Foolish Assumptions

We wrote this guidebook on China with some thoughts about businesspeople like you. Here’s what we assume about you, our valued reader:

You’re a business professional with some know-how about running a company. You may have some knowledge about international markets.
You’re looking for solid advice on how to understand the Chinese business system and the Chinese culture, too. You want a book that explains China business in a way that can add immediate value to your company and can be put to good use today.
You’ve heard the hype and want to understand if and how your business can benefit by being in China. Or you have a great idea for a business and want to figure out whether it’ll work in China. You want to know what opportunities in China make the most sense.
You’re part of a small- to medium-sized manufacturer looking for sourcing or a small company looking to sell your product or service in China. You want to do business within China or from abroad.
Much of what you know about China comes from reading Western news sources.

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