
Nikto is a Linux-based website vulnerability scanner that hackers use to identify any exploitable loopholes in organizational websites. The tool scans the web servers for over 6,800 commonly exploited vulnerabilities. It also scans for unpatched versions of servers on over 250 platforms. The tool also checks for errors in the configurations of files in web servers. The tool is, however, not very good at masking its tracks, and thus almost always gets picked up by any intrusion detection and prevention system.

Nikto works through a set of command-line interface commands. Users first give it the IP address of the website that they wish to scan. The tool will do an initial scan and give back details about the web server.

From there, users can issue more commands to test for different vulnerabilities on the web server. Figure 8 shows a screenshot of the Nikto tool scanning a web server for vulnerabilities. The command issued to give this output is:

    Nikto -host
Figure 8: Screenshot of the Nikto tool looking for vulnerabilities in a Microsoft-IIS web server
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