Chapter 1

An Introduction to Electricity Generation


The history of the electricity industry can be traced back to the 19th century and the work of pioneering scientists of that era. The industry in its current form began to develop during the early years of the 20th century, based on fossil fuel and hydropower power stations delivering power across a hierarchical grid system. During the middle part of the 20th century nuclear stations started to provide electricity too. The industry at this stage was often built around nationalized or heavily regulated national and regional utilities that generated, distributed, and sold electricity. However, during the late 20th century market reforms were introduced in many countries with the breakup of these monolithic utilities and the creation of electricity markets. The 21st century has seen a rapid growth in new renewable forms of electricity generation and the growth of distributed generation, breaking down the hierarchical delivery model.



steam engines


hierarchical network

distributed generation

global capacity

global electricity production

alternating current

direct current

Electricity is at the root of everything that we think of as modern. In a practical sense it defines modernity. All of those adjuncts to living in an advanced society that began to appear from the end of the 19th century—electric lighting then electric motors, radio, television, home appliances, and, in the last part of the 20th century, the myriad of electronic devices that have been spawned by the development of the transistor including computers and portable telephones—rely exclusively on electricity for their operation. Their widespread use would not be possible without electricity and the complex electricity supply system that has evolved to deliver it.

Not only is electricity one of the foundations of a modern developed society, electricity is also capable of nourishing the advancement of a society. Something as simple as the availability of electric lighting can lead to enormous benefits in terms of levels of education and quality of life. In consequence, electricity supply is a key element of international development aid. Meanwhile the citizens of many less-developed nations yearn for an adequate electricity supply and all the benefits that it can bring. Ironically, most of the citizens of the world’s advanced societies take it for granted.

The industry that supplies electricity and maintains the network that allows it to be delivered to virtually any location on the planet makes up what is probably the largest single industrial endeavor in the world. At the same time, the supply of electricity is a complex operation. Electricity is not a physical commodity like steel or maize even though it is often bought and sold as if it were such a commodity. Electricity is an ephemeral energy source that must be consumed immediately after it is produced. This means that any power station that is producing electrical power must have a customer ready to use it. This careful balancing act is carried out across a network of electricity supply lines controlled by network operators whose primary job is to ensure that the balance between demand and supply is maintained at all times.

Electricity supply is also a security issue. While people untouched by modernity can still live their lives without electricity, a modern industrial nation deprived of its electricity supply is like a great ocean liner without it engines. It becomes helpless. Consequently, governments must ensure that their people and their industries are kept supplied, and national electricity supply strategies will often have security of supply as one of their main considerations.

This book is primarily about the ways of generating electricity. It does not cover in depth the means of transporting electricity and delivering it to those who wish to use it. Nor does it treat, except obliquely, the political issues that attach themselves to electricity supply. What it does attempt is to provide an explanation of all the myriad ways that humans have devised to produce this most elusive of energy forms.

The book is divided into chapters each devoted to one type of electricity generation. The explanations provided are thorough and technical where necessary, but do not resort to overly technical language where it can be avoided. Readers who are seeking a full analysis of the thermodynamics of the heat engine or the differential equations for solving the problem of turbine flow, will need to look elsewhere, but those who seek a thorough understanding of electricity generation will find it here.

The aim of this book is to provide a description of every type of power generation. Even so, there will be occasional lacunas; there is no description of magnetohydrodynamic power generation, for example, although even this obscure phenomenon does earn a brief mention in Chapter 14 on marine power generation. That aside, all practical and some still experimental means of producing electricity are included.

History of electricity generation

The roots of the modern electricity-generating industry are found in the early and middle years of the 19th century and in the work of men such as André Ampère, Michael Faraday, Benjamin Franklin, and Alessandro Volta. It was during this period that scientists began to forge an understanding of the nature of electrical charge and magnetic fields. The chemical battery that converted chemical energy into electricity had also been discovered and permitted the properties of a flowing electrical charge (an electric current) to be explored. This also allowed the development of the telegraph, the first electrical means of communication. It was Faraday who was able to establish the relationship between electric currents and magnetism, a relationship that makes it possible to generate electricity with moving machinery rather than taking it exclusively from chemical batteries. His discoveries opened the way to the use of rotating engines as a source of electrical power.

The widening understanding of electricity coincided with the development of the steam engine as well as the widespread use of gas for fuel and lighting. Lighting, in particular, caught the public’s imagination and one of the first major uses for electricity was as a source of light. In the United States, Thomas Edison developed the carbon filament that produced light from an electric current. Similar work was carried out in the United Kingdom by Sir Joseph Swan.

Some of the first rotating machines used for electricity generation were based on water wheels and dynamos. However, water was not always available where power was needed and the trend among municipal power stations, the first important type of public power plant, was often to utilize steam engines and generators. These stations were initially built to provide electricity for lighting in cites. Early plants were generally small with a limited number of customers, but the area supplied by each power station gradually grew in size. At the same time there was little standardization and supply voltages varied from place to place and company to company. Meanwhile, there was an extended debate about the comparative merits of direct current and alternating current as the means of supplying electrical power. This was not resolved until well into the 20th century.

Lighting offered the first commercial use for electricity, but it proved an insufficient foundation for an industry. What accelerated the growth of electricity generation was its use for traction power, such as electric trams for urban transport and the underground railway systems in London and Paris. These were the kinds of projects that stimulated the construction of large power stations at the end of the 19th century and the start of the 20th century.

From here the industry spread rapidly, particularly with the use of electric motors in commerce and industry. The piecemeal development of the supply industry eventually became a problem and nationalization and standardization became common during the first half of the 20th century. Ironically, the first of these, nationalization, would be reversed in many countries during the last part of the same century. By that time electricity had become indispensable.

Although its origins are in the 19th century, few would dispute the argument that the growth of the electricity industry was a 20th-century phenomenon. There is little doubt, too, that by the end of the 21st century it will have become the world’s most important source of energy. It is already starting to move into transportation with electric vehicles so that most types of energy needed can now be supplied electrically. It is worth remembering, however, that most of the key elements necessary for electricity generation, transmission, and distribution were developed during the 19th century.

Evolution of electricity-generating technologies

The development of the electric power industry can be dated from the development of the dynamo or alternator. This allowed rotating machinery to be used to generate electricity. There were two sorts of generator used in the industry initially: the dynamo, which produced direct current, and the alternator, which produced and alternating current (the word “generator” can be used for both but it has become associated with the latter). The first practical dynamo was developed independently by Werner Siemens and Charles Wheatstone in 1867 and it was through the dynamo that the electric motor was discovered. However, the dynamo became displaced in most uses by the alternator, because alternating current distribution of power proved more efficient based on the technologies available at the time.

The first recorded power station appears to have been built in the Bavarian town of Ettal in 1878. This station used a steam engine to drive 24 dynamos, with the electricity used to provide lighting for a grotto in the gardens of the Linderhof Palace. Meanwhile, the first public power station was built in 1881 in Godalming in Surrey, United Kingdom. This station used two waterwheels to drive an alternator and provided power to two circuits—one at 250 V supplying power to 7 arc lights, and the second at 40 V providing power for 35 incandescent lamps.

As this brief historical snapshot demonstrates, both hydropower and steam power were already being used in the early days of the industry. Steam power was at this stage based on reciprocating steam engines, similar in concept to a piston engine. These engines were not ideal for the purpose because they could not easily develop the high rotational speeds needed to drive a generator effectively. This difficulty was eventually overcome with the invention of the steam turbine by Sir Charles Parsons in 1884. Fuel for these steam plants was usually coal, used to raise steam in a boiler.

Hydropower was an established source of mechanical power long before the steam engine was invented, so it was natural that it should provide one of the first engines used to drive dynamos and alternators. Water wheels were not the most efficient way of harnessing the power in flowing water but new turbine designs soon evolved. Much of the work on the main turbine types that are used today to capture power from flowing water—designs such as the Pelton and Francis turbines—was carried out in the second half of the 19th century.

By the beginning of the 20th century both the spark-ignition engine and the diesel engine had been developed. These too could be used to make electricity. Before World War II, work also began on the use of wind power as a way of generating power. Even so, steam turbine power stations burning coal, and sometimes oil or gas, together with hydropower stations provided the bulk of the global power generation capacity until the beginning of the 1960s.

In the 1950s the age of nuclear power was born. Once the principles were established, construction of nuclear power stations accelerated. Here, it was widely believed, was a modern source of energy for the modern age—it was cheap, clean, and technically exciting. Nuclear power continued to expand rapidly in the United States up to the late 1970s. In other parts of the world, uptake was less rapid but in western Europe, Great Britain, France, and Germany invested heavily, and in Scandinavia, Sweden developed a significant fleet of plants. In the Far East, Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea worked more slowly. Russia developed its own plants, which were used widely in eastern Europe, and India and China each began a nuclear program.

From the end of the 1970s the once-lustrous nuclear industry began to tarnish. Since then its progress has slowed dramatically, particularly in the west. In Asia, however, the dream remains alive, although Japan’s nuclear industry has been seriously damaged by the Fukushima disaster in 2011, the repercussions of which have reverberated around the world.

At the beginning of the same decade that saw nuclear fortunes turn, in 1973 to be precise, the Arab–Israeli war caused a major upheaval in world oil prices. These rose dramatically. By then oil had also become a major fuel for power stations. Countries that were burning it extensively began to seek new ways of generating electricity, and interest in renewable energy sources began to take off while the use of oil for power generation began to wane in all but the oil-producing countries of the Middle East.

The stimulus of rising oil prices led to the investigation of a wide variety of different alternative energy technologies, such as wave power, hot-rock geothermal power, and the use of ethanol derived from crops instead of petrol or oil. However, the main winners were solar power and wind power. Development took a long time, but by the end of the century solar and wind technologies had reached the stage where they were both technically and economically viable. By the end of the first decade of the 21st century both were growing strongly in overall installed capacity and, with prices coming down, this trend appears set to continue well into the century.

One further legacy of the early 1970s that began to be felt in the electricity industry during the 1980s was a widespread concern for the environment. This forced the industry to implement wide-ranging measures to reduce environmental emissions from fossil fuel–fired power plants. Other power generation technologies, such as hydropower, were affected too as their impact on local environments and people were reassessed.

The gas turbine began to make a major impact during the 1980s as an engine for power stations. The machine was perfected during and after World War II as an aviation power unit but soon transferred to the power industry for use in power plants supplying peak demand. During the 1980s the first large base-load power stations using both gas turbines and steam turbines in a configuration known as the combined cycle plant were built. This configuration has become the main source of new base-load capacity in many countries where natural gas is readily available.

The first years of the 21st century have seen increased emphasis on new and renewable sources of electricity. Fuel cells, a technically advanced but expensive source of electricity, are approaching commercial viability. There is renewed interest in deriving energy from ocean waves and currents, and from the heat in tropical seas. Offshore wind farms have started to multiply around the shores of Europe.

The story of power generation across the 21st century is likely to be the contest between these new technologies and the old combustion technologies for dominance within the power generation industry. And while they battle for supremacy there remains one technology—nuclear fusion—that has yet to prove itself but just might sweep the board.

Evolution of electricity networks

For electricity from a power station or power-generating unit to be delivered to a customer, the two must be connected by an electricity network. Over the past century these networks have developed into massive systems.

When the industry was in its infancy, networks were a simple pattern of lines radiating from a power station to the small number of customers that each power station supplied, usually with a number of customers on each line. When the number of customers was small and the distances over which electricity was transported were short, these lines could operate with either direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC).

As the distances increased, it became necessary to raise the voltage at which the electricity was transmitted to reduce the current and the resistive losses in the lines when high currents were flowing. The AC transformer allowed the voltage on an AC line to be increased and then decreased again efficiently and with relatively ease, whereas this was not possible for the DC system. As a consequence, alternating current became the standard for most electricity networks.

Alternating current continued to dominate across the 20th century, but developments in power electronics led to a resurgence in interest in the DC transmission of power at the end of the century in the form of high-voltage DC lines. These are increasingly used for sending large amounts of power over long distances for which they are proving more efficient than conventional AC lines.

Back at the start of the 20th century, the growth in size of what was initially a myriad of independent electricity networks soon led to overlap between service areas. While competition was good for the electricity market, the range of different operating standards, particularly voltages and frequencies, made actual competition difficult. A proliferation of independent networks was also costly, and in the final analysis it was unnecessary because if different operators standardized on their voltages, the suppliers of electric power could all use the same network rather than each building its own.

Standardization was pushed through in many countries during the first half of the 20th century and national grid systems were established that were either government owned or controlled by legislation to ensure that the monopoly they created could not be exploited. However, there are still vestiges of the early market proliferation of standards to be found today in regional variations, such as the delivery of alternating current at either 50 Hz or 60 Hz and the different standard voltage levels used.

As national networks were built up, a hierarchical structure became established based on the industry model in which electric power was generated in large central power stations. These large power plants fed their power into what is now the transmission network, a high-voltage backbone that carries electricity at high voltage from region to region. From this transmission network, power is fed into lower-voltage distribution networks and these then deliver the power to the customers.

An electricity network of any type must be kept in balance if voltage and frequency conditions are to be maintained at a stable level. This is a consequence of the ephemeral nature of electricity. The balance between the actual demand for electricity on the network and the power being fed into it must be maintained within narrow limits. Any deviation from balance leads to changes in frequency and voltage and, if these become too large, can lead to a system failure.

The organization charged with maintaining the balance is called the system operator. This organization has limited control over the demand level but it must be able to control the output of the power plants connected to its network. For most networks this has traditionally involved having a variety of different types of power stations supplying power. The first of these are base-load power plants. These are usually large fossil fuel and nuclear power plants (but they may also include hydropower) that keep running at maximum output all the time, supplying the basic demand on the network. Next are intermediate-load power plants, often gas turbine based, which do not run all the time but might start up in the morning to meet the daytime rise in demand and then close down in the evening when demand begins to fall again. These two types can supply the broad level of demand during both day and night but there will always be a need for even faster-acting plants that can provide the power to meet sudden peaks in demand. These are called peak-load or peaking power plants. In general, the power from base-load power plants is the cheapest available, that from intermediate load plants is more expensive, and that from peak-load plants is the most expensive.

Renewable energy and distributed generation

Most forms of renewable energy do not fit happily into this operational structure. When electricity from them is available it must be used as if it were from a base-load plant, but because their output is intermittent, they cannot be relied on in the same way as a base-load plant. As a consequence, the introduction of large quantities of renewable energy into electricity systems that began at the beginning of the 21st century is leading to important changes in the way grid stability is maintained.

While the output of a conventional power plant will, barring accidents, remain steady and predictable, many renewable sources including wind and solar energy are, as just noted, intermittent and often unpredictable. This means that system operators must now manage not only variable demand from customers but also a variable supply. New strategies are being adopted by the system operators, including the use of highly detailed weather forecasting, so that the output from variable renewable plants can be predicted ahead of time and alternative capacity arranged where a shortfall is expected. The amount of electricity storage capacity included on a grid is expected to grow too as a means of balancing renewable generation.

The growth in the use of solar and wind power has led to other changes. One of these is an increase in the number of power stations that feed power into the distribution level of the grid rather than the transmission system level. This has arisen partly because many renewable power plants are too small to provide power into the backbone of the grid network. However, another important factor is the increased use of electricity generated locally.

Local generation might be a rooftop solar panel supplying power to a single domestic household or a small wind farm providing electricity to the community that owns it. In both cases, the electric power never enters the transmission backbone but travels from generator to consumer either internally or across the distribution system. Distributed generation, as generation at this point in the grid hierarchy is called, is valuable because it means that power does not have to be transported far between the generator and the user, thereby reducing transmission losses. In the extreme case, such as power from a rooftop solar panel being used in a domestic household, virtually all transportation losses are eliminated.

The use of distributed generation allows new capacity to be added in small tranches as demand grows in a particular area. However, it creates difficulties for distribution networks. Traditionally these have been designed as passive networks that deliver power from transmission networks to customers. They do not have the ability to balance their own network power locally because it has never been necessary for them to have this capability. Distributed generation alters the situation, and it is leading to the development of balancing capability at the distribution level. It is likely that future electricity networks will resemble an interconnection of such semi-autonomous distribution networks rather than a single hierarchical network.

One of the technologies that will enable this to take place is called the smart grid. A smart grid is an electricity network in which the system operator, the power suppliers, and the power consumers can all interact and communicate in real time. To achieve this it is necessary to build a computer network that runs in parallel to the electricity network. This type of system is beginning to appear in parts of the world and it is likely to become common over the next 10–20 years.

The two-way communication across the network will eventually allow network system operators to control electricity-using devices such as washing machines or water heaters in homes, as well as consumption in commercial and industrial organizations, in response to changes in demand. This type of flexibility will help integrate larger amounts of renewable energy into grids without endangering stability, as well as making electricity use more efficient.

A brief political diversion

During the last years of the 19th century, when the technology was in its infancy, the generation of electricity was seen as one more opportunity for entrepreneurs and joint stock companies to make money. After all, electricity was not unique. There were other means of delivering energy; district heating was already common in the United States and in some European cities, while hydraulic power was sold commercially in cities like London. Gas, produced from coal, was also sold for lighting and other commercial uses. As a result, the early history of the electricity industry was one of small, privately owned companies competing with other energy companies. Gradually, however, the distribution of electricity rendered most other ways of distributing energy across a network obsolete.

In the 20th century, as the primacy of electricity became obvious, the distribution of electricity gradually came to be seen as a public service—that is, a public utility. Like water, sewage, and, later, the gas supply, electricity was needed to operate a modern civilization. In much of the world, the electricity industry was absorbed by government and became publicly owned. In countries such as the United States where this did not happen, legislation was introduced to govern the supply. In the vast majority of countries, however, national, vertically integrated utilities were established. Even in the United States, large utilities generated, transmitted, and distributed power.

Nationalization was a pragmatic solution, but it could also be seen as part of a socialist or left-leaning ideology that favored central government over independent business. In the late 20th century, western political ideologies began to shift, particularly among the more right-leaning political parties. Government ownership of industry, including the electricity industry, began to be seen as unnecessary and uneconomic. A move began to convert publicly owned utilities into privately held companies. Alongside this, utility legislation was relaxed to open electricity markets to competition.

Returning a national electricity company to private ownership was not easy. Power stations had to be sold individually, to a number of different companies, to create market competition. Transmission and distribution were natural monopolies; these too were sold to private companies, but these companies had to operate within rules set by the government. Then a complex electricity market had to be established in which the competing generating companies could sell their electricity.

In spite of the complexity, by the beginning of the 21st century liberalization had become a global phenomenon. A few centralized governments still retained full control over their electricity industries, but most paid at least lip-service to the concept of liberalization. The result was both successes and failures. California, for example, recorded a dramatic failure when liberalization resulted in a virtual breakdown of its electricity supply system, with almost catastrophic consequences. The cost of electricity in California rose dramatically as a result. Elsewhere prices fell after liberalization.

Private sector ownership of the electricity industry is now the predominant global model. However, it is not without its drawbacks. If state control of the electricity industry was seen to be overbearing and too rigid, a liberalized industry can seem to have too much freedom. Economic rather than political considerations become paramount.

In the United Kingdom during the 1990s the result of liberalization of the electricity system was a rush to build gas-fired power stations because they were cheap and, when natural gas was cheap, they were the most economical source of new generating capacity. However, when gas prices rose dramatically, these plants became uneconomical, and by the end of the decade plants were being taken out of service. A centrally planned electricity supply system would probably have adopted a more balanced and diverse approach to increasing generating capacity.

Liberalization also makes government energy policy more difficult to implement. Renewable energy offers a good example. A government that wants to increase the proportion of electricity generated from renewable sources cannot simply pass an order down the line to its national utility. It must use taxes and systems of allowances and penalties to encourage energy suppliers to make the choices it wants. However, generating companies may simply chose to pay the penalties if that is the most economically attractive option. In that case the desire of government is ignored.

Given such difficulties, it is arguable that the balance has swung too far in favor of market forces in the electricity sector. Competition, the whole basis for market economics, can be extremely limited in some of these electricity markets. The structures that need to be created to turn what looks from most angles to be a natural monopoly—electricity transmission and distribution, for example—into a competitive industry can be artificial and convoluted. In spite of such criticisms, the model has become entrenched.

It seems likely that free-market rules will continue to dominate the electricity industry, but it would be foolish to predict that it will be so. It is far from uncommon for one generation to reverse the policies of a previous generation. However, there is no sign of any movement in the opposite direction in the second decade of the 21st century.

Size of the industry

How big is the global electricity industry? Tables 1.1 and 1.2 provide the answer, at least as far as power generation is concerned. Table 1.1 shows the global generating capacity in 2010 broken down by power station type together with projections for the sizes in 2020, 2030, and 2040.

Table 1.1

Global Generating Capacity by Source (GW)

Liquid fuels399354311283
Natural gas1299143416992057
Other renewable sources187215238256


Source: International Energy Outlook 2013, U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Table 1.2

Global Net Electricity Generation by Source (TWh)

Liquid fuels914822746678
Natural gas4479554172069372
Other renewable sources332549729858


Source: International Energy Outlook 2013, U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Total global generating capacity in 2010 was 5061 GW. Based on the predictions contained in Table 1.1, this capacity will rise to 6221 GW in 2020, 7214 GW in 2030, and 8254 GW in 2040. This is more than twice the capacity in 2000, which stood at 3366 GW. These predictions depend on a number of assumptions about the way in which the industry will develop and, in particular, how active governments are promoting renewable energy. Growth could plausibly be either slower or faster but the figures in Table 1.1 offer a median projection.

When the figures are broken down by the type of generating station or energy source, coal can be seen to be the largest provider of power in terms of generating capacity, accounting for just under 33% of the global total. This continues to be the case in the predictions for future years shown. Natural gas is the second most important energy provider, followed by hydropower. Between them, these three accounted for 76% of global capacity in 2010. This is predicted to fall to 72% by 2040.

Aside from hydropower, wind and solar power are considered the most important renewable sources today, and these are the generating technologies that are showing the most rapid growth in global capacity. Both are expected to show strong growth during the period covered by Table 1.1, and it is possible that the actual growth, particularly for solar power, could outstrip these predictions.

A regional breakdown of capacity and capacity growth from the same source as these figures shows that the fastest growth in generating capacity is taking place among developing countries where average annual growth is expected to be 2.3% between 2010 and 2040. Within developed countries, on the other hand, the predicted rate of growth, at 0.9%, is notably slower.

Table 1.2 shows parallel figures to those shown in Table 1.1 but for global net electricity generation, broken down by type. The total amount of electricity generated in 2010 was 20,240 TWh. As before the table contains predictions for the production level in 2020, 2030, and 2040. These figures show that production is expected to virtually double between 2010 and 2040, when it is predicted to reach 39,034 GWh. This is 167% more than the net generation in 2000, when global output stood at 14,618 TWh.

As might be expected from Table 1.1, the most important global source of electricity is coal, which provided 8052 TWh in 2010, or just under 40% of the total. This is expected to decline to 35% by 2040, but it will remain the single most important source of electricity based on these predictions. Natural gas is the second largest source in 2010, providing 4479 TWh or 22% of the total. Hydropower is the third most significant source with 17% of the total. Once again these three supply the bulk of the global electricity supply—79% of the total in 2010.

It is notable, when comparing Tables 1.1 and 1.2, that while nuclear generating capacity accounted for only 8% of total generating capacity in 2010, it actually supplied 13% of total output, proportionally much larger than the contribution from hydropower. This is a reflection of the fact that while nuclear power plants generally operate as base-load power stations, generating at close to full power for most of the time, hydropower plants provide a variable output depending on the season. It is also becoming increasingly common for hydropower plants to be used for grid support, providing power when other sources cannot. This means that they often provide less power than they are technically capable of supplying.

The output from both solar and wind power plants is also lower than that from fossil fuel and nuclear power plants of similar generating capacity. This is because the energy sources—that is, the wind and sun—are intermittent and do not provide energy all the time. While a coal-fired power plant or a nuclear power plant may be able to generate power for 80–90% of the time, a wind plant will be performing well if it can generate the equivalent of full power for 40% of the time.

While the figures in the Tables 1.1 and 1.2 provide a broad picture of production and capacity globally, there are important regional differences that they cannot convey. These differences are a reflection of the resources available in different parts of the world. For example, many South American countries rely heavily on hydropower, whereas the main industrial nations in Asia, China, and India are heavily dependent on coal power. The United States also provides a large part of its electricity from coal. In contrast, coal use in Europe is much lower, and this region as a whole has the largest new renewable generating capacity, mainly wind and solar power. (Hydropower is considered an old renewable technology.)

The electricity industry is large and it is also conservative. Change is generally slow and takes place over generations. Most power stations have a lifetime of 30 years, some much longer, and capacity is only replaced when it is exhausted. Nevertheless, the composition of the world’s generating capacity will not remain static and new technologies will gradually displace older ones. If the 20th century was the century when coal and hydropower dominated, the 21st century can be expected to see much more renewable generation. Even so, as Table 1.2 shows, coal and hydropower will remain important well into the century.

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