371


calibrating, 35

calibrating using sugar, 36

Crispy Oven Kale Chips, 353

high-heat, 305, 370–371

humidity and, 144, 237–238

improving recovery time, 35

regulating heat, 17, 35

tips for altitude, 238

oven spring, 237

ovomucin, 193

ovotransferrin, 189


about, 243

bacterial growth and, 175

FAT TOM acronym, 175

liquid nitrogen and, 361

yeast and, 266

oxymyoglobin, 163, 183

oyster knife, 40


palate cleansers, 60

palmitic acid

in butter, 154

in cocoa butter, 159

example of, 150

fatty acid profile, 152


Buttermilk Pancakes, 278

cream whippers and, 313

Crepes, 251

Internet Average Pancakes, 10

pan searing

Cumin and Salt Seared Tuna, 169

Pan-Seared Mussels with Butter and Shallots, 67

Pan-Seared Steak, 140

Slow-cooked Short Ribs, 203

papain (enzyme), 165, 198

Papin, Denis, 309


foodborne illnesses and, 183–184

freezing, 175, 183, 328

survival temperatures, 170

par-baking pizza, 268–269

paring knife, 37

Parkerson, Stephen, 95

parma torte, 20

Parmesan cheese

Fennel, Portobello Mushroom, and Parmesan Salad, 114

Parmesan, Fennel, and Portobello Mushroom Salad, 114

pasta dishes

Duck Confit in, 202

Mac ‘n Cheese, 105

Minestrone Soup, 106

Penne alla Vodka, 107

pressure cookers and, 311


bacteria and, 186

defined, 173

eggs and, 329

fish and, 183, 328

food safety and, 173, 183

hold times and, 180

sous vide cooking and, 325, 329–330, 332

vacuum sealing and, 320

Pasteur, Louis, 262

pastry chefs, 221–223, 302–303

A Pattern Language (Alexander), 27

peaches, storage tips, 119

peanut allergies, 449

Pears, Poached, 210

Peas à la Française, 25


about, 206, 419

improving mouthfeel, 418

making, 420

making jam, 419

sous vide cooking and, 321

starchy vegetables and, 206

Penicillium camemberti, 435

Penicillium nalgiovense, 435

Penne alla Vodka, 107

Pépin, Jacques, 24–25

Peppermint Chocolate Mints, 81

pepperminty odor, 93

Pepper Sauce, 109

perfluoroocanoic acid (PFOA), 45

Perfumer’s Compendium (Allured), 93

Peshardt, William, 426

PFOA (perfluoroocanoic acid), 45

phase diagrams, 306, 308

phase transitions, 136, 152, 306

phenylthiocarbamide (PTC), 61

pH scale

about, 273–274

adjusting water for baking, 241–242, 250

Dutching process and, 157

eggs and, 188–189, 291

food preservation and, 384

meat and, 162

phyllo dough

about, 247

Pistachio Chocolate Baklava, 256


contaminated after cooking, 389

flash pickling, 317, 319–320

Pickle and Strawbery Relish, 129

Pickles, Bread-and-Butter Quick, 388–389

picric acid, 72


Lemon Meringue Pie, 411

Mock Apple Pie, 96–97

Pie Dough, 258–259

pinch as measurement, 11, 56, 65

pinhead oats, 12

Piquante Sauce, 109

Pistachio Chocolate Baklava, 256

pizza, 267–271

high-heat ovens and, 305, 370–371

No-Knead Pizza Dough, 271

par-baking, 268

Varasano on, 269–270

Yeast-Free Pizza Dough, 286

pizza stones, 35, 144, 265

plasmolysis, 386

plaster of Paris, 341

plasticity of fat, 154

plastic storage bags, 323

plating food, 32–33

plums, storage tips, 119

1-p-methene-8-thiol, 97

poaching. See also sous vide cooking

Dishwasher Poached Apples, 326

Frisée Salad with Poached Eggs and Lardons, 75

Olive Oil Poached Salmon, 168

Poached Eggs, 193

Poached Pears, 210

Steak Tartare with Poached Egg, 174

Poivrade Sauce, 109

polar molecules, 398, 401

polysaccharides, 205, 416, 423

polyunsaturated fats, 150, 151

pomegranate, seperating seeds out of, 114

Popovers, 239

popping popcorn, 307

poppy seed bagels, 16


pressure cooking, 309

Pulled Pork Under Pressure, 312

Roasted Poblano and Cheddar Cheese Stuffed Pork Chops, 66–67

temperatures for doneness, 166

Portobello Mushroom, Fennel, and Parmesan Salad, 114

postmortem proteolysis, 162

potassium bicarbonate, 273

potassium bitartrate, 96

potassium chloride, 64


cooking, 206

cooking in dishwasher, 326

food safety and, 178

Rosemary Mashed Potatoes, 212

Skillet-Fried Potatoes, 216

storage tips, 120

pots and pans, 45–47

acidity in foods and, 45, 47

hot spots, 46–47

organizing, 26

pan searing and, 169

recovery time for, 140

thermal conductivity of, 46–47, 142

types of, 45

Poulette Sauce, 106

poultry. See meats

pour point (fats), 153

Powdered Brown Butter, 417

Powell, Doug, 178–179

Pralus, George, 320

prepping ingredients, 11

presentation and plating food, 32–33, 102, 121

preserving foods

Bread-and-Butter Quick Pickles, 388–389

Candied Orange Rind, 396

Citrus Marmalade, 396

dehydration, 352–353

osmosis and, 386

Preserved Lemons, 387

Salmon Gravlax, 385

with salt, 382–389

with sugar, 384

pressure cooking, 308–312

about, 49, 141, 306, 308–309

collagen and, 195

convention method and, 145

cream whippers and, 314

Khichdi, 311

Maillard reaction and, 215

pros and cons, 309–310

Pulled Pork Under Pressure, 312

tips and tricks, 310–311

pressure frying, 310

probe thermometers, digital, 35, 49, 183, 324

produce. See vegetables

Project Gutenberg, 20

proofing, defined, 263

PROP (propylthiouracil), 61

propylthiouracil (PROP), 61

protein denaturation

collagen, 148, 165, 195–204, 327

defined, 138

in eggs, 189–191

sous vide cooking and, 320

temperature for, 138, 162–169

yogurt and, 73


about, 138

adding sweet taste, 69, 71

controlling gluten formation, 248

FAT TOM acronym and, 175

in fish and meats, 162–169

food allergies and, 445

hydrophobic, 189

in wheat flour, 254

PTC (phenylthiocarbamide), 61

Puff Pastry Squares or Twists, 31

Pulled Pork Under Pressure, 312–313

Pumpkin Cake, 287

punching down dough, 264

pungent/hot (taste), 58–59

pungent odor, 93

putrid odor, 93

PyroCeram, 371

pyrolysis, 404


quenching (steel), 41

Quick Pan Gravy, 413

quinine, 74

Quinn’s Crème Brûlée, 368


gluten sensitivies and, 246

Lemony Quinoa and Asparagus with Shrimp Scampi, 53


radiation (heat transfer), 144, 145, 186

Raper, Buck, 40–42

raspberries, storage tips, 120

rate of reaction

evaporation and, 353

perfect cookie experiment, 226–227

pressure cooking and, 309

sous vide cooking and, 321

temperature and, 136–137, 148, 172


adapting, 20–21

brief history of, 18–19

Civille on, 133

medieval, 20

order of operations in, 11

Pépin on, 25

reading thoroughly, 11

on Twitter, 19

recovery time

for ovens, 35

for pans, 140

recursion. See recursion.

Red Onions, Roasted Glazed Carrots with, 230

reducing sugars, 213

regional/traditional method (flavor combinations), 21

Relish, Pickle and Strawberry, 129

rennet, 432

reproduction stage (yeast), 266

respiration stage (yeast), 266

retronasal olfaction, 98

reverse spherification, 427


about, 22

Congee, 22

cooking, 207

food safety and, 177

gluten sensitivies and, 246

Khichdi, 311

rice cookers, 146, 237

rice vinegar, 177

rigor mortis, 162–163, 164

Riley, Addison, 17

rising agents. See leaveners


Butterflied Roast Chicken, 218–219

Oven-Roasted Eggs, 194

Roasted Beet Salad, 121

Roasted Glazed Carrots with Red Onions, 230

Roasted Green Olives, 31

Roasted Poblano and Cheddar Cheese Stuffed Pork Chops, 66–67

Salt-Roasted Fish with Lemon and Herbs, 147

vegetables, 232

Roca, Joan, 329

rolled oats, 12

Rombauer, Irma, 18

root vegetables, cooking, 206

Rosemary Mashed Potatoes, 212

rotovaps (rotary evaporators), 358–360

Rozin, Paul, 98

Ruhlman, Michael, 303


saccharides, 254

Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 262

Saccharomyces pastorianus, 262

safflower oil, 152, 153

salad dishes

Fennel, Portobello Mushroom, and Parmesan Salad, 114

Fresh Basil, Tomato, and Mozzarella Salad, 114

Frisée Salad with Poached Eggs and Lardons, 75

Roasted Beet Salad, 121

Salade Lyonnaise, 75

Summer Watermelon and Feta Cheese Salad, 85


cooking in dishwasher, 326

Salmon Gravlax, 385

Salmon Poached in Olive Oil, 168


about, 172, 180

count required, 179

cutting boards and, 44

die off temperatures, 329

in eggs, 174, 191, 293, 329

in meats, 186, 355

on potatoes, 178

rates of reproduction, 171

salt concentrations and, 386

survival temperatures, 172–173

time between ingestion and symptoms, 178

USDA guidelines and, 171


adjusting for water hardness, 241

balancing tastes with, 60

boiling point of water and, 238, 242, 306

in brines, 232

Cumin and Salt Seared Tuna, 169

as flavor enhancer, 16, 56, 65

as food additive, 376

food safety and, 386

gluten formation and, 250

as heat shield, 147

Lancaster on, 232

lethal dose, 382

Maillard reaction and, 214

making ice cream with, 394–395

neutralizing bitterness, 56

osmosis and, 386

poaching eggs and, 193

as preservative, 382–385

Preserved Lemons, 387

Salmon Gravlax, 385

Salt-Roasted Fish with Lemon and Herbs, 147

taste receptors and, 58–59

toxicity of, 64

salt-rising bread, 272

salt roasting, 147

salt water, calibrating freezers using, 244–245

salty (taste)

about, 58–59, 64–65

adjusting seasonings, 65

cravings for, 64

masking bitterness, 74

tasty ingredients by culture, 63

Sanders, Harland, 310

Santoku knife, 37

sarcoplasmic proteins, 163

saturated fats, 150

sauce Béarnaise syndrome, 100

saucepans, 45

sauces. See marinades and sauces


cooking tips, 207

mushrooms, 359

Sautéed Greens with Sesame Seeds, 209

sauté pans, 51

Savage, Adam, 16–17

Savage, Riley, 17

savory (taste). See umami (taste)

scales, digital weight, 258


Bacon-Wrapped Scallops, 437

Scallop Ceviche, 176

Seared Scallops, 220

SC Johnson, 323

Scones, 288

Scoville scale, 80

Scoville, Wilber, 80

scrambled eggs

Scrambled Eggs, Foamed, 315

Scrambled Eggs, Slow, 194

Scully, Eleanor and Terence, 20

seafood. See fish and seafood

Seafood Watch, 115


Cumin and Salt Seared Tuna, 169

heat transfer in, 145

Maillard reaction and, 214

Pan-Seared Mussels with Butter and Shallots, 67

Pan-Seared Steak, 140

Seared Scallops, 220

sea salt, 65, 389


growing seasons charts, 112–113

inspiration by, 112–124

understanding, 88

seaweed, 76

sedimentation, 266, 351

Seeded Crackers, 253

Seitan, Savory Baked, with Spicy String Beans, 257

seized chocolate, 159

sensory analysis, 84

serving bowls, food as, 32

Sesame Seeds, Sautéed Greens with, 209

sharpening knives, 41–43

shear thinning, 409

shortening, 153

Short Ribs, Slow-cooked, 203

Shrimp Scampi, Lemony Quinoa and Asparagus with, 53

side dishes. See appetizers and sides

silicone rubber molds, 341, 344

silicone spatulas, 48

silverskin, 195

Skillet-Fried Potatoes, 216

Skirt Steak, Buttermilk-Marinated, 167

Slim by Design (Wansink), 101

Slow-cooked Short Ribs, 203

slow cookers, 324, 333

smart (venn diagram), 1

smell (olfactory sense), 89–97

about, 89–91

age-related differences, 92

air pressure impact on, 95

chemicals of common aromas, 97

Civille on, 132–133

crossover, 92

defined, 56, 89

describing, 93–95

difference between taste and, 57

experimenting with flavors, 130–131

genetic differences and, 91

olfactory fatigue, 92

physiology of smell and taste, 92

taste and, 86–87, 101

smoke point (fats), 153

S’more Ice Cream, 405

Snickerdoodles, Cinnamon, 225

socially clueless (venn diagram), 1

sodium alginate, 426–427

sodium aluminum sulfate, 286

sodium bicarbonate. See baking soda

sodium carbonate, 241

sodium chloride. See salt

sodium ion, 64–65

sodium laurel sulfate, 60

soft water, 240–242

solvents, 360, 386, 397–398

soup recipes

Basic White Stock, 350

broths, 31, 76, 349

Butternut Squash Soup, 110

Butternut Squash Soup, Fall, 118

consommés, 349, 351

French Onion Soup, One-Hour, 38–39

Gazpacho Soup, 117

Lemon Lentil Soup, 19

Minestrone Soup, 106

Miso Soup, 77

Springtime Lettuce Soup, 116

stocks for. See stocks

Winter White Bean and Garlic Soup, 116

Sour Cream, Homemade, 155

Sourdough Starter, 272

sour (taste)

about, 58–59, 72

adjusting seasonings, 72

confusing with bitter taste, 74

masking, 65, 71

tasty ingredients by culture, 63

sous vide cooking, 320–339

about, 320–322

bacteria and, 320, 322, 325

Baldwin on, 327–329

Beef Steak Tips, 335

Brisket, 48-Hour, 336

chicken and other poultry, 332–333

chocolate, 339

cooking in dishwasher, 326

Dishwasher Poached Apples, 326

eggs and, 320–322, 329

fish and seafood, 329–331

flash pickling, 317, 319–320

food safety and, 325–329

fruits, 337–338

hardware requirements, 323

making a sous vide setup, 324

meats, 334–336

pasteurization and, 325, 329–330, 332

prepackaged foods, 331

root vegetables, 207

slow cookers versus, 333

vacuum packers, 323

vacuum sealers, 318–320, 323

vegetables, 337–338

Sous Vide Cuisine (Roca), 329

Southeast Asian cuisine, 63, 111

soy allergies, 449

soy lecithin, 377

Spanish cuisine

flavorful ingredients by culture, 111

Gazpacho, 117

tasty ingredients by culture, 63

spatulas, silicone, 48

specific heat, 46–47

spherification technique, 418, 426–427


blooming in, 399

Civille on, 132–133

Cumin and Salt Seared Tuna, 169

Khichdi, 311

Smoked Paprika, Chickpea, and Cilantro Chicken, 28

spicy/hot (taste)

about, 58–59, 79–80

adjusting seasonings, 80

genetic taste differences, 61

tasty ingredients by culture, 63

spilanthol, 79

spores, 177, 181, 389, 435


sous vide cooking and, 329

Tomato, Herb, and Squid Bruschetta, 199

stability (egg white foams), 290

stainless steel bowls, 291–292

stainless steel knives, 41

stainless steel pans, 169

stamped blades (knives), 37

Staphylococcus, 386


breaking down in vegetables, 205–212

caramelization and, 223

Lemon Meringue Pie, 411

thickeners, 408–417

in wheat flour, 254


aging, 164, 165

Beef Steak Tips, 335

Buttermilk-Marinated Skirt Steak, 167

Pan-Seared Steak, 140

salt brine for, 232

Steak Tartare with Poached Egg, 174

testing tenderness, 16


cooking eggs, 193

heat transfer and, 142

as mechanical leavener, 236–238

as phase transition, 136

Popovers, 239

pressure cookers and, 311

Quick-Steamed Asparagus, 208

tips for altitude, 238

steamers, 236, 237

stearic acid, 151, 159

steel-cut oats, 12

steel (knives), 37

sterilization, 173, 320

stevioside compound family, 69

Stewart, Jon, 179

Stewart, Martha, 258

stick blenders, 48

stirring versus whisking, 292

stockpots, 45


Basic White Stock, 350

clarifying, 349

drip-thawing, 351

Maillard reactions and, 215

making in pressure cookers, 311

savory taste and, 76–77

Stokes’ Law, 317, 318

storage tips

for butter, 155

for perishable foods, 119–120, 186

for shelf stable food, 175

strainers, 51


Pickle and Strawbery Relish, 129

storage tips, 120

Streptococcus thermophiles, 73

Streptomyces mobaraensis, 436

stromal proteins, 164–165

structural proteins, 164–165, 195

sublimation, 318, 352

substance P, 79

success, definition of, 15


about, 68–69

as food additive, 376

hydrolysis and, 221–223

invertase and, 81, 432

latent heat of, 229

sucrose inversion, 221


baking with yeast and, 241–242

Bread-and-Butter Quick Pickles, 388–389

calibrating oven using, 36

Candied Orange Rind, 396

caramelization and, 138, 221

in cereals, 12

chocolate and, 157

Citrus Marmalade, 396

egg whites and, 291

as flavor enhancers, 56

as food additives, 376

gluten formation and, 249

Maillard reaction and, 213

Marshmallows, 381

Marshmallows, Hot, 415

nutritional labels on, 69

osmosis and, 386

pectin and, 418

as preservatives, 384

reducing, 213

removing taste of, 393

Sugar Cone Bowls for Ice Cream, 342–343

Sugar Cookies, 224–225

Sugar Swizzle Sticks, 356–357

taste receptors and, 58, 68–69

thermally decomposing, 221

Super Envision product, 393

supertasting, 86

suprathreshold, 59

surface contamination, 169, 182, 184

suspensions, 380

Sweet Potato Fries, Grilled, 211

sweet (taste)

about, 58–59, 68

adjusting seasonings, 69

artichokes and, 71

flavor preferences, 60

masking bitterness, 74

sodium ion and, 64–65

taste adaptation and, 60

tasty ingredients by culture, 63

temperature and, 61

Swiss chard, 120

Syrup, Ginger, 70


Tacos (Fish), with Pickle and Strawberry Relish, 129

Talbot, Alex, 315

tannic acid, 423

tapeworms, 183

tartaric acid, 286

tart (taste). See sour (taste)

tastants, 58, 76

taste adaptation, 60

taste aversions, 100

taste buds, 58

taste (gustatory sense), 58–88

adjusting seasonings, 60

air pressure impact on, 95

balancing, 59–60

Bartoshuk on, 86–87

bitter. See bitter (taste)

Civille on, 132–133

cultural upbringing and, 60, 74

defined, 56

difference between smell and, 57

envionmental factors and, 60–61

experimenting with flavors, 130–131

flavor preferences, 60

genetic differences and, 61, 82–83

mixing tastes, 87

organic, local, conventional foods, 122–123

physiology of smell and taste, 61–62

pleasure and, 86–87

salty. See salty (taste)

savory. See umami (taste)

smell and, 86–87, 101

sour. See sour (taste)

spicy/hot. See spicy/hot (taste)

sweet. See sweet (taste)

taste adaptation, 60

taste perversion, 60, 71

taste sensitivity, 59

temperature and, 60–61, 68

umami. See umami (taste)

taste perversion, 60, 71

taste sensitivity, 59

tautomers, 68

temperature controllers, 324

temperature gradients, 139–141, 143

temperature(s). See also key temperatures in cooking

for baking reactions, 138

boiling point of water, 238, 242, 306

for caramelization, 138, 221–230

of common reactions, 138

cooking at extreme, 305, 367–371

familiarizing feel of, 34

FAT TOM acronym, 175

for Maillard reaction, 138, 213–220

for making chocolate, 158

Potter’s kitchen tips, 440

for protein denaturation, 138, 162–169

rate of reaction and, 136–137, 148, 172

sous vide cooking and, 320–321, 327

taste and, 60–61, 68

time and, 135–233

wet heat methods, 143

tempering chocolate, 157–160, 339

tenderizing meats, 165


for doneness, 138, 140

homemade jam, 419

positive for drugs, 16

Savage on, 16–17

steak tenderness, 16

Texas A&M University, 362

texture, food, 165, 322, 412–413

Thai cooking, 80

Theobroma cacao plant, 157, 159

thermal conductivity of metals, 46–47, 142

thermal death time, 172

thermal energy, 46–47

thermal hydrolysis, 197

thermal radiation, 35

thermocouples, 324

thermo-grilling, 414


digital probe, 35, 49, 183, 324

tempering chocolate, 158

thermoreversibility, 414

thickeners, 408–417

about, 408–409

arrowroot, 409–411

cornstarch, 409–411

maltodextrin, 416–417

methylcellulose, 414

This, Hervé, 390–392

thixotropy, 409

3D printing, 340

time and temperature, 135–233. See also chemical reactions

about, 136–138

Duck Confit and, 200

FSIS guidelines, 180

heat transfer, 139–141

as key variables in cooking, 305

Potter’s kitchen tips, 440

sous vide cooking and, 321, 327

time (FAT TOM acronym), 175

Tiramisu, 19

titin, 164


analyzing country of origin, 243

Fresh Basil, Tomato, and Mozzarella Salad, 114

peeling, 117

savory taste in, 76

storage tips, 119

Tomato, Herb, and Squid Bruschetta, 199

Tomato Sauce, 107

tongs, 48

Top Chef (tv show), 25


bacteria and, 173

Botox and, 175

food producers and, 170

sous vide cooking and, 325

trans fats, 151

transglutaminase, 436–437

tree nut allergies, 449

trichinosis, 67

trichomoniasis, 183


about, 148

in cocoa butters, 159

possible crystalline structures, 150

tempering chocolate and, 157

Tuna, Cumin and Salt Seared, 169

Turkish cuisine, 63, 111

Twitter recipes, 19


umami (taste)

about, 58–59, 76–78

adjusting seasonings, 78

flavor preferences, 60

genetic taste differences, 61

Seitan, Savory Baked, with Spicy String Beans, 257

tasty ingredients by culture, 63

Underwriters Laboratories, 308

United Nations, 378

unit of measurement. See measurements

unsaturated fats, 150

UPSIT test, 131

USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)

Food Safety and Inspection Service, 172, 180, 325

food safety recommendations, 172, 180

on refrigerator pickles, 389

testing tenderness of steak, 16


vacuum systems. See also sous vide cooking

about, 317

low-pressure tricks, 317–318

vacuum packers, 323

vacuum sealers, 318–320, 323

vadouvan, 110

Vanilla Custard, 192

Vanilla Extract, 400

vanillin, as food additive, 91, 92, 377

Varasano, Jeff, 269–270

vegemite, 77


artichokes, cooking, 70

Asparagus, Quick-Steamed, 208

Basil, Tomato, and Mozzarella Salad, 114

Belgian Endive, Broiled, 75

Butternut Squash Soup, Fall, 118

Butternut Squash Soup, Vadouvan, 110

cooking approaches, 207

environmentally sound, 115

Fennel, Portobello Mushroom, and Parmesan Salad, 114

food safety and, 179, 182, 200

Gazpacho Soup, Summertime, 117

Grilled Summer Vegetables, 211

Grilled Sweet Potato Fries, 211

Grilled Vegetables, 211

grilling, 117, 211

growing seasons chart, 113

Kale Chips, Crispy Oven, 353

key temperatures for cooking, 205–212

Lemony Quinoa and Asparagus with Shrimp Scampi, 53

Lettuce Soup, Springtime, 116

Minestrone Soup, 106

Peas à la Française, 25

pressure cooking, 311

Roasted Beet Salad, 121

Roasted Glazed Carrots with Red Onions, 230

roasting, 232

Rosemary Mashed Potatoes, 212

Sautéed Greens with Sesame Seeds, 209

sautéeing mushrooms, 359

Skillet-Fried Potatoes, 216

sous vide cooking, 337–338

starch levels in, 205–212

storage tips, 119–120, 186

tomatoes, peeling, 117

vegetarian main dishes. See also salad dishes

Khichdi, 311

Lancaster on, 232

Mac ‘n Cheese, 105

Penne alla Vodka, 107

Seitan, Savory Baked, with Spicy String Beans, 257

Velouté Sauce, 106

Venetian Sauce, 106

Vibrio cholerae, 176, 177

Vibrio vulnificus, 180, 184

vinegar. See also acetic acid

baking soda and, 274, 276

as flavor enhancer, 16

hard water and, 240–241

poaching eggs and, 193

as preservative, 382

viruses, 170, 175

viscosity of dough, 249

vital wheat gluten, 257

vitamin C, 72

Vodka Sauce, 107

volatile compounds, 56, 89–91, 314

volume versus weight (measurement), 50


Waffles, Yeast, 267

Walshin, Lydia, 110

Wansink, Brian, 8, 101–102

water baths. See sous vide cooking

water chemistry

air, hot air, and power of steam, 236–238

analyzing, 243

baking and, 240–242

boiling point of water, 238, 242, 306, 308–309

calibrating freezers, 244–245

egg white stability, 291

error tolerances in baking, 258–259

freezing point of water, 244–245, 306

gluten formation and, 250

heat transfer rate, 142

minerals in water, 240–241

sous vide cooking. See sous vide cooking

tips for altitude, 238

water as solvent, 398

water in butter, 154

water hardness, 240–241

Watermelon and Feta Cheese Salad, 85

Waters, Alice, 302

weighing ingredients, 49–50

weight scales, digital, 258

wet heat methods, 141–142

wet separations, 347–357

about, 347–348

centrifuges in the kitchen, 351–352, 359

crystallization, 356–357

distillation, 360

drying, 352–353

mechanical filtration, 347–351

rotovaps, 360

Sugar Swizzle Sticks, 356–357

What to Eat (Nestle), 376

What We Eat When We Eat Alone (Madison), 29

wheat allergies, 246, 450

wheat gluten, 248

whetstones, 43

whipped cream, 300–301

about, 300

Chantilly Cream, 301

controlling ingredients for, 313

cream whippers, 313–316

making, 17, 301

as mechanical leavener, 300–301

whisks, 292

White Bean and Garlic Soup, 116

white chocolate, 160

White Sauce, 105

White Wine and Cheese Sauce, 298

Wiechmann, Tim, 121

wild fermentation method, 272


cooking with, 99

describing smells, 93

filtering with isinglass, 349

pairing difficulty with artichokes, 71

White Wine and Cheese Sauce, 298–299

Zabaglione, 298–299

Winkel, Kristi, 446

Wolfe, Benjamin, 434–435

Wolfram|Alpha, 11

wood, autoignition point, 153

World Health Organization, 69, 378


yeast, 262–271

about, 262

in beverages, 262

in breads, 264–268

checking, 263

humidity and, 237

stages in cooking, 266

tips for altitude, 238

water hardness and, 241

water pH level and, 241–242

Yeast Waffles, 267

Yeast-Free Pizza Dough, 286

Yogurt, Homemade, 73


Zabaglione, 298

zymase (enzyme), 267

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