Free Resources

Some of our Digital Painting Techniques tutorial artists have kindly supplied, where appropriate and possible, free resources to accompany their tutorials for you to download to follow along with their teachings. You will find free custom brushes donated by Carlos Cabrera, Mélanie Delon, Mike Corriero, Daarken and Nykolai Aleksander, and on top of these 3DTotal are also providing a base painting to accompany some of our environment tutorials by Carlos Cabrera, as well as a photo (plate) for the matte painting tutorials by Tiberius Viris.



All you need to do to access these free resources is to visit the new 3DTotal micro site at, go to the Books section, and there you will find information on how to download the files. Simply look out for the “free resources” logo on articles within this book that have files for you to download from!

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