
This is a suite of tools created by Latis Networks that provide network discovery functionalities to users (5). The suite comes with three tools tailored for vulnerability management—namely desktop VAM, server VAM, and remote VAM. These three products run in an automated way where they scan and provide a holistic report about a network. The scanning times can also be manually set according to the user's schedule to avoid any network sluggishness that may arise because of the scanning processes. The tools will document all the hosts in a network and list their configurations. The tools will also show the relevant vulnerability scans to be run on each host. This is because the suite is specifically created for vulnerability assessment and management.

The main advantage of this tool is that it scans and records hosts on a network without requiring the installation of a client version on them, like the previously discussed tools. The suite's remote VAM can be used to discover devices running on the perimeter of an internal network from the outside. This is a major advantage when compared to the other inventory tools that have been previously discussed. The suite gives users an option to group the inventory by different business units or through the normal system administrator's sorting methods. The main con of this suite is that, since it does not install a client on the hosts it limits, it is unable to collect in-depth information about them. The main aim of an asset inventory tool is to capture all the relevant information about the devices in an organization, and this suite may at times fail to provide this quality of data.

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