
We have numerous people to thank for this book’s production. First of all the Syngress staff was exceptionally helpful in putting to the page and editing our ramblings to make this an actual book. We need to especially thank Steve Elliot for believing in the project and Ben Rearick for guiding us through the process. Our thanks also go out to our families without whom we would never have gotten through this process, Nick Selby for reviewing the material and providing comments throughout the process, and Larry Johnson for spending the time to write this book’s foreword.

Todd would like to thank Linda, my beautiful wife and Eva, my ever brilliant daughter.

Art would like to thank Kathy, my beautiful wife, my children, Stephanie and Mark, my grandchildren, Scarlett and Raylan, and my parents, Harry and Martha. Additionally, thank you Todd for allowing me to work on this book with you. It has been a pleasure.

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