output, 330, 361, 362, 447463

Pi fonts, 378, 379381

PostScript, 388, 389, 390

schemes, declaring, 430

selecting, 361, 362

single-byte characters, 359, 360

T1 (Cork), 337, 353

TeX, 353

text input, 445447

text symbols

Pi fonts, 378, 379381

PostScript, 388, 389, 390

TS1, 362, 363368

Zapf Dingbats, 378380

TS1, 362, 363368

UTF-8 support, 360, 361, 441, 447

Zapf Dingbats, 378380

encodingdefault, 346, 347, 417, 418

End (tlc), 489

end, in TeX error message, 908, 914, 921

endash option (euro), 97

endbatchfile (docstrip), 826

endcsname, 26, 905, 933, 934

endfirsthead (longtable), 260, 262

endfloat package, xxvii, 289291

combined with rotating, 291

endfloat.cfg file (endfloat), 291

endfoot (longtable), 260, 262

endgraf, 897

endgroup, 504, 896, 906

error using, 898, 899

endhead (longtable), 260, 262

ENDIF (algorithmic), 168

endinput, 827, 900

endlastfoot (longtable), 260, 262

endnote (endnotes), 125, 126

endnote counter (endnotes), 125, 126

endnote key value (jurabib), 728

endnote citations, bibliographies, 726, 727, 728

endnotemark (endnotes), 125, 126

endnotes, 125, 126, see also footnotes; marginal notes

endnotes package, xxvii, 125, 126

endnotetext (endnotes), 125

endpostamble (docstrip), 829, 830

endpreamble (docstrip), 829, 830

eng (babel), 562

english option (babel), 543, 545, 546, 548550, 552, 734

enjbbib.ldf file (jurabib), 733

enlargethispage, 234, 930

error using, 908, 910

enlargethispage*, 234, 235

enoteformat (endnotes), 126

enoteheading (endnotes), 126

enotesize (endnotes), 126

enskip, 508

enspace, 37, 856

ensuremath, 446, 844, 845, 846, 932

.ent file extension (endnotes), 125

ENTRY BibTeX command, 805, 806, 807, 810

entry types, bibliography database, 761764

entry variables, bibliographies, 805

enumerate env., 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 600

cross-reference to, 66

error using, 911

style parameters, 130

(enumerate), 134

(paralist), 134

enumerate package, 134

enumerated lists

default settings, 136, 137, 138

extensions, 132135

indentation, 137

standard, 129131

user-defined, 151

enumi counter, 129, 130, 131, 851

enumii counter, 129, 130, 851

enumiii counter, 130, 851

enumiv counter, 130, 851

environment env. (doc), 815, 816, 821, 824


abbreviations, 468

defining new, 847, 848850

descriptions, creating, 815, 816

displaying as mini-pages, 477, 478, 479

documenting, see documentation tools

naming, 842, 843

redefining existing, 847850

epic package, 600607, 609, 611, 612, see also eepic package

EPS (tlc), 843, 844

.eps file extension, 8, 625, 626, 896

.eps.gz file extension, 626

eps2pdf program, 643

epsilon, 527

eqcirc (amssymb), 532

eqnarray env., 470, 600

error using, 898, 911

wrong spacing, 470

eqnarray* env., 470, 600

eqref (amsmath), 70, 482, 485

eqsim (amssymb), 532

eqslantgtr (amssymb), 532

eqslantless (amssymb), 532

equal (ifthen), 72, 73, 232, 873, 874, 877

equality and order, math symbols, 532

equality and order—negated, math symbols, 532

equals sign (=), shorthand character, 557

equation counter, 851, 854

(amsmath), 482, 484

equation env., 14

cross-reference to, 66

spacing problems around, 481

(amsmath), 469471, 473, 484

error using, 895

equation* env. (amsmath), 469, 471, 473, 478

equations, see also math fonts; math symbols

aligning, 469

amsmath package vs. standard LaTeX, 470, 471

as mini-pages, 477, 478, 479

empty lines, 481

groups with alignment, 475

groups without alignment, 474, 475

interrupting displays, 479

labels, see numbering, equations; tags

multiple alignments, 475, 476, 477

numbering, see also tags

resetting the counter, 485

subordinate sequences, 484, 485

on multiple lines, no alignment, 471, 472

on multiple lines, with alignment, 473, 474

on one line, 471

page breaks, 479481

tags, 469, see also numbering, equations

definition, 468

numbering equations, 482

placement, 483, 484

vertical space, 479, 480, 481

equiv, 475, 493, 532

eqvref (tlc), 70

errata, this book, xxvii

error messages, see messages, error; troubleshooting

errorcontextlines counter, 892

errorshow option

(multicol), 188

(tracefnt), 368

escape keyword (makeindex), 660

escape characters, 161

Esper (babel), 559

esper (babel), 559

esperanto option (babel), 543, 556, 558

esssup (tlc), 466, 501

estonian option (babel), 543

eta, 527


(tlc), 80

(yfonts), 395, 396

eTeX, TeX extension, 220, 446, 498, 504, 540, 566, 907, 917, 921

etex package, 907

eth (amssymb), 527

ethiop package, 592

Ethiopian, 592

eucal option (mathscr), 397

eucal package, 396, 467

EuFrak (eufrak), 396

eufrak package, 396, 397, 398, 467

euler package, 397, 398

wrong digits, 398

Euler font, 396, 397399, 467, 514

Euler Fraktur font, 467, 509

euler-digits option (eulervm), 398, 399, 515

euler-hat-accent option (eulervm), 399

eulervm package, 397399, 435, 515


(europs), 411

(eurosym), 409

(marvosym), 412

EURcf (marvosym), 412

EURcr (europs), 411

EURdig (marvosym), 412


(europs), 411

(marvosym), 412

EURO (euro), 96, 9799


(eurosans), 98, 99, 410

(eurosym), 408, 409

(tlc), 410

euro option (textcomp), 362, 387, 388

euro package, xxvi, 9699

combined with color, 99

euro currency, typesetting, 9699

euro symbol (€), 407412

euro.cfg file (euro), 97

EUROADD (euro), 97, 98

EURofc (europs), 411

EUROFORMAT (euro), 98, 99

European Computer Modern (EC) fonts, 353, 354, 355, 356

European Modern fonts, 339, 354

europs package, 411

eurosans package, 98, 99, 410, 411

EUROSYM (euro), 97, 98, 99

eurosym package, 408, 409


(europs), 411

(marvosym), 412

EuScript (eucal), 396

even key value (titlesec), 43

even keyword (makeindex), 657

evensidemargin rigid length, 194, 196, 199, 887

everypar, 255

EX env. (tlc), 852

exa env. (tlc), 139, 142

example env. (tlc), 163

examples, this book, 14, 162, 960, 1089, 1090, see also specific examples

exception dictionary errors, 917

exclamation mark (!), shorthand character, 554

excludeonly (excludeonly), 20

excludeonly package, 19, 20

excluding files, 20, see also including files

EXECUTE BibTeX command, 806, 807

ExecuteOptions, 614, 879, 881

executive option (crop), 213

executivepaper key/option (geometry), 206

executivepaper option, 195

(typearea), 204

exists, 528

exp, 500

expand.macros function (bibtool), 781

expandafter, 933

expert option (fourier), 393

ExplainOptions (optional), 21

exporting citations, 776

exscale option (ccfonts), 385

exscale package, 85, 368

combined with relsize, 84

provided by amsmath, 504

provided by ccfonts, 385

provided by eulervm, 398

provided by mathpazo, 378

provided by mathptmx, 377

ext key (graphicx), 620

ext@figure, 52, 54

ext@table, 52, 53, 54

extendedchars key (listings), 174, 175

extensions supported, bibliographies, 802, 803

external documents, cross-references to, 78

externaldocument (xr), 78

extra option (tipa), 405

extracolsep, 242, 246, 273, 279, 280

(array), 246

(longtable), 261

extrafootnoterule (manyfoot), 124

extramarks (extramarks), 220, 221

extramarks package, xxvii, 218, 220, 221

extrarowheight rigid length (array), 244, 245, 246, 268, 269

extrarulesep rigid length (tabls), 269

extraslanguage (babel), 579, 588

extrasrussian (babel), 589

extratabsurround rigid length (array), 280, 281

eye (dingbat), 401

EyesDollar (marvosym), 412

EZ fonts, 356


F syntax (fancyhdr), 226, 227

FAIL (tlc), 918

FAILa (tlc), 915, 916

FAILb (tlc), 915, 916

FAILc (tlc), 915, 916

FAILd (tlc), 915, 916

fakelistoffigures (minitoc), 56

fakelistoftables (minitoc), 56

faketableofcontents (minitoc), 56, 58

fallingdotseq (amssymb), 532

false key value

(caption), 309, 311

(fancyvrb), 160

(geometry), 207

(jurabib), 724

(listings), 171, 172, 173

(subfig), 318

(titlesec), 43

false syntax, 875

families, font, see fonts, families

familydefault, 346, 347, 373, 417

(yfonts), 394

fancy page style (fancyhdr), 221, 224, 225233, 598, 839

fancybox package, 596600

fancyfoot (fancyhdr), 225, 226230, 233

fancyfootoffset (fancyhdr), 227

fancyhdr option (rcsinfo), 839

fancyhdr package, xxvii, 220, 224232

loaded by rcsinfo, 839

fancyhead (fancyhdr), 225, 226230, 233, 297

fancyheadings package, 224

fancyheadoffset (fancyhdr), 227

fancyhf (fancyhdr), 226, 227, 230233

fancyhfoffset (fancyhdr), 226, 227, 598

fancyoval (fancybox), 596, 597

fancypage (fancybox), 597, 598, 599

fancypagestyle (fancyhdr), 230

fancyput (fancybox), 599

fancyput* (fancybox), 599

fancyref package, 76

FancyVerbFormatLine (fancyvrb), 156, 157, 158

FancyVerbLine counter (fancyvrb), 157, 160

FancyVerbStartString (fancyvrb), 162

FancyVerbStopString (fancyvrb), 162

FancyVerbTab (fancyvrb), 160, 161

fancyvrb package, 152, 153, 155168, 169, 172174

combined with color, 158, 163

fancyvrb.cfg file (fancyvrb), 168

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), 947

farskip key/option (subfig), 317, 318

fatbslash (stmaryrd), 530

fatsemi (stmaryrd), 530

fatslash (stmaryrd), 530

Faxmachine (marvosym), 401

fbox, 307, 491, 860, 861, 866, 869, 870

fboxrule rigid length, 861, 869, 870, 872

(boxedminipage), 595

(fancybox), 597

fboxsep rigid length, 158, 326, 861, 869, 870, 872

(boxedminipage), 595

(fancybox), 596598

fcolorbox (color), 265

fcolumn env. (tlc), 869

fcolwidth rigid length (tlc), 872

.fd file extension, 7, 8, 355, 429, 431, 432, 433, 509, 923, 928, 1063

defining, 437439

.fdd file extension (ltxdoc), 835

FEMALE (marvosym), 401

Female (marvosym), 401

.fff file extension (endfloat), 291

fg (babel), 545, 552, 554

fi, 902

field variables, bibliographies, 805

fields, bibliographies, 762765, 810, 811

fighead option (endfloat), 290

figlist option (endfloat), 290

figure counter, 851

figure env., 47, 109, 291, 306, 307, 308, 309311

cross-reference to, 66, 67

error using, 899, 902, 907

floats to end of document, 289

labels in, 67

style parameters, 284286

warning using, 925

(caption), 312, 313

(float), 294, 295

(multicol), not supported, 189

(rotfloat), 298

(subfig), 320

figure lists

in tables of contents, 48

options, 290

placing at end of document, 289291

figure* env. (multicol), 189

figurename (babel), 547

figureplace (endfloat), 290

figuresection (endfloat), 290

figuresfirst option (endfloat), 290

figuresleft option (rotating), 297

figuresright option (rotating), 297

figwindow env. (picinpar), 108, 109


(titlesec), 40, 44, 65

(titletoc), 59

file (docstrip), 826, 827, 830, 831

file extension, image files

search order, 624, 625

specifying, 625

file structure (classes and packages)

commands, 879, 883885, 888

description, 877

identification part, 877880

initial code part, 880

main code part, 883

minimal requirements (classes), 888


declaring, 880, 881

executing, 881, 882

package loading part, 882

filecontents env., 20, 403, 606

error using, 904

warning using, 922, 923, 928, 931

filecontents* env., 21, 171

warning using, 923, 931

filedate (doc), 823

filename (doc), 823


LaTeX format, 7

TeX and LaTeX, summary list, 8

TeX font metric, 7

auxiliary, 7, 8

bibliography style, 8

class, 6

document source, see source files

encoding definition, 7

font definition, 7

index, 7

input source, 6

internal, 7

language definition, 6

package, 6

plain text, 6

transcript, 7

fileversion (doc), 823

filinner (titlesec), 40, 43

fill length, 261, 849, 856, 857, 858


(titlesec), 40

(titletoc), 59, 65

fillcolor key (fancyvrb), 158


(titlesec), 40, 41, 43

(titletoc), 59

filling circles, 610, 611

filling material, see leaders

filltype (eepic), 610

filouter (titlesec), 40, 43


(titlesec), 40, 4244

(titletoc), 59, 60, 61, 63

final option

(graphics), 615

(graphicx), 615

(showkeys), 68

(varioref), 73

final mode, 68, 73, 615

finalcolumnbadness counter (multicol), 186, 187

Finale (doc), 816, 817, 821

finalhyphendemerits, 849, 850

finallinebreak (tlc), 102

findent key (lettrine), 101

finnish option (babel), 543

Finv (amssymb), 527

Fire (ifsym), 405

first key value (jurabib), 724, 726728, 729, 731

firsthdashline (arydshln), 267

firsthline (array), 268, 280, 281

firstleftmark (extramarks), 220, 229

firstleftxmark (extramarks), 220, 221

firstline key

(fancyvrb), 162, 163

(listings), 172

firstmark, 218

firstnotreversed key value (jurabib), 724

firstnumber key

(fancyvrb), 159, 160, 163

(listings), 172

firstrightmark (extramarks), 220, 231, 232

firstrightxmark (extramarks), 220

fit option (truncate), 233

FiveFlowerPetal (bbding), 403

fix-cm package, xxvii, 355, 356

fixed size function, 426

Fixedbearing (marvosym), 401

fixltx2e package, 232, 342

fixltx2e.dtx file (fixltx2e), 835

flafter package, 70, 286

Flag (ifsym), 405

flalign env. (amsmath), 469, 476, 477

adjusting with minalignsep, 477

error using, 895

flalign* env. (amsmath), 469

flanguage BibTeX field (jurabib), 742

flat, 528

fleqn option, 68

(amsmath), 466, 469, 471, 500

float key (listings), 174

float package, 291295, 923

float class

captions, listing, 293

naming, 293, 294

float pages, page styles (headers and footers), 231

FloatBarrier (placeins), 288, 289, 295

floatdesign (layouts), 202

floatdiagram (layouts), 202

floatfig package, 299

floatflt package, 299


(float), 293

(rotfloat), 298

floatpagedesign (layouts), 202

floatpagediagram (layouts), 202

floatpagefraction, 284, 285, 286

floatplacement (float), 294



continuing across floats, 314, 315

customizing, 305, 308315

fonts, 309, 310

for specific float types, 305, 312, 313

justifying, 311

labels, 310, 311, 313, 314

multipage tables, 257, 262

on separate page, 325, 326

paragraph separation, 311

placement, 323, 324, 325, 326

shape, 308, 309

sideways, 306, 323, 324, 325

spacing, 312, 317

standard LaTeX, 306, 307, 308

sub-captions, 315, 316319, 320, 321

sub-numbering, 321, 322, 323

columns, 189

custom styles, 291, 292, 293295, 296

definition, 283, 284

figures, 315321

half-empty pages, 285, 286

inline, 298306

maximum allowed, setting, 284, 285

multipage tables, 262264, 289

nonfloating tables and figures, 295, 296

page fraction, setting, 284, 285

parameters, 284286

pictures inside text, 302, 303306

placement control, 286291

after their callouts, 286

at end of document, 289291

at exact spot, 287, 295, 296

bunched at end of chapter, 286

captions, 323, 324326

confined by barriers, 288, 289

floating backwards, 287

premature output, 291

rotating, 296, 297, 298

rules (graphic lines), 285

separators, 285

sub-figures, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321

sub-tables, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319321

tables, 315321

text markers, 290, 291

typed text as, 174

unprocessed, flushing, 289

vertical spacing, 285

wrapping text around, 108, 109, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302

wrong references, 67

floatsep length, 285


(float), 292, 293, 294, 309311

(rotfloat), 298

fltpage package, 325, 326

flush left paragraphs, 103105, 106

flush right paragraphs, 104

flushbottom, 120, 234

flushcolumns (multicol), 186, 188

FlushLeft env. (ragged2e), 105

flushleft env., 103, 104, 146

(ragged2e), 105

flushleft option

(paralist), 138

(threeparttable), 278, 279

flushmargin option (footmisc), 118, 119, 123, 731

FlushRight env. (ragged2e), 105

flushright env., 104, 146, 858

(ragged2e), 105

FML font encoding (fourier), 392

FMS font encoding (fourier), 392

.fmt file extension, 8

fncychap package, 34, 35, 36

fncylab package, 71

fnpara package, 118

fnref (tlc), 111

fnsymbol, 110, 852, 853

error using, 897

(perpage), 121

fntguide.tex file, 423

folio-by-chapter page numbers, indexes, 665

font, 30, 82, 387, 427, 428, 429

font key/option

(caption), 310, 316

(subfig), 317, 318, 319

font commands

high level

combining, 343

definition, 338

emphasizing fonts, 341

LaTeX 2.09, 347

main document text, changing, 346, 347

main document text, description, 338, 339

monospaced font, 339

overall document appearance, 346, 347

sans serif fonts, 339

selected words or phrases, 338

serifed fonts, 339

sizing fonts, 342, 343

special characters, 345

standard families, 339

standard series, 340

standard shapes, 340, 341, 342

typewriter font, 339

underlining text, 342

vs. declarations, 344, 345

in math, 351

low level

automatic font substitution, 418

definition, 412, 413

encoding, 415, 417

family, 413

series, 414

setting font attributes, individual, 413417

setting font attributes, multiple, 417

shape, 414

size, 415

within a document, 418

font definition files, 7, see also .fd

font encoding, see output encoding

font memory errors, 917

font-loading options, 426429

fontdef.cfg file, 431

fontdimen, 30, 82, 428, 429, 437

fontdimen1, 428

fontdimen2, 30, 51, 428, 429

fontdimen3, 30, 82, 428

fontdimen4, 30, 428

fontdimen5, 387, 428

fontdimen6, 428

fontdimen7, 428

fontenc package, 7, 155, 156, 361, 362, 888

changing encodingdefault, 347

error using, 889, 898

fontencoding, 156, 345, 355, 367, 412, 413, 415, 417, 419, 430, 454, 571

error using, 898

(array), producing wrong output, 245

fontfamily, 95, 355, 410, 412, 413, 417, 419

fontfamily key (fancyvrb), 155, 156, 167

fontinst package, 88, 376, 419, 420, 437, 438, 971

fontmath.ltx file, 529

fonts, see also math fonts; math symbols; text

accented characters, 337, 357, 358, 359361

Almost European fonts, 356

automatic substitution, 418

backward compatibility, 463, 464

bibliographies, 736, 737

body, 338

changing, see font commands

classification, 372

CM Bright, 385, 386

CM-Super fonts, 354356, 570

Computer Modern (CM)

LaTeX standard fonts, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357

old-style numerals, 381, 382, 383

Concrete, 383, 384, 385

DC fonts, 353

declaring, 421

decorative initials, 395, 396

defining for a document, see font commands, high level

defining in a package, see font commands, low level

defining in the preamble, see font commands, low level

displaying font tables, 369, 370

EC fonts, 353, 354, 355, 356

emphasizing, 341

encoding, see encoding, languages and fonts

European Modern fonts, 339, 354

EZ fonts, 356


classification, 372

declaring, 421

encodings, 336, 337

low-level commands, 413

modifying, 429

shapes, 333335

sizes, 335, 336

float captions, 309, 310

for line numbers, 179, 180

Fourier-GUTenberg, 391393

Fraktur, 394396

Gothic, 394396

headed lists, 141

in typed text, 155, 156

italic, 333

italic correction, 340, 341, 342

LaTeX 2.09, 347

Latin Modern fonts, 356, 357

loading unnecessary .tfms, 343

low-level commands, 413

low-level interface, see font commands, low level

main document text

changing, 346, 347

description, 338, 339


alphabet identifiers, 348, 349351

automatic changes, 347, 348

Baskerville Math, 520

Bitstream Charter Math, 520

CM Bright, 522

Computer Modern (CM), 513

Concrete, 514

Euler, 396, 397399, 514

font commands, 351

formula versions, 352, 353

Fourier-GUTenberg, 391393, 515

Helvetica Math, 522

Info Math, 523

Lucida Math, 521

Palatino, 377, 378, 390, 391, 518

Palatino Math, 519

Pazo, 518

Pi, 378381, 382

PXfonts, 518

scaling large operators, 368

Times Roman, 376, 377, 388, 389, 390, 516

TM Math, 517

TXfonts, 516

, 334

modifying, 429

monospaced, 331, 332, 339, see also typed text

NFSS, 327329, see also PSNFSS

normal, 338

oblique, 3331092

old German, 394, 395, 396

outline, 334

Pi, 382

PostScript fonts, 354, 355, see also PSNFSS

printer points, 335

proportional, 331, 332

resizing, relative to original, 83, 84, 85

sans serif, 332, 339

scaling large operators, 368

Schwabacher, 394396

searching PDF documents, 356

series, 340, 414

serifed, 332, 339

setting attributes, individual, 413417

setting attributes, multiple, 417

setting up

declaration order, 439

defining .fd files, 437439

dimensions, 428, 429

empty size function, 423

encoding schemes, declaring, 430

example, 437439

families, declaring, 421

families, modifying, 429

fixed size function, 426

font-loading options, 426429

for math use, 432437

gen size function, 424

genb size function, 425

hyphenation character, 427

internal file organization, 431, 432

naming scheme, 420

overview, 419

s size function, 424

sfixed size function, 426

sgen size function, 425

sgenb size function, 425

shape groups, 421429

size, 422, 432

size functions, 423426

size ranges, 422

ssub size function, 426

ssubf size function, 426

sub size function, 425

subf size function, 426

symbol fonts, 433437

shaded, 334

shape groups, 421429

shapes, 333, 334, 340, 341, 342, 414

size, 342

description, 335, 336

footnotes, 112

low-level commands, 415

measuring, 335, 336

setting up, 422, 432

standard sizes, 342, 343

size functions, 423426

size ranges, 422

slanted, 333, 340

sloped, 333

small caps, 334, 341, 563

special characters, 345, see also text symbols

specifying in tables, 244, 245

symbols, see text symbols; math symbols

tables, displaying, 369, 370

text symbols, see text symbols

this book, 1089

tracing font selection, 368

typewriter, 339, 386, 387, 388, 834

underlining text, 342

upright, 333, 340

URW Antiqua, 393, 394

URW Grotesk, 393, 394

weight, 334, 335

whitespace, 340, 341, 342

width, 334, 335

fontseries, 156, 340, 412, 413, 414, 419

fontseries key (fancyvrb), 156

fontshape, 156, 410, 412, 413, 414, 419

fontshape key (fancyvrb), 156

fontsize, 41, 84, 343, 355, 371, 373, 408, 412, 413, 415, 417, 419, 464, 920

fontsize key (fancyvrb), 156, 166, 167

fonttext.cfg file, 829

fonttext.ltx file, 431, 432

Football (marvosym), 401

footcite (jurabib), 726, 728

footcitet (jurabib), 733

footcitetitle (jurabib), 726

footer height, 201

footers, see headers and footers

footexclude option (typearea), 204

footfullcite (jurabib), 726, 732

footinclude option (typearea), 204

footmisc package, xxvii, 114120, 122, 123

footnote, 110, 111, 113, 122, 123, 277

cross-reference to, 67

justification in, 104

style parameters, 112114

(babel), 566

(fancyvrb), 167

(footmisc), 111, 118, 119

numbered using stars, 117

problems with consecutives, 120

typeset as marginal, 118, 119, 121

typeset run-in, 118120

(longtable), 263

(manyfoot), 123, 124

(multicol), 189

(perpage), numbered per page, 121

(supertabular), 256

footnote counter, 110, 121, 851, 934

(longtable), 263

footnote citations, bibliographies, 726, 727, 728

Footnotesuffix (manyfoot), 122, 123, 124

footnotesuffix (manyfoot), 122

footnotesuffix counter (manyfoot), 122

footnotedesign (layouts), 202

footnotediagram (layouts), 202

footnotemargin rigid length (footmisc), 118, 119

footnotemark, 110, 111, 122, 277

Footnotemarksuffix (manyfoot), 122

footnotemarksuffix (manyfoot), 122

footnoterule, 112, 113, 119, 124, 285

(manyfoot), 124

footnotes, see also endnotes; marginal notes

columns, 114, 183, 189

counters, resetting per-page, 120, 121

customizing, 112114

font size, 112

in tables, 263, 277, 278, 279

in the margin, 118, 119

independent, 122, 123125

main text vs. minipage env., 110, 111, 112114

multilingual documents, 565, 566

multipage tables, 263

multiple at same point, 120

numbering, 112, 115, 116, 122, 123125

page layout, 207

paragraph format, 117, 118

rules (graphic lines), 112, 119, 120

schematic layout, 113

spacing from text, 112

standard, 110, 111, 112114

styles, 114, 115, 116120

superscript marks, 113, 114

symbols for, 116, 117

troubleshooting, 944, 945

two-column environment, 114, 115

typed text in, 167

vertical spacing, 112

footnotesep rigid length, 112, 113

footnotesep key/option (geometry), 207

footnotesize, 112, 126, 144, 146, 342, 343, 373

footnotesize key value

(caption), 310

(subfig), 317

footnotetext, 110, 111, 122

Footnotetextsuffix (manyfoot), 122, 123

footnotetextsuffix (manyfoot), 122

footnpag package, 116

footrule (fancyhdr), 224

footrulewidth (fancyhdr), 224, 226, 228

footskip length, 194, 196

footskip key/option (geometry), 209

forall, 501, 509, 528

force option (textcomp), 364

forcefootnotes (camel), 744

foreignlanguage (babel), 545, 546, 561, 563

form (euro), 98, 99

formal rules (graphic lines), 269, 270, 271, 272

format key/option

(caption), 309

(subfig), 316, 318

format.ins file, 829, 830

format.name$ BibTeX built-in function, 808

formatcom key (fancyvrb), 156, 163

formulas, typesetting, see math fonts; math symbols

ForwardToIndex (marvosym), 401

founder BibTeX field (jurabib), 742

founder information, bibliographies, 742

foundername (jurabib), 742

fourier package, xxvii, 371, 391393, 515

Fourier-GUTenberg font, 391393, 515

FourStar (bbding), 403

fp package, 96

FPfigure env. (fltpage), 325, 326

FPtable env. (fltpage), 325

frac, 474, 493, 494, 504, 506

fractions, math symbols, 493, 494

fracwithdelims (amsxtra), 467

fragile commands, 468, 892894

frail (tlc), 893

frakdefault (yfonts), 396

frakfamily (yfonts), 394, 395, 396

fraklines (yfonts), 395, 396

Fraktur font, 394396

frame, 412

frame key

(fancyvrb), 157, 158, 159, 165

(listings), 173, 174, 175

(titlesec), 38, 39, 40, 65

frame option (crop), 212, 214

framebox, 326, 860, 861, 866

(pspicture), 640

frameround key (listings), 174

framerule key

(fancyvrb), 158, 165

(listings), 173175

frames, see also boxes; lines (graphic)

boxes, 595

code listings, 173

pages, 597, 598, 599

typed text, 157, 158

framesep key

(fancyvrb), 158, 159

(listings), 173175

francais option (babel), 543

French, 554, 561, 564, 590

layout style, 565

names, 563

words, index sort order, 670

french option (babel), 16, 100, 101, 543, 545, 549, 552, 554, 561, 563, 565, 566

french package, 591, 970

frenchb option (babel), 543

frenchb.cfg file (babel), 589, 590

frenchb.ldf file (babel), 548, 549, 591

FrenchFootnotes (babel), 565, 566

FrenchLayout (babel), 565

frenchspacing, 564

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), 947

from (docstrip), 826, 827, 830, 831, 834

frontmatter, 22, 216

frown, 535

Frowny (marvosym), 401

ftnright package, 114, 176

ftp servers

download commands, 950953

list of, 948

full option

(textcomp), 362, 364, 384, 389, 390

(trace), 946

full citations in running text

author-date citation system, 710, 711

short-title citation system, 723, 724726

fullcite (jurabib), 723, 724, 729, 732

fulloldstyle option (fourier), 393


(tlc), 69

(varioref), 75

FUNCTION BibTeX command, 805, 807, 809812

function names, see operators; operator names

fussy, 103

fvrb-ex package, 163

fvset (fancyvrb), 164, 165, 168, 169


galician option (babel), 543, 556

Game (amssymb), 527

Gamma, 496, 527

gamma, 527

gather env. (amsmath), 469, 473, 474, 475, 484, 488, 499

error using, 895

gather option (chapterbib), 747, 748, 749

gather* env. (amsmath), 469, 473, 475, 486, 492, 493, 501

gathered env. (amsmath), 469, 477, 478

error using, 895, 897

GBP (tlc), 98

gcd, 500

ge, 501, 532

gen option (eurosym), 409

gen size function, 424

genb size function, 425

gender BibTeX field (jurabib), 690, 734, 735, 742

gender information, bibliographies, 734, 735, 742

generalizations, math symbols, 493, 494

generalname length (doc), 824

generate (docstrip), 826, 827, 830, 831

geneuro (eurosym), 409

geneuronarrow (eurosym), 409

geneurowide (eurosym), 409

genfrac (amsmath), 493, 494

gennarrow option (eurosym), 409

genwide option (eurosym), 409

geometry (geometry), 211

geometry option (ifsym), 405

geometry package, xxvii, 200, 206211

combined with calc, 210

geq, 501, 532

(eulervm), 399

geqq (amssymb), 532

geqslant (amssymb), 532


hyphenation, 553

index sort order, 657, 668, 670

quotation marks, 552

shorthands, 551

spacing after punctuations, 564

german option

(babel), 16, 18, 395, 396, 543, 545, 546, 553, 657, 672

(biblist), 774

(varioref), 18

german.ldf file (babel), 548, 585

germanb option (babel), 543

germanhyphenmins (babel), 586

gets, 534

gg, 532

ggg (amssymb), 532

gggtr (amssymb), 532

gglo.ist file (doc), 827

ghostscript program, 370, 635, 642, 643, 969

ghostview program, 213, 628, 635

.gif file extension, 8, 644, 896

gimel (amssymb), 527

gind.ist file (doc), 827

Glenn option (fncychap), 34

.glo file extension, 653

(doc), 836

global, 266

global options, 17, 880883, 886

global variables, bibliographies, 805

global.max$ BibTeX built-in function, 812

globalcitecopy option (bibunits), 751

glossary, 653

(doc), 817

glossary entries, MakeIndex processing, 653

glossaryentry, 653

GlossaryMin rigid length (doc), 823

glossaryname (babel), 547

GlossaryParms (doc), 823

GlossaryPrologue (doc), 823

glue, 935, 936, 937

glyphs, see special characters; text symbols

gnapprox (amssymb), 532

.gnd file extension, 8

gneq (amssymb), 532

gneqq (amssymb), 532

gnsim (amssymb), 532

gobble key

(fancyvrb), 157, 164

(listings), 172, 175

gothfamily (yfonts), 394, 395

Gothic font, 394396

gpic program, 608

graphic objects, see also specific types of graphics

resizing, 629, 630

rotating, 630634

scaling, 628, 629

graphical front end, bibliographies, 784787

graphics package, 296, 613618, 620, 624631, 953, 969

error using, 889, 896, 897, 907909, 913

loaded by lscape, 212

graphics, device-dependent support

bounding box comments, 615

device drivers, 614

draft mode, 614, 615

final mode, 615

including image files

default key values, 623, 624

encapsulation, 627, 628

file extension, search order, 624, 625

file extension, specifying, 625

file location, 624

file name parsing, 620

full type, 625

includegraphics (graphics), 616, 617, 618

includegraphics (graphicx), 618, 619, 620623

require full file name, 625

rotation, 620

scaling, 620

size of image, 620, 626

rotated material, hiding, 615

scaled material, hiding, 615

graphics.cfg file (graphics), 614


(graphics), 624, 919

(graphicx), 624, 919

graphicx package, 613615, 618624, 631633

error using, 889, 896, 897, 907909, 913

graphpap package, 640

graphpaper (graphpap), 640, 641


bar charts, 612, 613

combining curve and line types, 604, 605

creating, 604606

labeled axes, 606, 607

loading external data, 605, 606

grave, 529

grave accent ('), shorthand character, 555

greater than sign (>), shorthand character, 557

Greek, 527, 554, 558, 561, 574, 575, 576

greek option (babel), 543, 549, 550, 558, 562, 568, 574

greek.ldf file (babel), 585

greekencoding (babel), 567

Greeknumeral (babel), 562

greeknumeral (babel), 562

greektext (babel), 568

grey option (changebar), 190

grid (epic), 606, 607

grmath package, 564

group_skip keyword (makeindex), 661

grouping levels errors, 917, 918

Grtoday (babel), 558

gtrapprox (amssymb), 532

gtrdot (amssymb), 530

gtreqless (amssymb), 532

gtreqqless (amssymb), 532

gtrless (amssymb), 532

gtrsim (amssymb), 532

guillemets, 552, 557

guillemotleft, 458

guillemotright, 458

guilsinglleft, 458

guilsinglright, 458

gunzip program, 626

gvertneqq (amssymb), 532


H syntax

(fancyhdr), 226, 227

(float), 293, 294, 295

H, 457

hands, symbols, 400, 401

hang key (titlesec), 38, 3941

hang key value

(caption), 309

(subfig), 316, 318

hangindent, 679, 680

hanging punctuation, 1089

harvard BibTeX style (harvard), 811

harvard package, 68, 700, 704, 792, 801

Harvard citation system, 684, 689, see also author-date citations

harvarditem (harvard), 700, 701

hash size errors, 918

hat, 495, 512, 529

(eulervm), 399

hbadness, 924, 928, 929


(amssymb), 527

(eulervm), 398

(euler), 398

hbox, 843, 860, 870, 936

in TeX warning message, 924, 926, 928

problems using, 870

Hcaption font, 577

Hclassic font, 577

hdashline (arydshln), 267, 268

hdots (amsmath), 536

hdotsfor (amsmath), 487

headed lists, 138, 139, 140, 143, 144

customizing, 141, 142, 143

font, 141

indentation, 141

proofs, 143, 144

punctuation, 141

QED () symbol, 143, 144

spacing, 141

style name, 141

style, defining, 140

headers and footers

float pages, page styles, 231

footer height, 201

multipage tables, 256, 257, 261


formatting, see

page styles page layout, 207, 209

running headers/footers, 207, 209

headers and footers, page styles, 221, 222


by floating objects, 231

by page style, 225227, 228230

globally, 224, 225

saving a customization, 230

dictionary type headers, 231, 232

float pages, 231

for two-sided printing, 223, 226

mark commands, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 229, 230

multiple text lines, 225

named, 230

rules (graphic lines), 224

truncating text, 232, 233

headexclude option (typearea), 204

headheight rigid length, 194, 196, 197, 198, 872

(fancyhdr), 225

headheight key/option (geometry), 206, 209

headinclude option (typearea), 204, 205, 207

heading_prefix keyword (makeindex), 661, 662

heading_suffix keyword (makeindex), 661, 662

headingdesign (layouts), 202

headingdiagram (layouts), 202

headings, see document headings

headings page style, 222, 235, 236, 598

headings_flag keyword (makeindex), 661, 662

headrule (fancyhdr), 224, 225, 227

headrulewidth (fancyhdr), 224, 226, 228, 230, 231

heads option (endfloat), 290

headsep rigid length, 194, 196, 198, 200, 872, 935

headsep key/option (geometry), 209

headtoname (babel), 547

headwidth rigid length (fancyhdr), 227, 233

heartsuit, 528

heavycircles option, 529

(stmaryrd), 531

heavyrulewidth rigid length (booktabs), 270

hebcal package, 558

hebdate (babel), 558, 559

hebday (babel), 558, 559

hebfont package, 578

Hebrew, 576, 577, 578, 579, 591

hebrew (babel), 559

hebrew option (babel), 543, 568

hebrewencoding (babel), 567

Hebrewtoday (hebcal), 559

height, see space parameters

height, 861, 862, 866

(graphics), 630

height key (graphicx), 109, 619, 621623

error using, 898

height key/option (geometry), 207, 208, 211

height option (crop), 213

height syntax, 227, 867, 868

heightrounded key/option (geometry), 207, 208

help (nfssfont.tex), 369

help resources


CD-ROM, 948, 949

contents, 948

ftp commands, 950953

ftp servers, list of, 948

web access, 949, 950


FAQs, 947

ftp servers

download commands, 950953

list of, 948

news groups, 948


descriptions, on-line catalogue, 950

documentation, finding, 954, 955

program files, obtaining

CD-ROM, 948, 949

ftp, 948, 950953

web access, 949, 950

texdoc program, 954

texdoctk program, 954, 955

TUG home page, 948


user groups, 955958

helvet package, 370, 371, 373, 424

helvetica key value (fancyvrb), 155, 156

Helvetica font, 370, 375, 522

in math and text, 522

here package, 294

hetarom package, 613

hfil, 148, 223, 850

hfill, 150, 856, 857, 861, 863

hfuzz rigid length, 939

hfuzz key (fancyvrb), 157

hhline (hhline), 266, 267

hhline package, 266, 267

hiderotate option

(graphics), 615

(graphicx), 615

hidescale option

(graphics), 615

(graphicx), 615

highlighting text, see italic; underlining

hiresbb key (graphicx), 619

hiresbb option

(graphics), 615

(graphicx), 615

history commands, list of, 820824

hl (soul), 88, 92

hline, 243, 266, 267, 268, 272274, 276, 282

alignment problems with, 280

colored, 265

error using, 904

(array), 244247, 249, 250, 280

(booktabs), 269

(hhline), 266, 267

(supertabular), 257

(tabls), 269

hmargin key/option (geometry), 211

hmarginratio key/option (geometry), 208, 209, 211

Hmjd (tlc), 506

hmode boolean, 875

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