Reviewing It

1:What is Oracle's main character-mode interface?
2:What is the syntax of the CHANGE command to change text in the SQL buffer?
3:The DESCRIBE command is useful for what?
4:What will the command SELECT * FROM EMP do?
5:In the table EMP, give the ORDER BY clause that will return the rows in the order of DEPTNO ascending and within DEPTNO, SAL descending.
6:What is the difference between a NULL and a 0 field?
7:When using substitution characters (say in an INSERT statement), what is the difference between & and &&?
8:What is the difference between the DELETE command and the TRUNCATE command?
9:Tablespaces are used for what?
10:Show the syntax to create an index on ename for the table EMP.
11:What is an EXTENT?
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