Chapter 17. Simple Input Output

  • Design Philosophy

  • The Class

  • Keyboard I/O

  • Output

  • Wrapping Additional Output Classes

  • Input

  • Reader Wrappers

  • Inputting ASCII Characters and Binary Values

  • Input Stream Wrappers

  • Further Reading

  • Exercises

  • Some Light Relief—The Illegal Prime Number!

SCSI-wuzzy was a bus.

SCSI-wuzzy caused no fuss.

SCSI-wuzzy wasn't very SCSI, was he?

Designing input/output (henceforth “I/O”) libraries is a lot harder than it might appear. There have been some spectacular blunders in the past. One language, Algol 60, gave up on I/O altogether, leaving it out of the language specification and making it an implementation-defined detail! Pascal has the deficiency that you can't test for end-of-file until you have read from the file, distorting all while loops that control input. The C library gets() call to read a string from a stream is probably the biggest single security hole in the history of computing.

It was responsible for the November 1988 Morris Worm that permeated all the then 50,000 (!) hosts on the Internet.[1] Classic Fortran I/O is so ugly because John Backus's team decided to reuse an existing IBM 704 assembler library instead of designing their own language support.

Getting to Know Java I/O

We'll start off by giving you an idea of what the problems are with Java I/O (we'll get all the gripes off our chest in one go). Then we'll look at the purpose of the and mention the names of some of the many packages that make up the Java I/O library.

Java I/O problems

So what are the problems with Java I/O? It boils down to this: it is a very large library and it took six release with four different implementations to get it mostly right. Excessive use of the wrapper design pattern confuses rather than helps. It relies too much on the C I/O API.

Package has about 75 classes and interfaces. Size alone doesn't make an API poor, but there are too many low-value classes (like SequenceInputStream) and it took until JDK 1.5 to get decent support for interactive I/O. Sun got I/O internationalization wrong the first time and had to add many more classes in JDK 1.1 to properly cope with Unicode. The Java I/O package is not intuitive to use, and there are a number of peculiar design choices often reflecting the use of the underlying standard C I/O library. That's the same mistake the Fortran team committed 40 years earlier. Finally, because this library makes heavy use of wrapper classes, you may need to use two or three classes to do simple I/O. Apart from all that, it's really a fine API.

Purpose of package

Enough of the criticism. Obviously, the purpose of the package is to conduct I/O on data and on objects. You will use the package and others to write your data into disk files, into sockets, into URLs, and to the system console, and to read it back again. There is some support for formatting character data, and for processing zip and jar files. Several other packages are involved in this, and the key ones are listed in Table 17-1. The point of presenting this table is to indicate the vast range of Java I/O features.

Table 17-1. Java packages involved with I/O

Package name


Contains the 75 or so classes and interfaces for I/O.


New in JDK 1.4. An API for memory-mapped I/O, non-blocking I/O, and file locking.


For formatting text, dates, numbers, and messages according to national preferences and conventions. This task can now be achieved more easily by using java.util.Formatter in conjunction with PrintWriter.format or printf.


New in JDK 1.4. For matching a string against a pattern or regular expression.

Used to read and write zip files.


New in JDK 1.4. A framework for recording and processing system or application messages to help with later problem diagnosis and resolution.


Used to read and write jar files.


New in JDK 1.4. An API to read in and parse XML trees. Covered in Chapter 27.


New in JDK 1.4. An API for image file I/O (JPEGs, GIFs, etc.) together with common operations for handling them, such as thumbnail processing, conversions between formats, and color model adjustment.


New in JDK 1.4. The third attempt at providing a decent enterprise-ready printing service.


Support for accessing serial (RS-232) and parallel (IEEE-1284) port devices. Not part of the basic JDK.


New in JDK 1.3. Provides interfaces and classes for I/O, sequencing, and synthesis of MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) data.


Speech recognition and output API under development. Third-party implementations are available now. This library will have the biggest impact in Java 2 Micro Edition on telephony applications.

In this chapter we will cover the I/O basics. Chapter 18 covers more advanced I/O topics. By the end of the two I/O chapters, you will be versed in the use of the first five packages listed in Table 17-1. urther Reading on page 423 points out resources for more information on some of the other packages.

[1] See The Cornell Commission on Morris and the worm; T. Eisenberg, D. Gries, J. Hartmanis, D. Holcomb, M. S. Lynn and T. Santoro; Commun. ACM vol. 32, 6 (June 1989), pp. 706–709).

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