Chapter 1. So You Want to Do Business in China

In This Chapter

  • Understanding the opportunities

  • Recognizing that you’re on a journey like no other

  • Seeing whether your company is good for what China has to offer

  • Finding the correct path for your future

  • Taking the next steps

China certainly has plenty of prospects for foreign companies. The flip side is that it can be a tough place to do business. Your company’s China team will be challenged to deliver results on time and within expectations. Even some of the world’s biggest and best companies have stumbled hard in China. Before you consider investing in China, your company needs to figure out whether the opportunities are a good fit.

Finding the right path for your company is key. You need to understand how the market really works and what role the government plays in your business. Be prepared to change course from time to time in response to this fast-changing market. You may face some of the most brutal negotiations you’ve ever seen. You have to play by their rules on their home turf, doing business the Chinese way.

Consider this chapter your personal guide on your business trek to China. Your guides have successfully been down this path many times. The journey will probably be long and exhausting, but it’ll likely be very rewarding in the end. Let the journey begin!

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