Appendix A

Function spaces

A.1 Function spaces involving the divergence

Given a Young function A, denote by HA(G)Image the Banach space of those vector-valued functions u:GRnImage such that the norm


Image (A.1.1)

is finite. We also denote by HA0(G)Image its subspace of those functions uHA(G)Image whose normal component on ∂G vanishes, in the sense that


Image (A.1.2)

for every φC(G)Image. It is easy to see that both HA(G)Image and HA0(G)Image are Banach spaces. We are interested in some smooth approximation theorems.

Theorem A.1.45

Let GRdImage be an open set with Lipschitz boundary. Let A be a Young function satisfying the Δ2Image-condition. Then C(G)Image is dense in HA(G)Image.


We follow the lines of the proof in [137, Thm. 1.1] and split the proof into three parts. Let uHA(G)Image be given.

i) We show that u can be approximated by functions with compact support. Take a function φnC0(B2n(0))Image with 0φ1Image and φ=1Image in Bn(0)Image. It is easy to check that φnu|GImage converges to u in HA(G)Image.

ii) Let G=RdImage, so uHA(Rd)Image and by i) we can assume that u has compact support. Let ϱ be a standard mollifier, i.e. ϱC0(B1(0))Image, ϱ0Image and ϱdx=1Image. We set ϱε(x)=εdϱ(xε)Image and uε=uϱεImage. Of course this means that uεC0(Rd)Image. Moreover, due to Δ2Image-condition of A we have for ε0Image



As divuε=div(uϱε)=(divu)ϱεImage we have



as well. Both together yields that uεImage converges to u in HA(G)Image.

iii) For the general case GRdImage we can assume that G is locally star-shaped. There is an open covering G,(Oj)jJImage of GImage. Let φ,(φj)jJImage be a partition of unity subordinated to this covering, where φC0(G)Image and φjC0(Oj)Image. We have



The sum is finite as we can assume that u has compact support by i). The function φuImage has compact support in G and by standard mollification as in ii) it can be approximated by a sequence in C0(G)Image. So it remains to show that we can approximate the functions φjuImage. The set Oj:=OjGImage is star-shaped with respect to some of its points; for simplicity we assume that this point is 0. We consider the function uj=φjuImage and for uλj=uj(λ)Image for λ>1Image. It is easy to show that uλj|OjImage converges to ujImage in HA(Oj)Image for λ1Image. So it is enough to approximate uλjImage instead of ujImage. The function uλjImage as compact support and hence belongs to HA(Rd)Image. On account of ii) it can be approximated in HA(Rd)Image by functions from C0(Rd)C(G)Image. Restricting to G yields the convergence in HA(G)Image we are looking for.


Theorem A.1.46

Let GRdImage be an open set with Lipschitz boundary. Let A be a Young function satisfying the Δ2Image-condition. Then there holds


Image (A.1.3)


Let ˜uImage be the extension of u to RdImage by 0. By (A.1.2) we have



for every φC0(Rd)Image. Hence div˜u=χGdivuImage and so



and ˜uHA(G)Image. We now follow the ideas from the proof of Theorem A.1.45 and can reduce the situation to the case that G is star-shaped with respect to 0. For λ>1Image we consider ˜uλ=˜u(λ)Image and have ˜uλ˜uImage in HA(G)Image for λ1Image. But ˜uλImage has compact support in G and so has the mollification (˜uλ)εImage for ε small enough. On account of the properties of the mollification (using the Δ2Image-condition) we are able to approximate u by a sequence of C0(G)Image-functions.  □

Remark A.1.26

It is possible to show C0(G)HA(G)HA0(G)Image provided the boundary of G is smooth enough. In fact one has to introduce the trace γN(u)=Nu|GImage in a negative Sobolev space and follow the ideas in [137, Thm. 1.3]. In the case studied there the surjectivity of the trace map W1,2(G)W1/2,2(G)Image is used. An analogone to this in Orlicz spaces is not known. So a Lipschitz boundary might not be sufficient.

A.2 Function spaces involving symmetric gradients

We start with a survey about the space BD(G)Image containing all functions of bounded deformation introduced by Suquet [136] and by Matthies, Strang, Christiansen [110]. The class BD(G)Image has been widely considered in the literature in connection with problems from plasticity, we refer to the works of Anzellotti and Giaquinta [11], Teman and Strang [135] and Teman [138]. The space BD(G)Image is defined as the set of L1Image-functions u with



By Riesz' representation Theorem it can be shown uL1(G)Image belongs to BD(G)Image if and only if ε(u)Image generates a bounded Radon measure on G. This means every component of ε(u)Image belongs to the class

M(G):=set of all signed measures μ defined on B(G)such that |μ|(G)<,B(G):=σ-algebra of all sets A=BG with BRd Borel.


If uBD(G)Image then there is μ=(μij)di,j=1Image with μijM(G)Image for i,j=1,...,dImage such that the distributions



can be represented as



and we have



for all AB(G)Image. The space BD(G)Image is a Banach space equipped with the norm


Image (A.2.4)

where |ε(u)|(G)Image is the total variation of the matrix valued measure ε(u)Image. From the above references we deduce the following basic properties of BD(G)Image.

Lemma A.2.1

a) The space BD(G)Image is continuously embedded into the Lebesgue space Ld/(d1)(G)Image.

b) For 1p<d/(d1)Image the embedding BD(G)Lp(G)Image is compact.

Lemma A.2.2

a) There is continuous linear operator



with γ(u)=u|GImage for all uC(G)Image.

b) Let u,ukBD(G)Image with ukuImage in L1(G)Image and |ε(uk)|(G)|ε(u)|(G)Image for kImage. Then we have



c) If γ(u)=0Image then we have


Image (A.2.5)

Lemma A.2.3

Let GRdImage be a bounded star-shaped domain with Lipschitz boundaryG. Then, for every uBD(G)Image there exists a sequence (uk)BD(G)C0(G)Image such that


Image (A.2.6)


Image (A.2.7)

Having in mind the results about the space BD(G)Image we introduce the space (this part presents results from [33])



Note that we can similarly introduce spaces EA(G)Image with an arbitrary N-function A. We will use the notation Ep(G)Image for the space of functions with symmetric gradients in Lp(G)Image, 1pImage. From (A.2.5) it follows that on the subspace BD(Ω){u:u|Ω=0}Image the BD-norm defined in (A.2.4) can be replaced by the equivalent norm |ε()|(G)Image. We observe that (cf. [77], Lemma 4.1.6)


Image (A.2.8)

where u|ΩImage has to be understood in the BD-trace sense. We therefore have inequality (A.2.5) for functions uEh0(Ω)Image, which means that


Image (A.2.9)

is a norm equivalent to E1,h(G)Image on the class Eh0(G)Image.

From Korn's inequality (see Theorem 2.3.11) it follows that Eh0(G)W1,10(G)Image.

Another consequence of Korn's inequality is:

Lemma A.2.4

Let uEh0(G)Image. Then the field w:=ln(1+|u|)uImage belongs to the space BD(G)Image, and the total variation |ε(w)|(G)Image of w is bounded in terms of ε(u)Lh(G)Image, i.e. we have


Image (A.2.10)


Consider first the case uC0(G)Image. Then it holds






From Young's inequality for N-functions we get for s, t0Image



˜hImage denoting the conjugate function of h. Moreover we have



These inequalities imply






The quantity Gh(|ε(u)|)dxImage can be estimated in terms of ε(u)Lh(G)Image (and vice versa), to G|u|dxImage we apply Lemma A.2.1, and finally observe that Gh(|u|)dxImage is bounded e.g. by G|u|d/d1dxImage and this integral can be handled via (A.2.5). Altogether we have (A.2.10) for the smooth case.

If uEh0(G)Image is arbitrary, then we choose uνC0(G)Image such that uuνEh0(G)0Image as νImage. This in particular gives uνEh0uEh0(G)Image, and (A.2.10) shows that


Image (A.2.11)

If we apply (A.2.5) to uνuImage, we get uνuImage in Ld/(d1)(G)Image, and for a suitable subsequence it holds uνuImage a.e., and therefore wνwImage a.e. By (A.2.11) and (A.2.5) we see that {wν}Image is bounded sequence in BD(G)Image, thus there is a strongly convergent subsequence in L1(G)Image (see Lemma A.2.1) which means that there exists ˜wBD(G)Image such that wν˜wImage in L1(G)Image. The finiteness of |ε(˜w)|(G)Image follows by lower semi-continuity, i.e.


Image (A.2.12)

Clearly we have ˜w=wImage, and (A.2.10) for w follows from (A.2.12) and the version of (A.2.10) for wνImage.  □

Now we can prove the main result of this section:

Theorem A.2.47

The embedding Eh0(G)Ld/(d1)(G)Image is compact. More precisely, if uνImage denotes a bounded sequence in Eh0(G)Image, then there exists a subsequence uνImage (not relabelled) and a function uEh0(G)Image such that uνuImage in Ld/(d1)(Ω)Image and ε(uν)ε(u)Image in L1(G)Image for νImage.


Suppose that supνNuνEh0(G)<Image. From Lemma A.2.4 we deduce the existence of a field uL1(G)Image such that

uνuin L1(G)and a.e.,

Image (A.2.13)

where here and in what follows we will pass to subsequences whenever this is necessary. According to the De La Vallée Poussin criterion for weak compactness in L1Image or by a theorem of Dunford and Pettis (cf. [9], Theorem 1.38) we get from



that ε(uν):σImage in L1(G)Image, and clearly σ=ε(u)Image. Moreover, by lower semi-continuity it holds



so that u is an element of the space E1,h(G)Image. In order to show uEh0(G)Image, we follow the arguments of Frehse and Seregin [81]: since ε(uν)ε(u)Image in L1(G)Image we can find a sequence {σμ}Image, σμImage being an element of the convex hull of {ε(uν):νμ}Image, such that σμε(u)Image in L1(G)Image. This follows from the well-known Banach–Saks lemma. We have



with suitable coefficients λμνImage and integers N(μ)μImage. Let



These functions belong to Eh0(G)Image and satisfy



which is a consequence of (A.2.13). Moreover it holds



and according to Lemma A.2.2 b) these two convergences imply the L1Image-convergence of the traces of uμImage towards the trace of u. In conclusion u|G=0Image, hence uEh0(G)Image, and it remains to show that

uνuin Ld/(d1)(G)

Image (A.2.14)

holds. From our assumption combined with (A.2.10) we get


Image (A.2.15)

wν:=ln(1+|uν|)uνImage, and (A.2.15) together with the first part of Lemma A.2.4 gives


Image (A.2.16)

Let Γ(t):=h(td1d)d/(d1),t0Image. Then


Image (A.2.17)

and (compare (A.2.16))


Image (A.2.18)

therefore |uν|d/(d1):gImage weakly in L1(G)Image by quoting the De La Vallée Poussin criterion one more time. By (A.2.13) we must have g=|u|d/(d1)Image, since |uν|d/(d1)|u|d/(d1)Image a.e. on Ω. This in particular implies



where we combined (A.2.17) and (A.2.18) with Vitali's Theorem. At the same time it follows from



and (A.2.13), that uνuImage in Ld/(d1)(G)Image. Putting both convergences together, the Radon–Riesz lemma (cf. [89], p. 47, Proposition 3) gives our claim (A.2.14), and Theorem A.2.47 is proved.  □

In the setting of Prandtl–Eyring fluids we have to work in the space Eh0,div(G)Image which according to Lemma 4.1.6 in [77] is the closure of C0,div(G)Image in the class Eh(G)Image w.r.t. the norm Eh(G)Image. From Theorem A.2.47 it follows

Corollary A.2.1

The statement of Theorem A.2.47 remains valid, if the space Eh0(G)Image is replaced by the subclass Eh0,div(G)Image.


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