Chapter 7

Commoditization of Biomass Markets

O. Olsson1, P. Lamers2, F. Schipfer3 and M. Wild4,    1Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm, Sweden,    2Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID, United States,    3Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria,    4Wild & Partner, Vienna, Austria


Commodities are intermediate goods available in standardized qualities that are traded on competitive and liquid international markets. In this chapter, we analyze the current status and trajectories in biomass markets to discern to what extent solid biomass fuels are becoming commoditized. We present five criteria that are key indicators in the process towards commoditization and market maturity. These indicators are then used as a framework to understand biomass market developments, with particular focus on wood pellet markets, and identify current obstacles to market maturity. We continuously draw comparisons with developments in fossil fuel markets with the dramatic developments in crude oil markets from the late 1960s to the mid-1980s used as a key example. In both the crude oil example and in the wood pellet discussion, the successful establishment of a futures contract is seen as a litmus test of the commoditization process. We find several similarities between historical and current fossil fuel markets and wood pellet markets in the reliance of vertical integration as a risk management tool and in how rigid fuel quality standards are perceived as obstacles to market liquidity. However, biomass markets also have particular characteristics that are not present in fossil fuel markets, especially the need for sustainability and traceability in supply chains. These are essential features of biomass fuels since their attractiveness to a very high degree relies on their being superior to fossil fuels in terms of lifecycle environmental performance. However, they do make the process of commoditization more difficult. For future discussions on biomass market developments, the tension here must be addressed.


Bioenergy markets; biomass; wood pellets; commodities; transparency; liquidity; standardization; market integration

7.1 Introduction

7.1.1 From Bioenergy to Bioeconomy

The past decade has seen a notable growth of bioenergy consumption in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development region in the transportation, heat, and power sectors. This is a result of two dominating drivers: high and volatile fossil fuel prices and policy measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions to curb the growing threat of anthropogenic climate change. Bioenergy is expected to continue to increase its share in the global and European energy system (Chum et al., 2011). In addition, there is growing interest from both researchers and policymakers in the growing potential of biomass to replace fossil raw materials in other sectors, including but not limited to plastics, pharmaceuticals, and textiles (European Commission, 2012; McCormick and Kautto, 2013).

Biorefineries will play a key role in the large-scale implementation of the bioeconomy, and it is envisioned that biorefineries will replace the current role of petroleum-based refineries in the fossil-based economy (Kamm and Kamm, 2004). Developing efficient systems for the supply of biomass—the raw material input to the processes making up the backbone of the future bioeconomy—will be a key challenge if this vision is to become reality.

The prospect of commoditization of biomass is closely related to these discussions. Searcy et al. (2014) suggest that for biomass to be competitive with fossil materials and fuels, the former have to adopt the physical and institutional market infrastructure of the latter. The eventual emergence of the biobased economy will be highly dependent on the availability of standardized input goods, playing similar roles to those in the current fossil-based economy.

7.1.2 Commoditization of Biomass Markets

The term “commoditization” is increasingly used in relation to biomass markets to describe the transition of biomass-based fuel markets from local and informal to international and commercial (Wynn, 2011; Johnson, 2014). In this chapter, we will discuss the process of commoditization and what is required for an international biomass commodity market to emerge. Comparisons covering both physical/material properties and institutional/market-related issues are drawn with established commodity markets, thereby facilitating a discussion of the prospects of successful biomass commoditization.

7.2 Defining “Commodities”

The terms “commodity” and “commoditization” are quite often thrown around without any clear definition. For the following discussions herein, we will use the definition by Clark et al. (2007, p. 3) who define a commodity as an “… intermediate good with a standard quality, which can be traded on competitive and liquid […] international physical markets.”

This includes the key features that are most characteristic of commodity markets and will thus provide a useful starting point. Two properties of the commodity itself can be distinguished from the definition: commodities are intermediate goods and they are available in standard qualities. There are also properties related to actual market structures, namely that markets are competitive, liquid, and international. In the following, we will take this definition apart in order to more fully analyze what it entails.

7.2.1 Properties of the Good Itself

Commodities tend to be intermediate goods in the sense that they are not used primarily by final consumers, but instead as input in different forms of industrial processes. It is worth noting that these processes can take a wide range of different forms, ranging from combustion for generation of heat and power (energy commodities) to more intricate treatments in, for example, a petrochemical complex. Different end-users have different requirements in terms of input material quality but, in general, heterogeneity in inputs entails a higher risk of disturbance to the process itself or to end-product quality. This is especially true in industrial processes other than pure combustion-based energy generation. For this reason, standardization of input raw material quality is arguably the most crucial characteristic of commodities. Commodities are fungible, that is, “any one sample of ‘it’ would be interchangeable with any other sample of ‘it.’” (Kub, 2014, p. 21). Many naturally occurring materials tend to be quite heterogeneous at the point of origin, be it an oil well or a copper mine. There are also goods, especially of biological origin, that are vulnerable to quality changes or deterioration during transport or storage. For these reasons, some sort of preprocessing is often necessary to achieve fungibility. A typical example is that oranges became a globally traded commodity not by trading the raw fruits but instead trading frozen concentrated orange juice (Newman, 2014).

If there are significant differences in a commodity related to physical qualities, this should be easily controlled and each commodity category should accordingly be divided into different standard qualities. For example, the coal market is divided into two main segments: steam coal and coking/metallurgical coal. Steam coal is used for energy purposes, primarily generation of electricity in condensing power stations. Coking/metallurgical coal, on the other hand, is used as a reducing agent in blast furnaces to remove oxygen from ore and produce pure iron.1 Similarly, distinct grades of wheat are delineated by density and minimum percentages of specific wheat qualities (Clark et al., 2007; USDA, 2013). In the coal market, the separation of the steam coal market segment and the coking coal market segment is floating and market-determined. Sometimes, high-quality steam coal can be used as coking coal and conversely, if the coking coal market is weak but there is strong demand for steam coal, some coking coal shipments might be sold as steam coal (Cameron, 1997; Schernikau, 2010).

It is important to note that quality in this context is restricted to physical product-oriented quality, that is, ash content, moisture content, etc. Process-oriented quality criteria (ie, how the commodity has been extracted, cultivated or processed) have rarely—if everbeen an issue in established commodity markets (cf, Lima and Silveira, 2014). This is something that we will come back to later when discussing if and how traceability and sustainability certification can be combined with commoditization.

7.2.2 Market-Related Properties

Whereas the first part of the definition above (“intermediate good with a standard quality”) concerns the nature of the good itself, the second part (“…which can be traded on competitive and liquid global international markets”) is related to how the good itself is traded between market actors. First of all, it is worth noting that a crucial consequence of the fungibility of commodities is that if all shipments are identical in terms of quality, price will be the sole criterion that determines whether a purchase will be made or not. In turn, this means that in order for a producing firm to be successful, focus on low costs will be a key component of business strategies in commodity markets (Porter, 2008).

As for the first of the criteria in our definition, commodity markets are competitive if there are many buyers and sellers and no single market actor or group of actors can exert enough influence to affect overall market prices. Market prices should thus be set according to the standard (theoretical) economical process of continuous fluctuations in overall market supply and demand balances and ensuing adjustments towards market equilibria (Clark et al., 2007).

Having said this, it is highly doubtful that truly competitive markets will ever exist in the real world. In markets for fossil energy commodities, there are certainly plenty of signs of imperfect market competition.

ent For a long time, natural gas markets were quite heavily regulated, dominated by very long-term bilateral agreements and without much competition. There has certainly been a process towards increasing liberalization in recent decades, but the high reliance on pipelines for transportation still present opportunities for exertion of market power. There are significant differences between different continents as a result of the incomplete globalization of natural gas markets, where North American are more competitive than European. For example, the dominating role of Gazprom in the supply of natural gas to continental Europe has been the source of large controversy related to EU energy security and has been the subject of antitrust investigations by the European Commission (Kanter, 2014).

ent In oil markets, the impact on prices from production agreements within the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is well known, although the actual market power of OPEC certainly has fluctuated significantly in the time since the organization was first formed in the 1960s (Fattouh and Mahadeva, 2013). This is further elaborated upon in chapter “Biorefineries: Industry Status and Economics.”

ent The level of competitiveness in the global coal market differs—as for gas—between geographical markets. In the portion of global markets that includes coal actually traded internationally, a few large mining/commodity trading firms (Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton, Glencore, Xstrata)—that are also active in mining—dominate the supply side. However, the number of firms competing in the supply segment of the global coal market is significantly higher than in individual regions. For example, in 2006, four producers controlled 60% of European coal supply (Schernikau, 2010).

Market liquidity is an indication of how easy it is to convert an asset into cash without major adjustments to the price of the asset in question.2 In order to facilitate market liquidity, it must be simple to acquire a reasonably correct value of the asset, that is, markets need to be transparent. Market transparency in turn is dependent on search costs, that is, the costs of acquiring adequate information necessary to take part in a transaction. A consequence of the fungibility of commodities is that search costs tend to be low, as comparisons between different offers are easy to make. In other words, standardization and fungibility are important in facilitating market transparency and in turn market liquidity (Carruthers and Stinchcombe, 1999).

However, another more important precondition for market liquidity is that there is adequate short-term demand for and adequate supply of the good in question. If there is no demand for a good that you are producing, it can obviously not be converted into cash at all. Since 85% of global energy demand is supplied by fossil fuels, the absence of a market is not a short-term issue for coal, oil, and natural gas. However, demand and supply differ between countries and regions depending on infrastructure (eg, a natural gas network) and energy policies.

The final part of the definition above relates to the geographical extent of markets, that is, the degree of international market integration. In fossil fuel markets, the level of market integration varies between fuels. In the crude oil market, more than 60% of global production is traded internationally, and for all practical purposes it can be seen as fully globalized even in a formal way (Kim et al., 2007). The same is mainly true for coal markets, at least the portions of the coal market actually traded between countries (Zaklan et al., 2012). Natural gas markets, which hitherto have been very dependent on fixed infrastructure in the form of pipelines, have been rather regionalized with only about 29% international trade, although the increased role of liquefied natural gas will likely lead to an increasingly global natural gas market (Siliverstovs et al., 2005).

7.2.3 Futures Contracts: A Sign of Advanced Commoditization

Another key feature of considered commodities is the availability of futures contracts based on the physical commodity in question. Futures contracts can be used for physical supply, but are primarily used for price risk management and hedging. Establishing successful trade in a futures contract is by no means a simple affair. In fact, most futures contracts do in fact not draw sufficient market attention to be useful in the long-term and are thus withdrawn. In order for a futures contract to be successful, the fulfillment of the above-listed commodity criteria is generally deemed a necessity (Brorsen and Fofana, 2001). Thus, it is reasonable to see the successful establishment of a futures contract as a litmus test for the progress of a commoditization process.

7.3 Commoditization Example: The Case of the Crude Oil Market

For our purpose of understanding if and how biomass markets might develop more towards a market structure characterized by fungibility, liquidity, transparency, and globally integrated markets, it might be useful to analyze the commoditization by using a historical example. In the following, we will review the commoditization process as it took place in the oil industry from the early 1970s to the mid-1980s.

7.3.1 The Commoditization of the Crude Oil Market From 1973 to 1987

Although the current situation with crude oil as an established commodity with an active futures market may be perceived as the normal order of things, the oil industry was dominated by vertically integrated companies for most of its history up until the 1970s. This was reflected in rigid price schemes and only small volumes actually being traded in the open market. Most oil flowed from wellhead to consumer within one single company, primarily one of the so-called Seven Sisters3 that dominated the industry up until the 1970s (Parra, 2009; Yergin, 2009).

The historical prevalence of vertical integration as a means of organizing the crude oil industry is in fact not surprising, at least not if one looks at what is suggested by transaction cost theory (Williamson, 1979). Crude oil has a high degree of product heterogeneity and requires very capital-intensive infrastructure for processing. These are factors that are likely to result in industry organization relying on tightly coupled supply chains with vertical integration as a logical strategy.

The dominance of the Seven Sisters in the oil industry began to be challenged in the 1960s as new petroleum-rich countries started to develop their resources. In several cases, these new countries actively chose to encourage so-called independent (ie, non-Seven Sisters) oil companies to participate in development of new fields (Parra, 2009). This meant that growing—albeit still relatively quite small—volumes of crude oil were being handled outside the vertically integrated majors.

However, real change in the oil industry came in the 1970s with the oil crises in 1973–74 and 1979–80. The first crisis came in the middle of an ongoing wave of nationalization of oil resources, and consisted of two main components: (1) an OPEC embargo against the US and the Netherlands for their support of Israel in the Yom-Kippur war of October 1973 and (2) a significant reduction in Saudi Arabian oil production. Together, these two events had a massive effect on world energy markets as well as on the global economy, and were instrumental in highlighting the strengthening grip of OPEC countries over resources and prices. The Seven Sisters were losing nominal control over upstream resources, thereby involuntarily divesting the first stage of the vertically integrated supply chain (Van Vactor, 2004). Nevertheless, basic industry structures still remained by and large the same, as the producing countries were still reliant on the multinational oil companies for bringing the oil to market, with only marginal amounts sold and distributed through other channels (Fattouh, 2011).

This all changed when the second oil crisis came in 1979 as the Iranian revolution broke out and production in Iran dropped by 90% in a matter of weeks. British Petroleum (BP) in particular was very heavily dependent on oil from Iran, and when production more or less stopped, BP had to work frantically to make up for this shortfall to be able to live up to its own downstream obligations. The only way to do this was to try to outbid the other multinationals over crude from other countries, thereby further opening up the oil market into a vastly more dynamic structure (Van Vactor, 2004).

At the same time, OPEC tried to maintain a homogeneous price structure within the cartel, an ambition that was obviously challenged when individual OPEC countries took advantage of BP’s scramble for volumes to make up the Iranian shortfall. Long-term contracts were broken which meant that the companies on the receiving end of these contracts in turn had to find these volumes elsewhere at higher prices. All this meant opportunities for a host of traders and brokers to move in to facilitate the large number of spot deals that followed (Fattouh, 2011; Van Vactor, 2004).

The consequence of this was a very chaotic market situation, with vast price dispersion as actual OPEC prices could vary in the 15–45$ range in December 1979. This was at the same time as the cartel tried to uphold a jointly administrated pricing system where the official benchmark OPEC price was only supposed to change after negotiations at official all-OPEC meetings (Van Vactor, 2004).

During the early years of the 1980s, oil demand dropped significantly at the same time as new production was coming online from the North Sea and elsewhere. These new suppliers gained market access by offering their crude in the spot market at lower prices than OPEC and hence OPEC’s market share dropped from 51% to 28% in the time period (1973–85) (Fattouh, 2011). Spot market deals were also vastly growing as a share of the total market and prices in long-term contracts were to an increasing extent indexed to spot market prices. The consequence was an even closer link between oil prices and actual market fluctuations in terms of supply and demand balances. Moreover, in the early 1980s, price reporting agencies such as Platt’s and Petroleum Intelligence Weekly started collecting and reporting crude oil spot prices on a weekly basis (Van Vactor, 2004). Information technology had also developed to the point where very rapid dissemination of information to market actors was possible, which further increased market transparency (Rost, 2015).

A crucial step in the commoditization process was taken when the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) successfully launched a crude oil futures contract in 1983. This had been attempted several times previously by different exchanges, but all previous launches had failed. However, NYMEX had a few years earlier been successful in launching a heating oil contract in a time when the energy market was obviously quite tumultuous already and when a cold winter in the US northeast further increased the need for price risk management tools. This paved the way for the later launch of the NYMEX crude oil futures contract, thereby putting the final major piece in the puzzle that makes up today’s crude oil market (Van Vactor, 2004).

7.3.2 Analysis

If we go through our list of commodity criteria from Section 7.2 and analyze the oil example from this perspective, the main issue preventing the process of commoditization before the 1970s was arguably the lack of market competitiveness. As for the other criteria, oil markets were already very much international in the 1960s, standards had been developed since the 1920s and oil was obviously an intermediate good used to produce everything from asphalt to plastics. In addition, as most transactions were within a single firm, market liquidity was by and large a nonissue. However, the oligopolistic market structure and the fact that most oil flowed within the organizational walls of one of the Seven Sisters presented an insurmountable obstacle to further market development. Thus, it was not until the vertically integrated structures were ruptured that the commoditization process truly picked up speed. When (1) the OPEC countries started to assert control over oil resources and then—in the wake of the Iranian revolution—(2) spot market activity increased drastically, the barriers to commoditization were by and large removed.

7.4 Commoditization of Biomass Markets

In this section, the prospects for commoditization of biomass markets are discussed by reviewing the commodity criteria in regards to current (mid-2015) status of markets for biomass fuels, wood chips, and wood pellets in particular.

7.4.1 “Intermediate Goods”: What Is the Commodity Used For?

The first and perhaps least controversial commodity criterion is the definition that commodities are intermediate goods. This is true for both wood chips and wood pellets, although the classification of the latter merits some qualification as it is used in both industrial and consumer markets.4

Worth noting about wood chips is that they are used both for energy purposes and as raw material in the production of pulp and paper products. This is worth discussing a bit further, especially in light of a development towards a biobased economy, where more possible end-users for biomass are expected to emerge and grow in significance. Here, there are interesting similarities with the market for coal and its division into steam coal and coking coal. In biomass markets, wood chips and precursors like pulpwood-quality roundwood might occasionally be used for energy purposes in weak pulp markets or bullish energy markets (Olsson, 2012). In other words, current market conditions decide whether the commodity in question is used for energy purposes or as an industrial input.

With the role of policy measures as a key determinant of biomass market developments, the issue of whether a certain shipment is used for energy or for industrial purposes has however become a rather contentious issue (Brännlund et al., 2010). In particular, in discussions about the actual implementation of a biobased economy, the issue of cascading is often brought up as a founding principle, emphasizing the importance that biomass resources are used in a way that maximizes resource efficiency (eg, European Commission, 2012). In this framework, which is based on a hierarchy of different uses, energy should be the last and final stage of the biomass use chain, that is, wood should first be used to produce lumber for, for example, construction, which at the end of its lifespan can be used to produce, for example, particle board and then, when the piece of particle board is finally to be discarded it should be combusted with energy recovery. As a principle, there is much to be said for this idea. However, there are discussions on an EU level of implementing the cascading principle in legislation and as a part of long-term strategies towards the biobased economy (European Commission, 2014). Actual implementation of such a framework is bound to be problematic, at least if past experiences in similar ventures are taken into account.5

The introduction of policy measures that aim to steer streams of fuels and raw materials in one direction or the other are difficult to implement with success. Category leakages and lack of policy cohesiveness between countries are likely to create loopholes in legislation that would require continuous patchwork and consequently more of the political uncertainties that have hindered stability in bioenergy markets.

The complexities arising from policy ambitions prioritizing some uses of biomass over others should thus not be underestimated, especially when it comes to these policy ambitions interfering with market functions. The political component is arguably the most significant risk in biomass markets when it comes to presenting obstacles to market development and commoditization. However, it is also worth contemplating the prospect of further segmentation of biomass markets between the use of biomass for energy and the use of biomass as (industrial) production process input. This would have important consequences not least for our next topic: standardization and product homogeneity.

7.4.2 Fungibility, Homogeneity, and Standardization Product Quality

As noted above, fungibility is central to the definition of a commodity. Apart from being a technical property, minimizing uncertainty for the consumer about the characteristics of the raw material used in an industrial facility or a power station boiler, fungibility is also a vital precondition for market transparency, in turn a key facilitator of market liquidity.

The relative lack of progress in the commoditization of coal markets is often attributed to the unsatisfactory product homogeneity with large variations in coal quality between different mines and across the different categories of coal from lignite to anthracite. If the commodity is not homogeneous it can by definition not be a commodity. Lack of homogeneity is omnipresent in biomass fuels regardless of origin, albeit to a varying degree. Unrefined biomass fuels such as wood chips tend to be very heterogeneous in nature, with key properties like moisture content, ash content, ash composition, and energy density all depending on a host of different factors related to the actual geographical origin of the biomass, the (tree) species, and so on. Pelleting of wood and other biomass was a preprocessing innovation that made possible, among other things, a higher level of homogenization, which in turn means, for example, that a higher degree of automatization could be achieved in all further steps of handling and consumption (even small-scale wood pellet boilers can be automatized).

However, market actors in general and consumers in particular have for quite some time seen insufficient regularity in pellet quality as an obstacle to further market development. Processes aiming at biomass standardization to establish distinct standard qualities have been ongoing since the 1990s. Starting with national or regional wood pellet standards, these have since widened in geographical scope with a European standard (EN 14961-2) published in 2010 and a global (ISO 17225-2) in 2014. Successful adoption of standards by the market should be a key stepping stone in the development towards a commodity market for wood pellets.

At the same time, the relative immaturity of biomass markets makes standardization a complicated process, as there is the prospect of technological developments changing conditions drastically. Specifically, the process of torrefaction holds great promise when it comes to enabling further homogenization of biomass. Torrefaction is a preprocessing step that can remove heterogeneity in raw material input significantly, with torrefied biomass being quite similar to coal in many physical properties.

In other words, fungibility from the market perspective might result from both institutional development (standardization) and technological developments enabling the production of a more homogeneous good. It should also be noted that there is another possible route towards the end-goal of reducing risks related to the physical quality of raw material or fuel. Instead of achieving an ever-more homogeneous input, an alternative could be to build processes or develop combustion equipment that has a high level of tolerance for variations in fuel quality. In fact, fuel flexibility has been a widespread strategy across the heating and power sector, for example, in Sweden. Here, most newly constructed combined heat and power boilers are constructed to use a rather wide variety of fuels from municipal solid waste to wood chips.

As for the importance of commoditization for future biomass markets in a biobased economy, there are potential lessons to be learned from the separation of the coal market into steam/energy coal and coking/metallurgic coal. In the coking coal market, homogeneity and quality consistency is a key feature and a necessity for industrial processes to work smoothly, whereas there is more space for quality variations in the steam coal market. One example of the latter is of course the cofiring of wood pellets with coal. This does not mean that steam coal consumers are unconcerned with quality properties, but they do have more opportunities for flexibility. For example, coal of different qualities can be mixed to achieve a desired average level for which a boiler is optimized (Schernikau, 2010). Boilers can also be retrofitted to allow for more flexibility when it comes to coal quality. An example of this is the installation of scrubbers in many European coal-fired power stations, which made it possible to use less expensive high-sulfur coal without breaching air pollution norms (eg, Cameron, 1997). It is however interesting to note that some coal traders and market analysts have a tendency to think that the quality criteria are allowed to play too large a role and thus be a larger obstacle than necessary to interchangeability between different coals. This is attributed to exaggerated concerns among power station engineers about the actual economic value of homogeneity in fuel input (Cameron, 1997; Walters, 2010). Interestingly, the same kinds of discussions are now ongoing in reference to wood pellet markets, where some have argued that excessively tight quality criteria stipulated by large wood pellet consumers are creating an obstacle to further market development (Maroo, 2012).

Thus, the drive for the commoditization of wood pellets may not be strong enough as long as the generation of heat and power remains the major point of final consumption. In other words, commoditization may be further pushed by industrial processes with tight quality requirements, for example, cellulosic biofuel production. Here, conversion efficiencies are directly related to the quality of the input material and drop significantly, for example, under higher moisture and/or ash content (Argo et al., 2013; Muth et al., 2014). This increases production costs, reduces market competitiveness, and general economic viability of the business operation. Commoditization, Sustainability, and Traceability

As noted above, a key characteristic of commodities is that any one sample or shipment of, for example, Brent crude oil should be no different than any other sample or shipment. In other words, it does not matter where, when and how the specific commodity batch was produced as long as it fulfills the quality requirements for the grade in question. This means that buyers and sellers need not engage in time- and resource-consuming negotiations or relationship building for each of them to be certain that the actual deal will satisfy their respective aspirations. The fungibility characteristic thus significantly reduces transaction costs and acts as a great facilitator of market transparency and market liquidity.

However, concurrently with the development of biomass commoditization, there is a drive towards increased lifecycle traceability in order to ensure sustainability throughout the supply chain. Whether or not further commoditization of biomass is possible in this environment is an important question. The current fragmentation of criteria between not only different certification systems but between countries and continents as well could create an obstacle to the transition towards biomass commoditization (Rodriguez et al., 2011). Commoditization of raw materials for the bioeconomy will require not only harmonization and standardization of physical product quality but of process-related qualities, that is, supply chain sustainability and traceability, as well. There have been suggestions to include sustainability criteria as a component in futures contracts for biofuels (Mathews, 2008) which should be feasible, but traceability is another question.

There are however also problems with current setups of systems to ensure sustainability of bioenergy supply chains. Currently, complex mandatory sustainability criteria are implemented in both the EU and the US to ensure that bioenergy raw materials are produced in a sustainable manner. However, most if not all of these raw materials are being cultivated and processed for other purposes (food, feed, industrial inputs, etc.) without the rigorous clout of sustainability requirements surrounding the bioenergy sector. This situation with the existence of two completely different sets of standards leads to risks of leakages between categories (Pelkmans et al., 2014). Although this is already problematic, the situation is particularly untenable in the light of an eventual development towards a biobased economy with biomass-based materials replacing fossil materials not only for energy purposes but as industrial inputs in general.

7.4.3 Market Structure

A general characteristic of biomass markets is that the bulky nature of biomass and the ensuing low economic value per volume unit make transportation costs a large share of overall costs. This has a tendency to reduce the geographical extent of biomass markets.

The international trade in biomass for energy has thus far primarily been an issue of international trade in wood pellets for use in large-scale generation of heat and electricity, where pellets are often replacing coal. Industrial wood pellet markets seem to inherit much of the basic structure of the international coal trade, but with an even higher degree of market concentration. Although no recent assessment of the market concentration is publicly available, a handful of European utilities (Drax, EON, RWE, Dong, Vattenfall, GDF-Suez) make up the vast majority of globally consumed pellet volumes.

From a global perspective, the vast majority of wood pellet producers operate rather small production facilities. However, a gradually larger share of global pellet production is being concentrated in a smaller number of key production facilities with the emergence of a rapidly expanding wood pellet production sector in the southeastern United States. US pellet production plants are several times larger than the largest European facilities (excluding the Vyborgskaya plant in the Russian Federation).

Another key characteristic of the transatlantic trade in wood pellets is that several of the large pellet plants constructed in the US are actually owned by the very same European utilities that are end-consumers of the pellets to be produced. As was noted in the discussion on the oil industry in Section 7.3.1, vertical integration can often be a natural strategy for managing both price risks and supply risks, especially in immature markets with heterogeneous products.

In addition, the industrial wood pellet market can also be classified as oligopolistic, at least on the buyers’ side. The high level of market concentration in wood pellet markets is evident from the effects of the 2012 fire in RWEs wood pellet-fired power station in Tilbury. The damage from the fire meant that Tilbury was out of operation for several months. The power station would have consumed pellet volumes amounting to what was at the time a significant share of the total global market, volumes that then were sold into the open market, leading to a significant drop in prices (Kinney, 2012). The fact that events at a single facility had clear effects on overall market prices is a clear indication of the level of market concentration.

7.4.4 Market Liquidity

The concept of market liquidity and its status in biomass markets is closely related to fungibility but also to market concentration. An increased level of market transparency would be expected as a result of increased levels of standardization in biomass markets, especially wood pellets. Market liquidity is to a large extent a function of adequate supply of and adequate demand for the product in question. This was not an issue in the vertically integrated oil industry of the 1960s6 as reviewed in chapter “Biorefineries: Industry Status and Economics,” but the special characteristics of biomass markets (the policy dependence in particular) mean that both sides of the market are uncertain. Wood pellet demand has certainly been growing for several decades and the heating market segment continues to do so at a solid pace. However, demand growth from the power market is quite erratic and dependent on policy decisions relating to policy measures supporting renewable electricity.

This means that, depending on the current policy environment, demand may be very strong or very weak, leading to general uncertainty that has clear implications for market liquidity. It is difficult to know, for example, if an investment in the pellet supply chain will make economic sense. It might not be possible to sell the produced pellets at a price necessary to make the investment profitable. Of course, these are the kinds of decisions that all businesses face, but the reliance of biomass markets on policy measures and the lack of long-term signals in, for example, EU policy regarding biomass for energy means that uncertainties are unusually high. A similar dilemma faces a power station considering converting its boilers from coal to pellets. The conversion will likely require large volumes of pellets, but whether or not these will be available in the open market is very difficult to know given the large overall level of market uncertainty. In this context, prevailing strategies of off-take contracts and vertical integration make sense, reducing risks at both ends of the supply chain. However, the process of facilitating bilateral contracts can be very arduous and time-consuming with each new transaction requiring specific negotiations and agreements on a large variety of conditions (Maroo, 2012; cf, Rodriguez et al., 2011; cf, Joskow, 1987).

7.4.5 International Market Integration

As for the level of international market integration in biomass markets, this is a topic that has thus far only been analyzed to a rather limited extent in comparison to the plethora of analyses of fossil fuel markets. There is no doubt that there is plenty of international trade in both wood chips and wood pellets, and in the latter case there are also very large intercontinental trade flows, especially from North America to Europe. It has been estimated that almost half of total global wood pellet production was traded between countries in 2010 (Lamers et al., 2012), which means that in this regard wood pellet markets are more internationalized than both coal and natural gas markets.

However, market integration is not only a matter of traded volumes, but rather—and actually even more so—of actual spillover of market fluctuations from one region to another. Whether this is the case is commonly investigated by analyzing price series over time to determine the extent to which prices comove. This methodology has been widely implemented in markets for coal (Zaklan et al., 2012), oil (Kim et al., 2007), and natural gas (Siliverstovs et al., 2005). As for wood fuel markets, the level of international market integration seems to be quite low. Only wood pellet markets in neighboring countries (Sweden–Denmark and Austria–Germany–Italy) show signs of market integration according to recent studies (Olsson et al., 2011, 2012; Olsson and Hillring, 2014; Bürger, 2015).

7.4.6 Conclusions

In this chapter, commoditization of biomass markets has been analyzed by focusing on the development of wood pellet markets and with the commoditization of crude oil as a point of comparison. It is important to note that this comparison only holds partial value as a result of the current fragmentation of the wood pellet market into (1) an industrial market focused on large-scale production, transport, and consumption (mainly for electricity generation) and (2) a more geographically constrained market with small-scale heating as the main source of demand. The two are not perfectly delineated or defined and there is a certain extent of flows between them, but in terms of market organization there are clear differences that must be acknowledged.

As with crude oil, it can be argued that vertical integration is the natural form of organization of at least the industrial portion of the wood pellet market.7 Both oil and wood pellets can vary substantially in quality—although wood pellets arguably less so than crude oil—and both fuels are reliant on capital-intensive infrastructure and economies of scale to make economic sense. To our knowledge there is no up-to-date comprehensive information on the extent of vertical integration in the industrial wood pellet market. However, it certainly seems to be an increasingly common strategy for European utilities to invest in overseas wood pellet production facilities to thereby have control over almost the entire supply chain,8 with RWE and Drax as key examples (Voegele, 2014). There are also examples of vertical integration being utilized as a strategy from the supply side. In August 2015, pellet producer German Pellets announced the acquisition of a Belgian power station planned to undergo conversion from coal to pellets (Argus Media, 2015).

The question is: what might shift market developments to a higher share of spot trading in wood pellet markets? In the oil market, a host of factors combined to change (what seemed to be) the “natural” organization of the industry to something completely different. The decoupling of the resource ownership from the vertically integrated supply chain was obviously a key factor, but the tumultuous market swings and violent price fluctuations from 1973 to 1987 are arguably as important. The latter certainly stimulated the interest in short-term spot deals that could be done to draw use of a temporary favorable market opportunity that might only last a short while until things turned around. The information technology development of the 1970s and 1980s also made it possible to quickly access relevant market information. Brokers and traders were drawn into the market to facilitate these deals and profit from arbitrage opportunities. Similarly, the demand from market actors for stability and reduction of price risk paved the way for the establishment of the NYMEX crude oil futures contract. In the final section of this chapter we will outline the major obstacles that need to be removed for biomass to complete the commoditization process.

7.5 Biomass Commoditization: The Way Forward

7.5.1 Futures Contract Failure: A Sign of Market Immaturity

In addition to the five criteria that we used for the basis of analysis herein, a key characteristic of most commodity markets is the existence of a futures market based on the physical market of the commodity in question (cf, Siqueira et al., 2008).

In November 2011, APX-Endex in cooperation with the Port of Rotterdam introduced the possibility of trading a wood pellets futures contract based on their price index. This was generally seen as a ground-breaking move in terms of it being the first example of financial trading in a solid biomass fuel (Port of Rotterdam, 2011). However, the contract did not receive a large amount of interest from market actors and little or no actual trading in the contract carried out (Walet, 2012). In fact, as of the fall 2012 not a single trade in the contract had been conducted (Maroo, 2012) and less than 2 years after its introduction, ICE Endex discontinued the contract (ICE Endex, 2013).

It should be mentioned that a somewhat unusual feature of the APX-Endex contract was that physical delivery was mandatory, whereas in other futures markets this is an option that is available but rarely used. This is likely to have contributed to the failure of the contract (Rost, 2015). At the same time, CME offers a wood pellet swap contract which in contrast is a strictly financial product with exchange only of financial flows and not of any physical pellets (Murray, 2012). Allegedly, trade in this contract has also been very sparse. Although it is important to note that most new futures contracts are terminated within 10 years of their introduction (Brorsen and Fofana, 2001), the reasons for the failed attempts at financial trade in wood pellets are likely to be found in current pellet market structures. The key question is: which are remaining obstacles and what steps need to be taken for these to be overcome?

7.5.2 The Road to Commoditization

Porter (2008) argues that “…products have a tendency to become more like commodities over time as buyers become more sophisticated and purchasing trends tend to be based on better information” (Porter, 2008, p. 3107). Does this mean that commoditization of biomass is only a matter of time? Or are there specific characteristics to biomass markets that will continue to present obstacles to commoditization over the foreseeable future? Commoditization: Good for the Market but Not for All Market Actors?

It is important to note that for a single market actor, commoditization is by no means necessarily a desired development. If a good is fungible and competition is based on price only, this makes for a very competitive market, which is good for market function as a whole but not for all individual market actors. Instead, companies will often attempt to make the case that their specific brand is unique in one way or another and thus worth paying a premium for. As Roeber (1993, p. 77) put it “… transparency is the enemy of trading margins, and most companies would prefer to be partly-sighted in a foggy world.”

Although Porter suggests that most goods over time tend to become commodities, this is not necessarily a one-way street. Sustainability as a concept is currently commonly being used in many product markets as a way to distinguish otherwise fungible commodities and thereby command a price premium (Lima and Silveira, 2014).

The control of prices and theoretically also quality was observed in the vertical integration of many value chains, including the previous examples of the oil and wood pellet industry. A similar pattern has been observed in the biofuel industry. For example, in Argentina, the key biodiesel producers have either ties to the upstream (vegetable oil production) or downstream part of the process (petroleum refineries). Policy-Related Obstacles to Biomass Commoditization

For biomass to fulfill its potential not only as an energy source but also the raw material in an emerging bioeconomy, it is imperative to have long-term policies that work in support of this goal, not against it. In both the US and the EU, bioenergy policies have, in the recent decade, been erratic and constantly under revision. This creates an atmosphere of investment uncertainty that will hinder a sustained market development. The establishment of stable long-term policies that will work in a bioeconomy with biomass utilized in a wide variety of end-uses from food, to fodder, biochemical, and energy will be an exceptional challenge.

To make the bioeconomy vision and the prospect of biomass as a true commodity a reality, sustainability rules and regulations should be the same for all forms of biomass, regardless of their end-use. The seemingly micromanaging approach imposed, for example, by the current EU Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC, is counterproductive. Technological development and the possibility to base the bioeconomy on a wide range of feedstock will make the distinctions between “biofuels,” “bioliquids,” and “solid biomass used for electricity, heating, and cooling” artificial and redundant. Introducing more specific rules to account for the variation in different end-uses and raw materials will only increase the probability of loopholes being exploited by savvy market actors. Similar problems are bound to arise from attempts of policy-induced rationing and earmarking of biomass resources for certain end-uses and not for others. Therefore, it is likely that the bioeconomy will require a complete reworking of the policy frameworks surrounding the use and trade of biomass resources. As this would obviously interfere with the established rigidities of agricultural tariff systems, it is however very difficult at this point to see how this would be carried out in practice. Market-Related Obstacles to Biomass Commoditization

In the shorter term, it is worth contemplating the barriers to commoditization that contributed to the failure of the Rotterdam wood pellet futures contract. A key problem here is that the global wood pellet market is very much dominated by a handful of European utilities relying heavily on off-take contracts and vertical integration for management of both supply risk and price risk. Expanding the number of market actors, reducing the dominance of European utilities in the international wood pellet market, and thereby making the market more dynamic is necessary for continuing the commoditization process. A few pathways on how this might take place can be perceived.

One possibility would be the increased wood pellet demand from power producers in other continents. Here the recent years’ growth of the Asian market could potentially inject more competition into the global pellet market. However, it is quite possible that the Asian market would develop into a separate market, separated from the European market by long distances and excessive transport costs. Shipping costs have also, in the last decade, proven to be very volatile, which is by itself a formidable obstacle to market integration and development. Innovations in logistics and/or preprocessing (eg, torrefaction) will likely be necessary to make possible sustained integration of the European and Asian wood pellet markets.

Another alternative would be the integration of the large-scale market of wood pellets for power production with the small-scale residential heating market. If wood pellet producers primarily focused on the large-scale market (1) are capable of producing pellets of a quality necessary for residential boilers and (2) have the proper channels to make their pellets available to residential consumers, this could strengthen the links between the two market segments. This could be an important way forward in terms of overall market development. The residential heating market is inherently characterized by a greater level of seasonal uncertainty as year-to-year demand can vary significantly depending on winter temperatures. In addition, the severity of winters can also vary between, for example, different parts of Europe, which also opens up arbitrage opportunities with trade being used to balance supply and demand. These uncertainties also open up for traders and brokers to play a more important role in providing market balance. Furthermore, a futures contract focused on pellets used in the European heating market was launched by Euronext in October 2015 (Euronext, 2015). It is quite possible that this approach could be more fruitful than the previous attempts at establishing futures trading based on the large-scale market. The number of individual transactions is obviously a lot higher in the small-scale heating market and the seasonality uncertainty increases demand for price risk management and hedging. Recall also from Section 7.3.1 that it was the successful establishment of a heating oil futures contract that paved the way for futures trading in crude oil. Similarly, it is quite possible that it is the small-scale heating market that will lead the way in terms of establishing more sophisticated means of price risk management for wood pellets.


Olle Olsson’s contribution to this chapter has been supported by the Norden Top-level Research Initiative subprogram “Effect Studies and Adaptation to Climate Change” through the Nordic Centre of Excellence for Strategic Adaptation Research (NORD-STAR).


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1Although it should be emphasized that coke is also used as fuel to generate the heat required in the smelting process.

2Cash itself is the most liquid asset.

3The Seven Sisters in 1960 were BP, Royal Dutch/Shell, Gulf Oil, SoCal, Texaco, Esso, and Socony. Gulf, SoCal, and Texaco were later merged into what is now Chevron and Esso and Socony are today parts of ExxonMobil.

4Wood pellets for residential consumption have some distinct characteristics that are not found in wood pellets traded for large-scale heat and power generation. These characteristics include some differences in quality requirements, but also an entirely different marketing structure where seasonality, warehousing, retailers, and branding are important components. The interaction between the large-scale market and the residential pellet market is found to be an interesting case to study, but to our knowledge this has not been done thus far.

5There are examples of similar regulations that have been problematic in several ways, for example, in the natural gas industry (Castillo Castillo, 2012; Talus, 2014) and also the Swedish wood fuel market in the 1980s and 1990s (Vinterbäck and Hillring, 1995).

6However, in the very early stages of the oil market development in the late 19th century, the industry was characterized by an almost continuous disequilibrium situation. Shortage was followed by surplus supplies which repeatedly caused large numbers of companies to bankrupt. This was largely due to the fact that development of infrastructure for distribution was lagging behind the growth in supply as well as demand (Sampson, 1975; Yergin, 2009).

7Production aimed at the small-scale premium market has not been as driven by economies of scale as the industrial segment of the market, although this may change with convergence between the two. See Section for a more elaborate discussion on this.

8The “almost” qualification is needed since the utilities do not tend to own forest land itself, but rather stop their integration ambitions at the wood pellet production plant.

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