About the Author


A. C. Fernando has just retired as a senior professor of Economics and Corporate Governance at the Loyola Institute of Business Administration (LIBA), Loyola College, Chennai. He was then the Director of the Loyola Centre for Business Ethics and Corporate Governance, a centre of excellence established by LIBA. He has been teaching economics-related subjects and Corporate Governance at LIBA since 1990. He was also the Editor of Management Matters, a bi-annual business journal of the institution.

Professor Fernando obtained a postgraduate degree in economics from the University of Madras, following which he was appointed a lecturer in the Department of Economics, Sophia College, Bombay, where he taught all courses relating to economics for 15 years. He was also associated with the University of Bombay where he taught Public Finance for a couple of years at the postgraduate level and pursued research. Concurrently, he also conducted a socio-economic survey on Catholic orphanages for Miserior and worked as a consultant in industry.

Subsequently, Professor Fernando moved to Chennai as the Director of the Training Division of Datamatics Corporation, Chennai, where he designed and conducted several short-term non-formal management and other inter-disciplinary programmes. Having spent a decade as a non-formal educational administrator, he joined a large Chennai-based industrial conglomerate as Corporate Manager, Publicity and Public Relations and Editor of their world-renowned industrial directory, a position he held for almost ten years. During this time, he continued to teach management courses as visiting faculty at the University of Madras, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, the Institute of Bankers and LIBA.

He has co-authored six books on economics, edited three issues of a prestigious industrial directory, Kothari’s Industrial Directory of India, apart from several issues of Management Matters, authored articles on education, economics, management and corporate governance, which have been published by frontline publications including The Hindu. His latest books—Business Ethics and Corporate Ethics, Governance and Social Responsibility—have been well-received by instructors and students in institutes and universities across the country.

A communicator par excellence, Professor Fernando’s expertise in corporate governance stems from his 50-year long teaching experience of the subject as well as his incisive knowledge of the functioning of the Indian economy.

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