Chapter 15. Distributed HTTP

When I deployed GroupCal, the servlet-based group calendar discussed in Chapter 10, most people liked it. But BYTE’s editor-in-chief complained that it didn’t work on airplanes, where he spent a lot of his time. Like all web-based software, GroupCal assumes that its display engine—that is, the browser—connects over a network to an HTTP server.

How hard could it be, I wondered, to run the servlet locally on a disconnected client? Not very hard at all, I found. That discovery prompted me to write a contact manager based on a tiny web server written in Perl. These experiments showed me that web-based groupware—such as a calendar or a contact manager—needn’t depend on a network connection to a conventional HTTP server. Such applications, written in Java, Perl, or any other productive, socket-capable language, can also rely on lightweight, local HTTP servers implemented in these same languages. My two prototypes, one in Java and one in Perl, exhibited the following characteristics:

Small footprint

Both weighed in at under a megabyte, so they could be delivered on a single floppy or by way of a reasonable download. That megabyte included the local web server, the application logic, and the data.

Good performance

Both ran acceptably under Windows 95 on my aging 486-50, 16MB notebook PC.

Simple configuration

Both could be installed by just unzipping the contents of a floppy, or equivalent download, into a single directory. One required a single environment variable, the other a single registry entry. That was it.

Simple removal

In both cases, you could just nuke the directory. Remember when that used to work? It still can.

Local/remote transparency

Both ran identically when connected to the Internet and talking to a remote HTTP server, or when disconnected and talking to the local server.

Browser orientation

Both exploited the fact that the universal HTML/JavaScript client that’s already on every PC can frontend a vast number of useful applications, most as yet unwritten.

The principle at work here, best articulated in The Essential Distributed Objects Survival Guide, by Bob Orfali, Dan Harkey, and Jeri Edwards, is that the client/server architecture of today’s Web will inevitably evolve into a peer-to-peer architecture. Many of the nodes of the “intergalactic” network they envision will be able to function as both client and server. I always bought into this vision but didn’t see a practical way to apply it. Part of the answer, I think, is that servers needn’t be the complex beasts we usually make them out to be. They can in fact be much simpler than the behemoth client applications we routinely inflict on ourselves. In that simplicity lies great power.

A Perl-Based Local Web Server

I started with, a classic Perl gem that implements a simple web server in about 100 lines of code. I threw away the file-serving and CGI-execution parts, leaving just a simple socket server that could accept calls on port 80 and extract data sent using the GET or POST methods. In normal Perl CGI, a URL like:


causes the web server to launch the Perl interpreter against the script named sfa_home, which script in turn receives the data:


by one of several means.

High-performance variants such as mod_ perl and ISAPI Perl keep the Perl interpreter in memory. The same high performance arises when Perl itself implements the web server. This model doesn’t make sense for heavily trafficked public sites. But it makes a great deal of sense for a local web server (or a lightly loaded intranet server). In my Perl-based local web server, called dhttp (for “distributed HTTP”), the script name in a CGI-style URL becomes a function name with arguments. For example, the server converts:


into the Perl function call:


Since the HTTP server is always running, there’s no process-creation or interpreter-spawning overhead; the URL frictionlessly becomes a scripted function call. You can see this same principle at work in Zope (, a popular Web application server that is both written in Python and extensible using Python.

Platform Capabilities and Application Features

Here are the key things that these frictionless function calls can do in the Win32 desktop environment:

  • Dynamically generate HTML pages and forms

  • Interpolate values into those generated pages and forms

  • Access local (or remote) filesystem, SQL, and OLE resources

  • Issue HTTP redirections

These Perl capabilities, combined with some conventions for using HTML and JavaScript, yielded an application called SFA (which stands for “sales force automation”), shown in Figure 15.1

A dhttp-based contact manager

Figure 15-1. A dhttp-based contact manager

I don’t pretend you’ll want to dump Act in order to use this web-style contact manager. But it does exhibit the following interesting features:

Namespace completion

Type M in the match companies field and you’ll regenerate that pane with a list containing just the companies whose names begin with M. This feature relies on the local server’s ability to regenerate a form, using partial input in the match companies field to drive an SQL query that builds an HTML <select> statement.

Event bubbling

When you look up a company, the contacts picklist adjusts dynamically to display only contacts at the selected company. Then the contact info pane adjusts dynamically to display records for the first name in the contacts picklist. This feature relies on the JavaScript onLoad event. When the company pane loads, its onLoad handler specifies the URL that loads the contacts pane; likewise, the contacts pane controls the loading of the contact info pane.

Flexible bindings

By default the contacts pane binds to what’s selected in the company pane and displays an appropriately labeled checkbox. But if you uncheck that box, then type J in the match contacts field, and click that link, you’ll generate a list of all the J contacts at all companies. This feature relies on a combination of dynamically generated HTML (used to vary the widgets that appear on the form) and dynamically generated JavaScript (used to vary the handlers for those widgets).

Context-sensitive forms

When you select a company for which contacts exist, the contacts pane lists them. If none exist, the contacts pane invites you to enter a contact. Likewise, when you click match companies and your input selects one or more companies, the company pane lists them. If none match, the company pane invites you to enter a new company. And it prefills the name field with your attempted match. This feature also relies on a combination of dynamically generated HTML and JavaScript.

We expect these kinds of search, navigation, and data-entry idioms from applications written in FoxPro or Access. We don’t expect them from web-style applications that play to pure web clients. Should we? Does it make any sense to position the combination of an HTML/JavaScript browser, ODBC/JET, and a local-web-server-cum-script-engine as an application platform?

A number of factors weigh in favor of this approach. Perl is vastly more capable than the FoxPro or Access dialects typically used to script this kind of application. The resulting application is small and fast. It relies on an existing and familiar client. And it exhibits complete local/remote transparency.

There are also drawbacks. Browsers don’t yet offer strong standardized support for data-entry idioms such as accelerator keys and custom field-tabbing. JavaScript implementations can be flaky. The methodology, an intricate tapestry of signals, substitutions, and redirections involving Perl, SQL, HTML, and JavaScript, is complex. However, these techniques aren’t exclusive to dhttp. They’re also useful with a conventional web server running Apache and mod_ perl, or IIS and ActivePerl. As we explore how dhttp works, keep in mind that the techniques also apply more generally to the construction of web-based software. Developing for a local web server is basically the same as developing for a conventional web server. This approach relies on, and extends, familiar skills.

The dhttp System

I’ve implemented dhttp in Perl, but the system is small enough and simple enough at this point so that it could easily be redone in Python or another versatile and socket-aware scripting language. What matters is not the language itself but the strategic position in which a dhttp system situates that language. From the perspective of a single dhttp node implemented on a standard Windows PC, the script language can transmute local file, SQL, and OLE resources into applications that play to local or remote web clients. In a dhttp network the script language is even more radically empowered. Replication of SQL data among the nodes of the network turns out to be a relatively easy problem to solve. Likewise replication of code. When I accomplished both of these things in the same day, I had to stop and take more than a few deep breaths. Could a system so simple really be this powerful? Perhaps so. But let’s first consider how a dhttp application works in standalone mode.

A Developer’s View of the dhttp System

Figure 15.2 shows a high-level view of the dhttp architecture.

dhttp architecture

Figure 15-2. dhttp architecture

The engine divides into three modules—the server itself, a set of public utilities, and a set of private utilities. A public utility, in this context, is one that a web client can call by means of a URL. A private utility, on the other hand, is visible only to local dhttp components—either the server itself or any of its plug-in apps. An example of a public server utility is do_engine_serve_ file( ). It responds to the URL:


by dishing out the file home.htm from the dhttp/lib/Apps/hd subdirectory. The prefix “engine_” tells the server to form a reference to the function Engine::PubUtils:: do_engine_serve_ file( ) and then call that function.

An example of a private engine function is upload_ file( ). It handles the HTTP file upload protocol—that is, it can parse data posted from a web form that uses the multipart/formdata encoding and return a list of parts. I wrote upload_ file( ) for one particular dhttp plug-in but placed it in the package Engine::PrivUtils so that other plug-ins could use it too.

An instance of dhttp hosts one or more plug-in apps, each implemented as a Perl module with its own namespace separate from other apps and from the server. Like the server, each app comprises public (that is, URL-accessible) as well as private functions. But in the case of an app, both kinds of functions are packaged into a single module. How does the engine tell them apart? The prefix “do_” signals that a function is public.

The Core serve_request( ) Method

Example 15.1 shows the serve_request routine at the core of Running inside a loop that accepts inbound socket connections, it demonstrates two key points. HTTP service stripped to its essentials is a very simple thing. And it’s equally simple to connect URLs directly to functions exported by script-language modules.

Example 15-1. The serve_request Method

sub serve_request
  $_=<NS>;                                     # read first line
  my ($method, $url, $proto) = split;          # GET /sfa_home HTTP/1.0

  my ($args,$headers,$signal,$app,$fn);

  while (<NS>)                                 # read the headers
//g;                                # trim cr and nl chars
    /^Content-Length: (S*)/i &&($main::$content_length=$1);   # save Content-Length
    /^Content-Type: (S*)/i && ($main::$content_type=$1);      # and Content-Type
    /boundary=(.+)/ &&  ($main::http_upload_boundary='--'.$1); # and upload boundary
    length || last;                            # empty line means end of header

  if ( $method eq 'GET' )                      # GET method
    if ($url =~ s /^([^?]*)?//)              # args follow the ?
      { $signal = $1; $args = $url; }
    else                                       # no args
      { $signal = $url; $args = ''; }
  else                                         # POST method
    $signal = $url; 

  $signal =~ s#/##;                            # remove initial /
  $signal =~ m#([^_]+)#;                       # isolate service name
  $app = $1;

  if ($app eq 'engine')
    { $fn = 'Engine::PubUtils::do_' . $signal; }
    { $fn = 'Apps::' . $app . '::do_' . $signal; }

  if (defined &{$fn})          
    { &{$fn}($args); }                         # dispatch the function
    { warn "(engine) undefined function $fn"; }

Hello, World with dhttp

To write the classic “Hello, world” application in dhttp, you’d create the file /dhttp/lib/Apps/ with the following:

package Apps::hello;
use Engine::PrivUtils;

sub do_hello_world 
  transmit httpStandardHeader;
  transmit "Hello, world";  

Then in dhttp/dhttp, the main driver, add the line:

use Apps::hello;

Now the server will respond to the URL /hello_world by calling the function Apps::hello::do_hello_world( ). Alternately you could create the /dhttp/lib/Apps/hello subdirectory and place a hello.html file in it. In this case, dhttp will serve the file in response to the URL /engine_serve_file?app=hello&file=hello.html.

So where’s the beef? A conventional server would just respond to the URL /hello.html. Why the extra gymnastics to serve a file with dhttp? The answer is that while it’s possible to make dhttp serve static files in the same way that normal web servers do, that’s the least interesting of its capabilities. Dynamic pages are dhttp’s forte. When you instantiate HTML/JavaScript templates and interpolate database extracts into those templates, you can achieve remarkable effects.

Into the Starting Gate

Conventional web servers, as installed, leave you far short of the starting gate—at least as far as Perl-based web development is concerned. Sure, they tell you how to map Perl to the cgi-bin directory, but that’s just the first step. What about low-latency script invocation? It’s up to you to acquire and integrate the necessary stuff—either ISAPI Perl on Win32 or mod_ perl on Unix. What about low-latency database connections? Again it’s up to you to piece together a solution. On Win32, this might involve ODBC connection pooling in conjunction with ASP/PerlScript or alternatively ActiveState’s PerlEx. On Unix, you’ll need to figure out Apache::DBI.

Only some of the web developers who deploy Perl-based CGI are in a position to exploit low-latency script invocation. Of that subset, still fewer are able to exploit low-latency database connections. With dhttp you start with a Perl environment that already solves these two key problems. So while dhttp is indeed small and simple and fast, I don’t consider it minimal. It includes the essential ingredients that I always need to add to conventional Unix or NT web servers in order to prepare them to do useful work in Perl.

Every developer who uses Perl on a web server should be using it to maximum advantage. For high-intensity applications, dhttp doesn’t pretend to be a solution. In these cases, you need to create a persistent and database-aware Perl environment—using mod_ perl or PerlEx. The effort invested to learn how these environments work will be repaid many times over. Where dhttp shines is with low-intensity applications. Scads of these could exist, and many more would if the activation threshold for creating them were lower. Scalability isn’t the issue in many cases; availability is. Given the right environment, it’s easy to spin out lots of useful, lightweight web applications.

Connecting dhttp to SQL Data

A dhttp plug-in can create one or more persistent connections to a SQL database. The example in Figure 15.2 uses Perl’s universal database connector, DBI, along with the DBD::ODBC module that maps between DBI calls and ODBC data sources. Because dhttp is a single-threaded system, it’s OK to use the Jet (MS-Access-style) ODBC driver to work with local .MDB files, although you can use any data source that comes with an ODBC driver. The advantage of the DBI and DBD::ODBC approach is that it’s fully portable. If you run dhttp on a Unix system, you can replace DBD::ODBC with, for example, DBD::Solid or DBD::Oracle.

An alternate method I’ve used with dhttp relies on a Windows-specific Perl module, Win32::ODBC. Why sacrifice DBI’s portability? The target for dhttp isn’t conventional server machines but rather the huge population of Windows-based desktop systems. Nowadays, these systems are often overpowered and underutilized. Windows 98 and MS Office can’t soak up all the cycles on a 500MHz Pentium-based box. If you want to recruit these machines as nodes of a distributed network, portability between Unix and Win32 may matter less than convenient installation in the Windows environment. In that respect, the Win32::ODBC approach is attractive. Its ODBC support runs deeper and wider than does that of DBD::ODBC. For example, you can use Win32::ODBC to conjure up a data source that hasn’t been defined using the ODBC Driver Manager, like this:

my $sfa_dbh = new ODBC("DBQ=$root/sfa.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};");

The DBD::ODBC method expects that the file sfa.mdb has been defined as an ODBC data source. As such, dhttp apps that rely on that method depend on registry entries. That in turn creates an extra installation step and complicates deployment of dhttp. The Win32::ODBC method, which can create a data source on the fly, helps minimize the installation footprint. Ideally you want zero impact on the client machine; that’s the beauty of the web software model. That’s not possible when you install client components, as dhttp does, but it’s wise to make those parts as unobtrusive and dependency-free as you can.

If you go the Win32::ODBC route, must you give up portability? Nope. It stands to reason that two different Perl ODBC modules will share a lot in common. Abstracting the differences between DBD::ODBC and Win32::ODBC, for the basic set of SQL functions needed by dhttp apps, is quite easy. The following is a Win32:: ODBC version of a function that runs an SQL query and returns the result set as a Perl list-of-lists.

sub dbSqlReturnAllRows    # Win32::ODBC version
  my ($dbh,$st) = @_;     # input: db handle, and sql statement
  my (@results);
  while ($dbh->FetchRow())
    my (@row) = $dbh->Data($dbh->fieldnames);
    push (@results, @row);
  return @results;

And here’s a DBD::ODBC version of the same routine:

sub dbSqlReturnAllRows    # DBD::ODBC version
  my ($dbh,$st) = @_;     # input: db handle, and sql statement
  my $sth = $dbh->prepare($st) or die ("prepare, $DBI::errstr");
  $sth->execute or die ("returnAllRows, $DBI::errstr");
  my (@row, @results);
  while (@row = $sth->fetchrow)
    my @data = @row;
    push(@results, @data);
  return @results;

The dhttp apps I’ve written so far all work in terms of this abstraction layer, so they’re portable between DBI (which is now available on both Win32 and Unix) and Win32::ODBC (which is available only on Windows).

A persistent connection to the database

There are a variety of ways that web-server-based scripting languages can cache database connections. Examples include Apache’s mod_ perl with Apache::DBI, IIS with Active Server Pages and any ActiveX script language, and ActiveState’s mod_ perl work-alike, PerlEx. In the dhttp system, this notion of a persistent database handle reduces to its bare essentials: a variable in the namespace of the main dhttp driver.

That variable, for example, $sfa_dbh in Figure 15.2, is set once when the engine loads the plug-in app. Thereafter, methods that make database calls pass this handle to the public engine methods that talk to the database.

How much time does it save to cache the handle? Here’s a do-nothing dhttp method:

sub do_sfa_nothing
  { print httpStandardHeader; }

On my machine, a test script can invoke that method in a tight loop at the rate of about 33 calls per second. That’s pretty quick, by the way. IIS configured to spawn Perl once per call can do only 10 calls per second. IIS with ISAPI Perl—which eliminates the process-creation cost of spawning Perl—still yields only 22 calls per second. A do-nothing ASP PerlScript function does slightly better at 26 calls per second, but still short of the 33 calls per second I get with dhttp.

Now let’s connect to a DBD::ODBC data source, then disconnect from it:

sub do_sfa_connect_disconnect
  my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:ODBC:sfa",'','') 
       or die ("connect, $DBI::errstr");
  print httpStandardHeader;

A test script can only run this method about half as fast as the do-nothing method: at about 17 calls per second. Because they cache database handles at start-up, dhttp modules pay the connection penalty once only, at start-up. Now in reality, web applications don’t sit in tight loops making database calls, so caching the database handle isn’t really going to double perceived performance. But there’s no point in repeatedly creating and destroying a resource that need only be created once.

Implementing Data-Bound Widgets

Idioms that we take for granted in conventional client/server database apps—such as data-bound widgets—aren’t often found in pure web-style apps. True, you can create these effects with Java applets, ActiveX controls, or DHTML scripts, but these techniques tend to compromise either speed or cross-browser compatibility. A system that exploits a powerful scripting language like Perl can express quite rich behavior in terms of the standard HTML/JavaScript client.

Consider the picklist in the company pane in Figure 15.1 (top left). Here’s a fragment of the form template that governs the picklist:

<input name=cmp_complete size=6 value="CMP_COMPLETE" 
<select name=cmp_name onChange="javascript:sfa_company_continue()">

When you send dhttp the URL /sfa_company?cmp_name=M, it decomposes the URL into a function call: do_sfa_company("cmp_name=M"). The function reads a form template containing the previous fragment and sends back a transformed version of it. One of the transformations replaces the marker COMPANY_LIST with a set of <OPTION> attributes that complete the <SELECT> tag in the form template. In this case, the completion string assigned to the variable $cmp_name is M, so the list will display just the companies whose names match that prefix. Here’s how do_sfa_company( ) transforms the COMPANY_LIST marker:

if ( m#COMPANY_LIST# )
  my $prepared_cmp_name = prepareForDb($cmp_name);
  $st = sprintf("select cmp_name from cmp where cmp_name like '%s'
       order by cmp_name", $prepared_cmp_name . '%'),
  ($truncated,$picklist) = getPicklist($st,$cmp_name);
  $form .= $picklist;
  if ($truncated)
    { s/LIST_TRUNCATED/<br>(list truncated at
         $picklist_limit,<br>try narrower selection)/; }
    { s/LIST_TRUNCATED//; }

And here’s the getPicklist( ) routine that maps between the SQL statement and the corresponding set of HTML <OPTION> tags:

sub getPicklist
  my ($st,$selected) = @_;
  my ($lref) = dbSqlReturnAllRows($sfa_dbh,$st);      # process query into LoL
  my ($rowref, $result);
  my $count = 0;
  foreach $rowref (@$lref)
    last if ( $count++ > $picklist_limit );
    my $key = $$rowref[0];
    $result .= "<option value="$key"";              # begin HTML fragment
    if ($selected eq $key)                            # if current selection
      { $result .= " selected"; }                     # make it selected
    $result .= ">$key</option>
  my @ret = ( ($count > $picklist_limit), $result);
  return @ret;

If you call sfa_do_company( ) method without arguments (i.e., using the bare URL /sfa_company), it dumps the whole company-name column into the picklist—unless there are more than specified in the package variable $picklist_limit. A picklist with hundreds of entries isn’t very useful, so if the list exceeds the limit, getPicklist( ) truncates it and reports that it did so. do_sfa_company( ), as it processes the form template, can do two things with the LIST_TRUNCATED marker. If the list is within the limit, it removes the marker. If the list exceeds the limit, it replaces the marker with a message that invites the user to specify a narrower selection.

Namespace Completion

There are two ways to narrow the selection. Both involve namespace completion, a feature that’s prized by users of the Emacs text editor. The idea is that you can constrain the set of values within some namespace by supplying partial input. In Emacs, there are several namespaces subject to completion. When you’re looking for a file, Emacs completes partial input against the filesystem namespace. It displays a list of only those files or directories that match what you type, and it refines that list as you expand the partial input. You can also complete against the namespace of Emacs commands. On the editor’s command line, you can type a? to enumerate all the commands that start with a and ab? to enumerate the shorter list of commands that start with ab.

The Netscape and Microsoft 4.x browsers do a kind of namespace completion but not as effectively as Emacs does. If you’ve visited the URL /sfa_home, and the string /sf is unique within the list of recently viewed URLs, both will complete /sfa_home as soon as you type /sf. But what if you’ve also recently visited the URL /sfa_home?cmp_name=Microsoft? In that case, both browsers will still complete /sfa_home as soon as you type /sf. This behavior is subtly but crucially different from that of Emacs. In Emacs, the user explicitly asks for namespace completion, provides a completion string, and gets back a view of a namespace that’s restricted appropriately. The 4.x browsers don’t restrict the list of recently visited URLs according to the completion. If /sfa_home?cmp_name=Microsoft was the result you wanted, completion of /sfa_home is a false and useless result. You still have to drop down the list of recently visited URLs, and there it’s no easier to pick out /sfa_home?cmp_name=Microsoft than it would have been without any completion.

Happily this problem was corrected in MSIE 5.0. You can use the Tab key to complete partial input on the browser’s command line, and it does correctly narrow the list of recently visited URLs.

While we’re on the subject, there’s another kind of completion that browsers don’t get quite right. Dropdown lists driven by the HTML SELECT widget support completion but only on the first letter of input. Although most people don’t realize it, in a list of U.S. states you can type M to jump directly to the entry for Maine. Even fewer people realize that you can navigate within the M states by continuing to type M—for example, after the fourth M you’ve selected Michigan. Almost nobody realizes that you ought to be able to select Michigan (but cannot) by simply typing MI. Do that, and you’ll instead land in Idaho.

Implementing namespace completion with dhttp

Within the constraints of the standard HTML/JavaScript client, do_sfa_company( ) tries to accomplish two things: make completion work properly, and gently introduce users to the idea of namespace completion. That’s why there are two ways to do completion. The first uses a tabbed index that can perform any first-letter completion with a single click. Because do_sfa_company( ) is a template processor, it’s surprisingly easy to create that widget. The form template has a marker, TAB_INDEX. Here’s the Perl fragment that converts it into a row of links that do first-letter completion:

if ( m#TAB_INDEX# )
  my ($tab);
  $form .= "<a href="javascript:sfa_company_index('')">*</a> "; # wildcard
  foreach $tab ('A'..'Z')
    { $form .= "<a href="javascript:sfa_company_index('$tab')">$tab</a> "; }

Each of the links invokes the JavaScript function, sfa_company_index( ), which is part of the same form template:

function sfa_company_index (tab)
  cmp_name = tab;
  url = getServer() + '/sfa_company?cmp_name=&cmp_name=' + escape(cmp_name); 
  parent.frames[0].location = url;

Note that there needn’t be a form template at all; do_sfa_company( ) could simply emit everything on the fly. It’s handy, though, to express the template as a separate file. That way it’s easier to prototype and test the pages that will be emitted dynamically and to visualize the relationship between the HTML text and the JavaScript code on those pages.

Namespace completion driven by a tabbed index

The sfa_company_index( ) JavaScript function does three simple things:

  • Collects the user’s selected first letter

  • Forms a URL that incorporates that partial input

  • Recycles that URL back into the engine

In this case, the URL reinvokes the do_sfa_company( ) method but qualifies it with an argument that carries the completion letter; for example, /sfa_home?cmp_name=M. This process can iterate indefinitely; each click on the tabbed index regenerates the picklist for the selected tab. What if the picklist’s limit is 50, and there are more than 50 M companies? The second completion mechanism—the input box labeled match companies—can now come into play. There you can type Mi or Micro to restrict the picklist to just the companies whose names match these prefixes.

Namespace completion driven by partial input

Here’s the template fragment for the input box:

<input name=cmp_complete size=6 value="CMP_COMPLETE"
<br><a href="javascript:sfa_company_complete()">match companies</a>

There are two ways to invoke the JavaScript function sfa_company_complete( ). It’s the handler for the input box’s onChange event, so if a user enters text and tabs to the next widget in the form, completion will run. It’s also wired to the match companies link. Why the redundancy? For the usual reasons. There’s more than one way to do it; different mechanisms make sense to different people; it’s easy to accommodate many styles. The onChange event is a subtle and effective way to invoke completion. If you’re already typing in the input box, the Tab key is handier than the mouse. A user who knows that the ? key invokes completion in Emacs might quickly learn that the Tab key is its analog in a family of dhttp apps. Of course, most users of browser-based software aren’t hardwired for Emacs, and many never even think of using the keyboard for anything besides data entry. So while it’s nice to provide a keyboard shortcut for a minority of expert users, you should never omit the prominent clickable link that most people expect.

The form template includes a marker, CMP_COMPLETE, which do_sfa_company( ) replaces when it emits the form. The two completion functions share the use of this marker by way of the cmp_name argument that each function embeds in the URL it creates and invokes. For tabbed-index completion, loading the selected first letter into the input box documents the new state of the picklist. It’s also a bridge to the input-box method. It helps the user to discover that if a value of M yields a list of M companies when you click the match companies link, a value of Mi will yield a shorter list of Mi companies. For input-box completion, the partial string is “sticky”—that is, it persists across regenerations of the frame, so you can see the effects of growing or shrinking the partial input.

Failed namespace completion leads to data entry

What happens if you click (or type) Q, but there are no Q companies yet in the database? The app interprets this as a request to add the first Q company, and it replaces the company pane with an input form. Here’s how do_sfa_company( ) handles that case:

if ( length($picklist) == 0 )            # No companies match completion
  {                                      # Invite user to add one.
  transmit httpRedirectHeader
else                                     # One or more companies match 
  {                                      # completion. Emit the form.
  transmit httpStandardHeader;
  transmit $form;

The application displays in a three-pane frameset, as shown in Figure 15.1. When the top-left company pane produces an empty list, the HTTP redirection sent back to the browser applies to that pane, and the add-company form appears there. The contact or contact-history panes are unaffected as yet. If the the user adds a new company, these panes will synchronize with it by means of the event-bubbling mechanism we’ll discuss shortly. If the user decides not to add a new company, though, these panes continue to supply context regarding the most recently selected company and access to functions that add and view contacts and contact histories.

The general strategy here is to build a stateful and context-preserving display from a sequence of inherently stateless HTTP transactions. There are two complementary ways to create the URLs that drive an application and that preserve context across HTTP transaction boundaries. The template processor that emits each piece of the display is one intelligent URL manipulator. The JavaScript code that can be embedded in each piece of the display is another. When these two mechanisms work together, you can achieve really powerful effects.

Polymorphic HTML Widgets

The contacts pane works like the company pane. There’s a tabbed index for first-letter completion and an input box for completion of longer bits of partial input. If either of these completion functions produces an empty list of contacts, the add-contact form appears in the contacts pane. The company-name widget in the add-contact form is an example of what I mean by a polymorphic HTML widget. Suppose the initial state is as shown in Figure 15.1. The partial input Micro in the company pane has regenerated the picklist to include just matching companies—in this case, the single entry Microsoft. It also regenerated the contacts pane, constraining its picklist to just Microsoft contacts. Because John Montgomery is the selected contact, the contact-history pane displays associated contact records. In this context, if Paul Maritz isn’t yet in the database as a Microsoft contact, clicking P or typing Paul replaces the contacts pane with the add-contact form shown in Figure 15.3.

The add-contact form, constrained to a selected company

Figure 15-3. The add-contact form, constrained to a selected company

The only Microsoft checkbox shown in Figure 15.1 constrains the list of contacts to those at Microsoft. So the company-name widget on the add-contact form need not, and should not, accept input. It should merely report the company name that will be included in the new contact record, and it does so by printing the name on the surface of the form.

You can release that constraint by unchecking the checkbox. Why would you? You ought to be able to look up any contact directly, without having to know—and select—that person’s company. If the database lists Pauls who are contacts at other, non-Microsoft companies, clicking P or typing Paul won’t produce an add-contact form; it will constrain the contacts picklist to those other Pauls and synchronize the contact-history pane to the first of them.

Now suppose you want create a new contact record for Paul Jones and, at the same time, create a new company record for this Paul’s company, JonesWare. After releasing the company constraint, you can invoke an add-contact form by typing Paul Jones. If there aren’t yet any Paul Joneses in the database, that produces the form shown in Figure 15.4.

The add-contact form, unconstrained by company

Figure 15-4. The add-contact form, unconstrained by company

The contact name carries over from the previous form, but now the company-name widget is an input box. In this case, the user wants to create a company record for JonesWare—but the user might also want to look up an existing company other than the one to which the contacts pane was originally constrained. To support that lookup, completion works here too. Suppose JonesWare already exists in the company table. If you type partial input into the company-name field, perhaps Jo, and then tab to the next field, the add-contact form regenerates with a picklist of Jo companies, as shown in Figure 15.5.

The add-contact form, with company-name completion

Figure 15-5. The add-contact form, with company-name completion

In this case, the company-name widget has morphed into a picklist that helps the user distinguish between JonesWare and Jones Inc.

What if JonesWare weren’t yet in the database? In that case, the user can create a new company record for JonesWare and a new contact record for Paul Jones in a single go, by typing both names into the form shown in Figure 15.4. That’s a lot to do all at once, so to give the user a chance to confirm the creation of both records, the form morphs into yet another state. As shown in Figure 15.6, the link’s label documents that two operations will occur at once.

The add-contact form, confirming creation of both a company and a contact

Figure 15-6. The add-contact form, confirming creation of both a company and a contact

So how can a dumb HTML form widget polymorphically adapt itself, depending on context, to appear as a label, an input box, or a picklist? This effect requires collaboration between server-side and client-side code. We already know, in general, how the server-side part works. If the form template contains the marker COMPANY_WIDGET, the method that handles the add-contact form—do_sfa_add_contact( )—can replace that marker with just text or with HTML fragments that specify either an input box or a picklist. A signal encoded in a URL and passed to the method as an argument will supply the contextual clue that governs which flavor of widget to emit.

From the perspective of the JavaScript code in the emitted form, though, there’s a problem. The JavaScript function wired to the add contact link needs to collect input, weave it into a URL, and send that URL back into the engine. In particular, it needs to get hold of the company name. But since the company-name widget is polymorphic, its value may reside in one of three different JavaScript objects. Table 15.1 lays out the different ways that these objects can extract the value.

Table 15-1. Modes of JavaScript Access to a Polymorphic HTML Widget

Widget Type

Widget Name

Value Accessor

label (value transmitted in hidden field)



input box





document.sfa_add_contact.cmp_name.options [document.sfa_add_contact.cmp_name.options.selectedIndex].text

How can the JavaScript function select among these access modes when it builds the URL that it sends back into the engine? It needs a hint from the server-side method that emitted the form. Example 15.2 shows the relevant piece of do_sfa_add_contact( ).

Example 15-2. Server-Side Setup for Polymorphic HTML Widget

if ( m#CMP_WIDGET# )                             # emit company-name widget
                                                 # case 1
if ($con_restrict eq 'on')                       # widget constrained to
  {                                              # selected company
  $form .= "<input type=hidden name=mode         # tell JavaScript 
       value=plain>";                            # the mode is "plain"
  $form .= "<input type=hidden name=cmp_label    # pass label in hidden field
  $form .= "$cmp_name";                          # emit label
                                                 # case 2
if ( ($con_restrict ne 'on') and                 # widget not constrained to company
     ($cmp_name     eq ''  )       )             # no partial input supplied
  $form .= "<input type=hidden name=mode         # tell JavaScript the mode 
       value=input>";                            # is "input"
  $form .= "<input name=cmp_name                 # emit input box 
                                                 # case 3: name completion
if ( ($con_restrict ne 'on') and                 # widget not constrained to company
     ($cmp_name     ne ''  ) and                 # partial input supplied
     ($cmp_create   ne 'on')   )                 # don't create a new company record
  $form .= "<input type=hidden name=mode         # tell JavaScript the mode is
       value=picklist>";                         # "picklist"
  my $prepared_cmp_name = prepareForDb($cmp_name);  # SQL-escape the supplied 
                                                    # completion value
                                                    # construct query
  $st = sprintf("select cmp_name from cmp where 
       cmp_name like '%s' order by cmp_name", 
       $prepared_cmp_name . '%'),
  ($truncated,$picklist) = getPicklist($st,'none'), # build the completion list
  $form .= "<select name=cmp_name>";                # emit the picklist
  $form .= $picklist;
  $form .= "</select>";               
                                                 # case 4
if ($cmp_create eq 'on')                         # do create a new company record
  $form .= "<input type=hidden name=mode         # tell JavaScript the mode is 
       value=create>";                           # "create"  
  $form .= "<input type=hidden name=cmp_name     # pass the value 
  $form .= "$cmp_name";                          # emit the value as a label

The template processor emits, along with each variant of the polymorphic widget, a signal in the hidden field mode that tells the client-side code which variant it has received. Now the client code can select the appropriate syntax to access the widget’s value, as shown in Example 15.3.

Example 15-3. Client-Side Setup for Polymorphic HTML Widget

function sfa_add_contact_continue ()
  mode = document.sfa_add_contact.mode.value; // identify the mode
  cmp_create = '';

  if  (mode == 'plain')                       // company was a constrained value
    {                                         // name was passed in hidden variable
    cmp_name = document.sfa_add_contact.cmp_label.value; 

  if  (mode == 'input')                          // company unrestricted
    cmp_name = 
      document.sfa_add_contact.cmp_name.value;   // name is in the input box

  if  (mode == 'picklist')                       // company-name completion
    {                                          // value is selected item in list
    cmp_name = document.sfa_add_contact.cmp_name.options

  if  (mode == 'create')                       // company record creation
    cmp_create = 'on';                         // tell the handler to create
    cmp_name =                                 // the company
      document.sfa_add_contact.cmp_name.value; // name is in the input box

  con_name = document.sfa_add_contact.con_name.value;
  con_title = document.sfa_add_contact.con_title.value;
  url = getServer() + '/sfa_handle_add_contact?cmp_name=' + 
       escape(cmp_name) + '&cmp_create=' + escape(cmp_create) + 
       '&con_name=' + escape(con_name) + '&con_select=' + 
        escape(con_name) + '&con_title=' + escape(con_title); 
  parent.frames[1].location = url;

Polymorphic data-bound HTML widgets in perspective

Is this technique really practical? I’ll admit that a complex scenario like this one is challenging to create and maintain. In theory you could specify these kinds of idioms more abstractly and write a code generator that would emit a combination of Perl, HTML, JavaScript, and SQL. In practice I’ve only done that in limited ways and haven’t yet come up with a general solution. Still, it’s instructive to see just how much UI richness can be achieved using only the standard basic building blocks of web software.

As always, the trick is to find the sweet spot that’s one step short of the point of diminishing returns. Back in Chapter 6, for example, we saw (in Figure 6.4) a form that a manager can use to generate another form that assigns a project to an analyst. The generated form contains database-driven fields: analyst, vendor, product. For the manager who generates that form, data-bound polymorphic widgets that support namespace completion will be a boon. Because the widgets are bound to database columns, each of the namespaces can be managed as a controlled vocabulary. Because the namespaces support completion, large lists can be segmented dynamically for convenient use in HTML picklists.

Internet groupware, as an information-management discipline, means weaving different kinds of data—email, web pages, SQL tables—into a coherent pattern. Web applications that use data-bound widgets to manage controlled vocabularies are one of the means to that end. Note that none of the polymorphic-HTML techniques we’ve seen here are specific to dhttp. You can do the same things using Perl (or another scripting language) on a conventional web server, and in many cases that’s the right way to do it. But a lightweight local web server like dhttp can be an attractive option.

The assignment-form generator, after all, is a tiny little application that might be used by only one person—the manager who issues assignment forms. Administrative policy surrounding a departmental or corporate intranet server can impede the deployment and maintenance of these kinds of ad hoc apps. Access to the server can be an issue as well. If the manager travels a lot or works from home without inbound access to the intranet server, local use of the app and its data—even while offline—will be crucial. I don’t argue that this approach is a better way to do web software, only that it’s a different—and complementary—way to do it.

Event Bubbling

The three-pane viewer is an idea as old as the hills, or at least, as old as Smalltalk-80. Here we’re exploring how to build that kind of viewer using standard web tools and methods. The key ingredients are frames—a sometimes dubious feature of HTML that in this case, I argue, is appropriate—and JavaScript handlers for onLoad events. Let’s take it from the top, when the plug-in receives the /sfa_home URL. Example 15.4 shows the do_sfa_home( ) method.

Example 15-4. The do_sfa_home( ) Method

sub do_sfa_home
  my ($args) = @_;
  my ($argref) =   getArgs($args);
  my $cmp_name    = escape(getArgval($$argref{cmp_name}));
  my $con_name    = escape(getArgval($$argref{con_name}));
  my $server_name = makeServerName();
  transmit <<"EOT";
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-type: text/html

<frameset rows=40%,*>
<frameset cols=50%,*>
<frame src="$server_name/sfa_company?cmp_name=$cmp_name&con_name=$con_name">
<frame src="$server_name/engine_null_frame">
<frame src="$server_name/engine_null_frame">

The arguments are optional. When other parts of the app pass arguments to this method, it just hands them along to the company-pane handler, which, in turn, hands them along to the contacts-pane handler. The top-level method’s job is just to establish the three-pane frameset and invoke the /sfa_company URL to paint the company pane. Why doesn’t it invoke handlers for the contacts and contact-history panes? Event bubbling takes care of that. The top-level method only needs to clear those panes, which it does using the public method engine_null_ frame( ), which emits an empty HTML body.

When you call the bare URL /sfa_home, no completion string constrains the company picklist displayed in the company pane. So the whole company table (subject to the specified limit) appears in the picklist. If Apple Computer is the first company in the list, then it’s the currently selected item. The form template for the company pane uses that selection, in its onLoad handler, to sync the contacts pane accordingly. Example 15.5 shows the onLoad handler.

Example 15-5. JavaScript onLoad Handler for the Company Pane

function sfa_company_load ()
  cmp_name = document.sfa_company.cmp_name.options
  con_name = document.sfa_company.con_name.value;
  con_select = document.sfa_company.con_select.value;
  url = getServer() + '/sfa_contacts?cmp_name=' + escape(cmp_name) + 
         '&con_name=' + escape(con_name) + '&con_restrict=on'; 
  parent.frames[1].location = url;

When this handler runs, the company-name variable picks up the value Apple Computer and weaves it into the /sfa_contacts URL that it builds.

If Apple Computer contacts are already in the database, the contacts pane repeats the process. The first item of the picklist—let’s say, Steve Jobs—is the default selection. The onLoad handler for the contacts pane extracts that value, and weaves it into the /sfa_history URL that drives the contact-history pane. The handler for that pane uses the value to constrain the list of entries to just those for Steve Jobs.

What if no Apple Computer contacts were in the database yet? In that case, the do_sfa_contacts( ) method in the server-side code issues a redirection to the do_sfa_add_contact( ) method. It replaces the contacts pane with the form we saw in Figure 15.3 through Figure 15.6. The value Apple Computer, which was originally the default picklist selection in the company pane, propagates through and becomes the text of the company-name widget on that form, in its incarnation as a read-only label.

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