What Is Portal v3.0/WebDB?

Portal v3.0 has its own listener process with an integrated PL/SQL cartridge. Basically, Portal v3.0 generates HTML-related PL/SQL behind the scenes. Figure 12.1 illustrates how Portal v3.0 interacts with the browser community and the Oracle database. Notice that Portal v3.0 uses the Oracle9iAS environment to do all its management. The prior version, WebDB, had its own listener and you had to set up database access descriptors but because Portal v3.0 is integrated with Oracle9iAS, these features are all handled and contained within Oracle9iAS. Because Portal v3.0 is integrated with Oracle9iAS, it is also dependent upon Oracle9iAS and cannot run with prior versions of the Oracle Web Server products.

Figure 12.1. Portal v3.0 architecture.


The URL to access Portal v3.0 is http://<hostname> or IP address/pls/portal30. The default administrator user id portal30, password is portal30.

Portal v3.0 Administration

Portal v3.0 has many administrative and monitoring capabilities. It can monitor tablespaces and Web-based application activity, and so on, and perform basic database-administration tasks such as create users, assign privileges, and so on. Figure 12.2 and Figure 12.3 show some of the database monitoring capabilities of Portal v3.0. Figure 12.4 illustrates some of the Web monitoring available with Portal v3.0. All the Portal monitoring capabilities are under the Monitor tab of the Portal Main Menu.

Figure 12.2. SGA monitoring.

Figure 12.3. Tablespace monitoring.

Figure 12.4. Web monitoring.

It is also easy to perform administrative tasks such as adding a user, changing a user password, and adding datafiles to the database.

To add a user, start with the Portal Main Menu Administer tab (see Figure 12.5). Click Create New User, which takes you to the next screen, where you can fill in the Portal Application Name, user name, password, and so on. If you wanted to change a password for a user, you would select Edit User, just under the Create New User item. All the administrative features of Portal v3.0 are under the Administer and Administer Database tabs.

Figure 12.5. Adding users.

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