Flexera (Secunia) Personal Software Inspector

The Secunia Personal Software Inspector (PSI) is a free security tool that identifies vulnerabilities in non-Microsoft (third-party) systems.

PSI scans installed software on your PC and identifies programs in need of security updates to safeguard your PC against cybercriminals. It then helps you to get the necessary software security updates to keep it safe. To make it easier, PSI even automates the updates for your unsecured programs

This is a free vulnerability assessment tool that is complementary to any antivirus software. It constantly monitors your system for unsecured software installations, notifies you when an unsecured application is installed, and even provides you with detailed instructions for updating the application when updates are available.

To download Secunia PSI, simply visit their website at https://www.flexera.com/enterprise/products/software-vulnerability-management/personal-software-inspector/.

Once you install the software, it will examine your computer and give you a percentage score:

If you are not at 100%, you need to patch your other missing updates until you have updated all of your software:

But what if you have more computers? The same scanning capabilities of the PSI are available in the commercial edition: Secunia Corporate Software Inspector (CSI), found at https://www.flexera.com/enterprise/products/software-vulnerability-management/corporate-software-inspector/.

The CSI also provides full integration with existing Microsoft deployment tools SCCM and WSUS, so you can now manage the deployment of critical patches for non-Microsoft updates in the same manner in which you deploy Microsoft updates.

Secunia CSI provides the vulnerability intelligence, vulnerability scanning, patch creation, and patch deployment tools to effectively address the challenge of third-party application patch management.

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