Answers to Hour 22

1: To create a custom setup program, you start by creating what type of Visual Studio project?
A1: The project type is Setup Project, which can be found in the Setup and Deployment Projects folder.
2: The final build file of a project (EXE, DLL, and so on) is referred to as the what?
A2: Output of the project
3: True or False: To include the output of a project, the project must be added to the solution containing the setup program.
A3: True
4: Which build option creates smaller and faster builds?
A4: Release builds are smaller and faster than Debug builds.
5: How do you add a file to an installation?
A5: Open the Project menu, open the Add submenu, and choose File.
6: If the Project menu doesn't have the menu options for creating a setup program, what might be wrong?
A6: You probably have a project other than the Setup Project selected in the Solution Explorer.
7: How do you add folders to the custom setup program?
A7: Right-click the File System on the Target Machine item in the left pane of the Setup Project.
8: How do you create a shortcut for a file in a setup program?
A8: Right-click the file and choose the appropriate menu item.

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