Chapter 18


This text has covered a significant amount of information, much of which was likely new to the investigator’s first learning about Internet crimes. We intended to present an overview of what the Internet was, how it is abused by criminals, and how to investigate, document, and successfully solve online crimes. This text was never designed to cover every possible location or type of crime committed on the Internet. We tried throughout this book to provide the new investigator with a foundational perspective of Internet investigative techniques to enable them to further their ability to fight these new crimes. So the question is where does this leave us? The short answer is there is a lot more to do. The Internet is a vast and ever growing place. Many areas were not addressed in this text. Today’s investigators interested in furthering their understanding of crime in the world need to prepare themselves with a background in Internet crime investigation. This text is a beginning to understanding that process. If you have gotten this far in the text, you will know that crime and criminals are prevalent on the Internet. It is a problem that needs to be addressed. Ignoring online crime with the misconception that the Internet is not your jurisdiction is obviously not a solution to this problem. Investigating online crime is no longer a problem that can be avoided by law enforcement or corporate investigators. We both agree investigators need to “make the Internet their regular beat.” Doing so will change how everyone looks at Internet crime. More investigators online means more criminals are brought to justice. Additional investigators focusing on Internet crime means more victims who will be assured that their law enforcement can protect them, even when online. Experienced investigators taking the time to understand the issues with Internet crime will influence their agency or companies approach to the problem. Administrators will be influenced from the ground up by their employees that grasp the issues that surround Internet investigations. Those investigators brave enough to step forward into the unknown of Internet crime will be standard bearers in the future of how modern criminal investigations should be conducted.

As an investigator reading this, you have taken the first step to changing how we approach Internet investigations. So what can you expect next? There are many things to consider when approaching investigating online crimes. Things change rapidly on the Internet and new places show up for individuals to be victimized. Money laundering, human trafficking, theft in virtual worlds, and drug dealing in hidden places in the Tor network are all occurring on the Internet. Online gaming environments are increasing becoming locations where criminal activity is occurring. Additionally, the Biticoin’s emergence was only briefly discussed in this text. Digital and virtual currencies pose unique challenges for law enforcement. Investigators need to spend the time learning about these places and technologies and what it will take to protect our communities. Remember, if you make the Internet your regular beat, your community will be safer, your citizens will be able to surf the Internet without fear, and you will be an effective investigator in today’s connected world.

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