What You’re Not to Read

We’ve written this book so you can find the information you want when you want it. We think you’re probably too busy running your business to want to read every word from start to finish. We’ve identified some information in this book as skippable material. You may find this information of interest if you have spare time on your hands, but you won’t sink a business deal just because you skipped over it! So we won’t be offended if you don’t want to look at information such as

Text in sidebars: The sidebars are the shaded boxes that appear here and there. They share mini business case studies and observations on China. Some of them are funny or outrageous. They can be useful illustrations of points that we’ve made in the text.
Anything with a Technical Stuff icon attached: This information is interesting but isn’t required reading to get an understanding of business in China.
The stuff on the copyright page: Maybe you want to save this info for some late night bedtime reading while you’re trying to overcome the jet lag from your trip to China! (Otherwise, if you’re thinking of knocking off this book, rest assured that it’s protected by copyright.)

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