Chapter 1



In this chapter we present some preliminary material which will be needed in order to study stationary models for generalized Newtonian fluids. We begin with the functional analytic framework. In particular, we define Lebesgue-, Sobolev- and Orlicz-spaces and describe their basic properties. After this we present the Lipschitz truncation method in its classical framework and present two applications. Finally, we discuss some modelling aspects concerning power law fluids and provide a historical overview on the mathematical theory of weak solutions for stationary flows.


Lebesgue spaces; Sobolev spaces; Orlicz spaces; Lipschitz truncation; Stationary generalized Newtonian fluids; Historical comments on existence theory

1.1 Lebesgue & Sobolev spaces

In this section we define various function spaces. For proofs, further details and references we refer to [5].

Definition 1.1.1

Classical function spaces

Let GRdImage be open and kNImage. We define

C(G):={u:GR:u is continuous},Ck(G):={u:GR:iu is continuous for i=0,...,k},C(G):={u:GR:iu is continuous for all iN0}.


Remark 1.1.1

In Definition 1.1.1 if we replace G by the closed set GImage we are considering functions whose derivatives are continuous up to the boundary of G.

Definition 1.1.2

Let GRdImage be open and α(0,1]Image. We define

Cα(G):={u:GR:supxy|u(x)u(y)||xy|α<},Cα(G):={u:GR:uCα(K) for all KG}


as the set of (locally) α-Hölder continuous functions.

Remark 1.1.2

In the case α=1Image we obtain the set of Lipschitz continuous functions.

Definition 1.1.3

Let GRdImage be open and u:GRImage. We define the support of u by



By C00(G)Image and C0(G)Image we denote subclasses of C0(G)Image and C(G)Image whose elements satisfy sptuGImage.

Definition 1.1.4

Lebesgue spaces

Let (X,Σ,μ)Image be a measure space. We define

Lp(X,Σ,μ):={u:XR:u is μ-measurable,X|u|pdμ<},1p<,L(X,Σ,μ):={u:XR:u is μ-measurable,infμ(N)=0supxXN|u(x)|<}.


The elements of Lp(X,Σ,μ)Image are equivalence classes. Two functions u and v belong to the same equivalence class if u=vImage μ-almost everywhere in XImage, i.e. if



Remark 1.1.3

• Lp(X,Σ,μ)Image is a Banach space together with the natural norm



• We set p=pp1Image for 1<p<Image, p=Image for p=1Image and p=1Image for p=Image. Let 1p<Image and vLp(X,Σ,μ)Image. Then the mapping



belongs to the dual space Lp(X,Σ,μ)Image. On the other hand each element of Lp(X,Σ,μ)Image can be represented via a function vLp(X,Σ,μ)Image. In particular, the mapping



is an isomorphism.

• The space Lp(X,Σ,μ)Image is reflexive if and only if 1<p<Image.

• If μ(X)<Image we have that Lq(X,Σ,μ)Lp(X,Σ,μ)Image for 1pqImage. In particular, the following holds



for every uLq(X,Σ,μ)Image.

• We can define vector- or matrix-valued LpImage-spaces component-wise. For simplicity we do not mention this in the notation. However, when considering functions with values in an infinite dimensional spaces X we denote this by writing Lp(X,Σ,μ;X)Image.

The most important special case is (X,Σ,μ)=(G,B(Rd),Ld)Image where GRdImage, B(Rd)Image is the Borel σ-algebra on RdImage and LdImage the d-dimensional Lebesgue measure. In this case we abbreviate the notation by setting Lp(G):=Lp(G,B(Rd),Ld)Image. If 1p<Image then C0(G)Image is dense in Lp(G)Image. In particular, for every uLp(G)Image there is (um)C0(G)Image such that umuImage in Lp(G)Image.

Definition 1.1.5

Local Lebesgue spaces

Let GRdImage be open. We define

Lploc(G):={u:GR:uLp(K) for all KG}for1p.


Definition 1.1.6

Weak derivative

Let GRdImage be open and uL1loc(G)Image.

• u is called weakly differentiable with respect to the i-th variable if there is a function viL1loc(G)Image such that

Guiφdz=Gviφdzfor allφC0(G).


We call viImage the weak derivative of u with respect to the i-th variable. If weak derivatives with respect to all variables exist, we call u weakly differentiable and denote by u=(v1,...,vn)Image the weak gradient of u.

• Let αNd0Image and |α|:=α1+...+αnImage. For a smooth function u we denote by Dαu:=|α|uα1x1...αnxnImage its α-th classical derivative. A function uL1loc(G)Image is called k-times weakly differentiable if for all αNd0Image with |α|kImage there is a function vαL1loc(G)Image such that

GuDαφdz=(1)|α|Gvαφdzfor allφC0(G).


We call Dαu=vαImage the α-th weak derivative.

Definition 1.1.7

Sobolev spaces

For kNImage and 1pImage we define

Wk,p(G):={u:GR,DαuLp(G), for all αNd0,|α|k},Wk,p0(G):=C0(G)Wk,p(G).


Remark 1.1.4

• Wk,p(G)Image (1pImage) is a Banach space together with the norm



• The space Wk,p(G)Image is reflexive iff 1<p<Image.

• A sequence (uk)Wk,p(G)Image (1<p<Image) converges weakly to u in Wk,p(G)Image if



for all vLp(G,RN)Image (p:=pp1Image) and for all αNd0Image with |α|kImage.

• The dual space of Wk,p0(G)Image will be denoted by Wk,p(G)Image.

Theorem 1.1.1

Smooth approximation

Let GRdImage be open and bounded with Lipschitz boundary (i.e. ∂Ω can be locally parametrized by Lipschitz continuous functions of d1Image variables) and 1p<Image. Then C(G)Image is dense in Wk,p(G)Image. In particular, for every uWk,p(G)Image there is (um)C0(G)Image such that umuImage in Wk,p(G)Image.

Theorem 1.1.2


Let GRdImage be open.

a) The embeddings



are continuous.

b) Let GRdImage be open and bounded with Lipschitz-boundary. The embeddings



are continuous.

Theorem 1.1.3


Let GRdImage be open and bounded. The embedding



is compact for all p<dImage.

In Definition 1.1.7 we have interpreted the boundary values of a Sobolev function as follows: u=0Image on ∂G iff uW1,p0(G)Image, where W1,p0(G)Image for p<Image denotes the closure of C0(G)Image in W1,p(G)Image. We will develop a rigorous definition of boundary values and show that it coincides with the former one. In order to do so we need functions which are integrable over the boundary of G. For GRdImage open let Lp(G)Image be equal to the set of all Hd1Image-measurable functions with



Here Hd1Image denotes the (d1)Image-dimensional Hausdorff measure. For C1Image-functions we define the operator tr:C1(G)Lp(G)Image by tru:=u|GImage.

Lemma 1.1.1

Let uC1(G)Image with GRdImage open and bounded with Lipschitz–boundary. Then we have



For uW1,p(G)Image we consider the approximation sequence umC(G)Image with umu1,p0Image. Its existence follows from Theorem 1.1.1. Lemma 1.1.1 shows that (trum)Image is a Cauchy-sequence in Lp(G)Image. We define its limit (which does not depend on the special choice of the sequence) as the trace of u. The result is a linear operator tr:W1,p(G)Lp(G)Image which coincides with the classical trace operator on C1(G)Image.

Theorem 1.1.4

Let ΩRdImage be open and bounded with Lipschitz boundary. Then we have



for 1p<Image.

All results of this section generalize in a straightforward manner to spaces of vector-valued functions. In order to keep the notation simple we do not use target spaces in the notation for our function spaces. It will follow from the context (and the bold-symbol) when we are dealing with these. In fluid mechanics the velocity field is a function from RdGRdImage. In this setting we need function spaces of solenoidal (that is, divergence-free) functions. We will use the following notation for 1p<Image



Finally we write W1,pdiv(G)Image for the dual of W1,p0,div(G)Image.

1.2 Orlicz spaces

In this section we present some important properties of Orlicz spaces (see [125] and [5]).

A function A:[0,)[0,]Image is called a Young function if it is convex, left-continuous, vanishing at 0, and neither identically equal to 0 nor to ∞. Thus, with any such function, it is uniquely associated a (non-trivial) non-decreasing left-continuous function a:[0,)[0,]Image such that


Image (1.2.1)

The Young conjugate ˜AImage of A is the Young function defined by



For ˜AImage we have the representation formula


Image (1.2.2)

where a1Image denotes the (generalized) left-continuous inverse of a. Moreover, for every Young function A,


Image (1.2.3)

as well as


Image (1.2.4)

Let A be a Young function of the form (1.2.1). Then the convexity of A and A(0)=0Image imply

A(λs)λA(s)for allλ[0,1]

Image (1.2.5)

and all s0Image. If λ1Image, then


Image (1.2.6)

As a consequence, if λ1Image, then


Image (1.2.7)

where A1Image denotes the (generalized) right-continuous inverse of A.

A Young function A is said to satisfy the Δ2Image-condition if there exists a positive constant K such that


Image (1.2.8)

If (1.2.8) just holds for ss0Image for some s0>0Image, then A is said to satisfy the Δ2Image-condition near infinity. We say that A satisfies the 2Image-condition [near infinity] if ˜AImage satisfies the Δ2Image-condition [near infinity].

A Young function A is said to dominate another Young function B near infinity if there exist positive constants c and s0Image such that


Image (1.2.9)

The functions A and B are called equivalent near infinity if they dominate each other near infinity.

Let G be a measurable subset of RdImage, and let u:GRImage be a measurable function. Given a Young function A, the Luxemburg norm associated with A, of the function u is defined as



The collection of all measurable functions u for which this norm is finite is called the Orlicz space LA(G)Image. It turns out to be Banach function space. The subspace of LA(G)Image of those functions u such that Gu(x)dx=0Image will be denoted by LA(G)Image. A Hölder-type inequality in Orlicz spaces takes the form


Image (1.2.10)

for every vL˜A(G)Image. If |G|<Image, then

LA(G)LB(G)if and only if A dominates B near infinity.

Image (1.2.11)

The decreasing rearrangement u:[0,)[0,]Image of a measurable function u:GRImage is the (unique) non-increasing, right-continuous function which is equimeasurable with u. Thus,



The equimeasurability of u and uImage implies that


Image (1.2.12)

for every uLA(G)Image.

The Lebesgue spaces Lp(G)Image, corresponding to the choice Ap(t)=tpImage, if p[1,)Image, and A(t)=χ(1,)(t)Image, if p=Image, are a basic example of Orlicz spaces. Other instances of Orlicz spaces are provided by the Zygmund spaces LplogαL(G)Image, and by the exponential spaces expLβ(G)Image. If either p>1Image and αRImage, or p=1Image and α0Image, then LplogαL(G)Image is the Orlicz space associated with a Young function equivalent to tp(logt)αImage near infinity. Given β>0Image, expLβ(G)Image denotes the Orlicz space built upon a Young function equivalent to etβImage near infinity.

An important tool will be the following characterization of Hardy type inequalities in Orlicz spaces [46, Lemma 1].

Lemma 1.2.1

Let A and B be Young functions, and let L(0,]Image.

(i) There exists a constant C such that


Image (1.2.13)

for every fLA(0,L)Image if and only if either L<Image and there exist constants c>0Image and t00Image such that

ttt0B(s)s2dsA(ct)for tt0,

Image (1.2.14)

or L=Image and (1.2.14) holds with t0=0Image. In particular, in the latter case, the constant C in (1.2.13) depends only on the constant c appearing in (7.0.1).

(ii) There exists a constant C such that


Image (1.2.15)

for every fLA(0,L)Image if and only if either L<Image and there exist constants c>0Image and t00Image such that

ttt0˜A(s)s2ds˜B(ct)for tt0,

Image (1.2.16)

or L=Image and (1.2.16) holds with t0=0Image. In particular, in the latter case, the constant C in (1.2.15) depends only on the constant c appearing in (1.2.16).

Assume now that G is an open set. The Orlicz–Sobolev space W1,A(G)Image is the set of all functions in LA(G)Image whose distributional gradient also belongs to LA(G)Image. It is a Banach space endowed with the norm



We also define the subspace of W1,A(G)Image of those functions which vanish on ∂G as

W1,A0(G)={uW1,A(G):the continuation of u by 0 is weakly differentiable}.


In the case where A(t)=tpImage for some p1Image, and ∂G is regular enough, such a definition of W1,A0(G)Image can be shown to reproduce the usual space W1,p0(G)Image defined as the closure in W1,p(G)Image of the space C0(G)Image of smooth compactly supported functions in G. In general, the set of smooth bounded functions is dense in LA(G)Image only if A satisfies the Δ2Image-condition (just near infinity when |G|<Image), and hence, for arbitrary A, our definition of W1,A0(G)Image yields a space which can be larger than the closure of C0(G)Image in W1,A0(G)Image even for smooth domains. On the other hand, if G is a Lipschitz domain, namely a bounded open set in RdImage which is locally the graph of a Lipschitz function of d1Image variables, then



where W1,10(G)Image is defined as usual.

Lemma 1.2.2

Let A be a Young-function satisfying the Δ2Image-condition and GRdImage open.

• The following holds



• For every uW1,AImage there is a sequence (uk)C(G)W1,A(G)Image such that ukuImage in W1,A(G)Image.

Lemma 1.2.3

Let A be a Young function satisfying the Δ2Image- and the 2Image-condition. Then LA(G)Image is reflexive with



1.3 Basics on Lipschitz truncation

The purpose of the Lipschitz truncation technique is to approximate a Sobolev function uW1,pImage by λ-Lipschitz functions uλImage that coincide with u up to a set of small measure. The functions uλImage are constructed nonlinearly by modifying u on the level set of the Hardy–Littlewood maximal function of the gradient ∇u. This idea goes back to Acerbi and Fusco [13]. Lipschitz truncations are used in various areas of analysis: calculus of variations, in the existence theory of partial differential equations, and in regularity theory. We refer to [62] for a longer list of references.

The basic idea is to take a function uW1,p(Rd)Image, where p1Image, and cut values where the maximal function of its gradient is large. The Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator is defined by



for vL1loc(Rd)Image which can be extended to vector- (or matrix-)valued functions by setting M(v)=M(|v|)Image. Basic properties of the maximal operator are summarized in the following lemma (see e.g. [134] and [141, Lemma 3.2] for d)).

Lemma 1.3.1

a) Let vL1loc(Rd)Image and λ>0Image. The level-set {xRd:|M(v)(x)|>λ}Image is open.

b) The strong-type estimate



holds for all p(1,]Image.

c) The weak-type estimate



holds for all p[1,)Image and all λ>0Image.

d) We have the estimate



for all λ>0Image.

The Lipschitz truncation will be defined via the maximal function of the gradient. For uW1,p(Rd)Image the “bad set” is defined by


Image (1.3.17)

where λ0Image. If we have uW1,p(G)Image for GRdImage it has to be extended to uW1,p(Rd)Image. This can be done in an obvious way if uW1,p0(G)Image where the extension is zero outside G. In the general case we may apply [5, Thm. 4.26]. Now, for x,yRdOλImage we have a.e.



see, e.g., [112]. Hence u is Lipschitz-continuous in RdOλImage with Lipschitz constant proportional to λ. By a standard extension theorem (see e.g. [71, p. 201]) we can extend u (defined in RdOλImage) to uλImage (defined in RdImage) such that the Lipschitz constant is preserved. (When dealing with this simple extension it is necessary to cut large values of M(u)Image as well. We neglect this for brevity.) This means we have


Image (1.3.18)

Moreover, by construction we have



This and Lemma 1.3.1 c) imply


Image (1.3.19)

Combining (1.3.18) and (1.3.19) shows



We obtain the following stability result


Image (1.3.20)

The basic properties (1.3.18)(1.3.20) are already enough to make the Lipschitz truncation a powerful tool for numerous applications. We present two rather classical ones.

Lower semi-continuity in W1,pImage.

Let GRdImage be an open and bounded with Lipschitz boundary. Suppose further that F:G×Rd×D[0,)Image is a continuous function with p-growth (p>1Image), i.e.,


Image (1.3.21)

with a constant c0Image and a non-negative function gL1(G)Image. We are interested in minimizing the functional



defined for functions w:GRDImage. An important concept in showing the existence of minimizers is the lower semi-continuity of GFImage with respect to an appropriate topology. The functional GFImage is called W1,pImage-weakly lower semi-continuous if


Image (1.3.22)

provided vnvImage in W1,p(G)Image for mImage. The functional GFImage is called W1,Image-weakly lower semi-continuous if



provided vnvImage in W1,(G)Image for nImage.

Due to (1.3.21) the right concept for the functional GFImage is W1,pImage-weak lower semi-continuity. It can be deduced from W1,Image-weak lower semi-continuity by the Lipschitz truncation, see Lemma 1.3.3 below. Using this idea Acerbi and Fusco [1] showed the W1,pImage lower semi-continuity of GFImage in the case where F is only quasi-convex. Note that W1,Image-weak lower semi-continuity is a consequence of the definition of quasi-convexity, see [1, Thm. 2.1]. For brevity we do not discuss the concept of quasi-convexity and refer instead to the fundamental papers [16] and [115].

Lower integrability for the p-Laplace system.

Consider the system


Image (1.3.23)


Image (1.3.24)

Here, G is an open set in RdImage, with d2Image, the exponent p(1,)Image and the function F:ΩRd×DImage is given. A weak solution to (1.3.23) is a function vW1,p0(G)Image such that



for all φW1,p0(G)Image. Its existence can be shown via standard methods provided FLp(G)Image. We are concerned here with the question of how the regularity of F transfers to v (particularly to |v|p2vImage). In the linear case p=2Image this is answered by the classical theory of Calderón and Zygmund [43]. It says that FLq(G)Image implies vLq(G)Image for all q(1,)Image. Note that the case q<2Image, where q is below the duality exponent pImage, is included. In that situation existence of weak solutions is not clear a priori. There has been a great deal of effort in obtaining a corresponding result for the nonlinear case p2Image such that


Image (1.3.25)

together with a corresponding estimate. This has been positively answered in the fundamental paper by Iwaniec [97] provided qpImage. An improvement to q>pδImage for some small δ>0Image has been carried out in [98] by different methods (for an overview and further references see [113]). We remark that the case q(1,pδ)Image is still open. Based on the Lipschitz truncation we can give a relatively easy proof for the estimate in the case q(pδ,p)Image using the approach in [141] (see also [40] for a more general setting and [101] for the parabolic problem), see Lemma 1.3.4 below.

Before we give proofs of these applications we present an important improvement of the Lipschitz truncation which firstly appeared in [62]. It concerns the smallness of the level-sets. Similar ideas have been used earlier for the LImage-truncation in [78].

Lemma 1.3.2

Let vLp(Rd)Image with p(1,)Image. Then there exist j0NImage and a sequence λjRImage with 22jλj22j+11Image such that



for all jj0Image where c=cpImage is the constant in Lemma 1.3.1 b).


We have


Image (1.3.26)

The continuity of M on Lp(Rd)Image, see Lemma 1.3.1 b), implies



In particular, for all jNImage



Since the sum contains 2jImage summands, there is at least one index kjImage such that


Image (1.3.27)

Define λj:=2kjImage and we conclude from (1.3.27) that



This proves the claim.  □

Lemma 1.3.2 shows that there is a particular sequence of levels (λj)Image such that


Image (1.3.28)

with κj0Image for jImage. This improves the estimate (1.3.19) and does not follow from the original results by Acerbi and Fusco. It allows us to simplify the original proof of W1,pImage-lower semi-continuity from [1].

Lemma 1.3.3

Assume that the functionals GFImage defined in (1.3.22) are W1,Image-weakly lower semi-continuous for any choice of F satisfying (1.3.21). Then they are W1,pImage-weakly lower semi-continuous.


Let (vn)W1,p(G)Image be a sequence with weak limit v such that



We take the sequence (λj)Image in accordance with Lemma 1.3.2 for the level-sets of uImage. We apply the Lipschitz truncation to the sequence (un)Image with level λ=λjImage, see the construction after (1.3.17), and obtain for the double sequence (un,j:=un,λj)Image


Image (1.3.29)


Image (1.3.30)


Image (1.3.31)

due to (1.3.18)(1.3.20), where κj0Image for jImage. We obtain


Image (1.3.32)

We can use the functional G˜FImage with



The function ˜FImage has p-growth as required in (1.3.21) (by vLp(Ω)Image) such that


Image (1.3.33)

This is a consequence of the W1,Image-weak lower semi-continuity of G˜FImage. Finally we have



such that


Image (1.3.34)

by (1.3.31) and |v|p+gL1(G)Image. Combining (1.3.32)(1.3.34) shows that



i.e. GFImage is W1,pImage-weakly lower semi-continuous.  □

We now turn to the proof of the lower integrability for the p-Laplace system. In addition to the Lipschitz truncation crucial ingredients are the following integral identities. Let 0<ϱ<Image, 0δ_<ϱ<δImage and (X,Σ,μ)Image be a measure space. There holds for every μ-measurable function f with |f|ϱL1(X,Σ,μ)Image


Image (1.3.35)


Image (1.3.36)

Both equalities are easy consequences of Fubini's Theorem. As we will apply (1.3.35) and (1.3.36) several times it is important that all estimates hold for any λ>0Image. So Lemma 1.3.2 is no use.

Lemma 1.3.4

There is a number δ>0Image such that for all q(pδ)Image the following holds. Let vW1,q(p1)0(G)Image be a weak solution to (1.3.23) with FLq(G)Image. Then we have




Take the solution v to (1.3.23) and use its Lipschitz truncation vλImage as a test-function, see the construction after (1.3.17). Note that the Lipschitz truncation can preserve zero boundary values at least in the case of a Lipschitz boundary, cf. [62, Thm. 3.2]. We obtain



which implies by (1.3.18)


Image (1.3.37)

Furthermore, the following holds



Inserting this into (1.3.37) yields



As a consequence of Lemma 1.3.1 d) we deduce



After multiplying with λq1pImage and integrating we have



Setting χλ:=Rd|Fvλ|dxImage we obtain on account of (1.3.35) and (1.3.36)



If q is close enough to p, say pq<˜δImage, we have



and hence



We split χ(λ)=χ1(λ)+χ2(λ)Image where



Note that we have |vλ|=|v|M(v)Image on {M(v)λ}Image. Setting μ=|F|LdImage and using (1.3.36) (with f=M(v)Image, δ=1Image and ϱ=qp+1Image) as well as Hölder's inequality we obtain



and similarly by (1.3.35) (with f=1Image, δ_=0Image and ϱ=qp+1Image)



Combining the estimates above implies



or equivalently on setting δ=˜δp1Image




We now turn to an alternative approach for the extension of u|RdOλImage into the “bad set” which has been used in [33] and [60]. Instead of using classical extension theorems as in the definition after (1.3.17) one can work with a Whitney covering of the “bad set” and local approximations. This is much more flexible and allows for instants to cut only parts of the gradient (in particular the symmetric gradient) or to work with higher derivatives, cf. Chapter 3. In fact, this is so far the only successful method for parabolic problems, cf. Section 5.2. The following lemma shows how to decompose an open set. It has been proved in [33] and [65] by slightly modifying the family of closed dyadic cubes given in [93].

Lemma 1.3.5

Let ORdImage be open. There is a Whitney covering {Qi}Image of OImage with the following properties.

(W1) jQj=OImage and QjQk=Image for jkImage.

(W2) 8d(Qj)dist(Qj,O)32d(Qj)Image. In particular, if cd:=2+32dImage, then (cdQj)(RdO)Image.

(W3) If the boundaries of the two cubes QjImage and QkImage touch, then



(W4) For a given QjImage there exists at most (3d1)2dImage cubes QkImage that touch QjImage.

On setting Qj:=98QjImage and rj:=(Qj)Image we have the following properties.

Corollary 1.3.1

Under the assumptions of Lemma 1.3.5 the following holds

(W5) jQj=OImage.

(W6) If QjImage and QkImage intersect, then the boundaries of QjImage and QkImage touch and Qj5QkImage, moreover rjrkImage and |QjQk||Qj||Qk|Image.

(W7) The family QjImage is locally 6dImage finite.

(W8) jLd(Qj)c(d)Ld(O)Image.

Lemma 1.3.6

Let ORdImage be open, {Qj}Image its Whitney covering from Lemma 1.3.5 and Qj=98QjImage. Then there is a partition of unity {φj}Image having the following properties.

(U1) φjC0(Rd)Image and suppφj=QjImage.

(U2) χ79Qj=χ78Qjφjχ98Qj=χQjImage.

(U3) |φj|cχQjrjImage and |2φj|cχQjr2jImage.


Let ˜φjC0(Rd)Image be such that supp˜φj=QjImage and



Moreover, we assume that all ˜φjImage the same function are up to translation and dyadic scaling. We define γ:=j˜φjImage and φj:=˜φjγImage such that 1γ6dImage as well as



Thus φjImage defines a partition of unity with the required properties.  □

For uW1,p0(G)Image (extended by zero to RdImage) we define as in (1.3.17) “the bad” set by



We apply Corollary 1.3.1 and Lemma 1.3.6 to OλImage to obtain a covering {Qj}Image and functions {φj}Image. Now we define


Image (1.3.38)

where ui:=uQi:=QiudxdtImage. (In order to obtain a truncation with zero boundary values one has to involve cut-off function, see Chapter 3, or set ui=0Image close to the boundary, see [60].) We show first that the sum in (1.3.38) converges absolutely in L1(Rd)Image:



where we used (U2) and the finite intersection property of QiImage, cf. (W7). We proceed by showing the estimate for the gradient



where we used Poincaré's inequality. This shows that the definition in (1.3.38) makes sense. In particular we have


Image (1.3.39)

In the following we show that uλImage is indeed Lipschitz continuous with Lipschitz constant bounded by λ.

Lemma 1.3.7

The following holds




Let xQiImage and Ai:={j:QjQi}Image, then



because {φj}Image is a partition of unity, rirjImage and uiImage is constant. We also used (W6), (U3) as well as #AjcImage. By Poincaré's inequality, (W2) and the definition of OλImage we have



As the {Qi}Image cover OλImage and |uλ|=|u|λImage outside OλImage the claim follows.  □

1.4 Existence results for power law fluids

The stationary flow of a homogeneous incompressible fluid in a bounded body GRdImage (d=2,3Image) is described by the equations


Image (1.4.40)

See for instance [23]. In physical terms this means that the fluid reached a steady state – a situation of balance. The unknown quantities are the velocity field v:GRdImage and the pressure π:GRImage. The function f:GRdImage represents a system of volume forces, while S:GRd×dsymImage is the viscous stress tensor and ρ>0Image is the density of the fluid. In order to describe a specific fluid one needs a constitutive law relating the viscous stress tensor S to the symmetric gradient ε(v):=12(v+vT)Image of the velocity v. In the simplest case this relation is linear, i.e.,


Image (1.4.41)

where ν>0Image is the viscosity of the fluid. In this case we have divS=νΔvImage and (1.4.40) are the stationary Navier–Stokes equations (for a recent approach see [85,86]). The existence of a weak solution (where derivatives are to be understood in a distributional sense) can be established by arguments which are nowadays standard. In the case of the constitutive relation (1.4.41) the system (1.4.40) can be analysed like a linear system – the arguments used to handle the perturbation caused by (v)vImage are of a technical nature (note that this is quite different from the parabolic situation), and standard techniques lead to smooth solutions (see for instance [86]).

Only fluids with simple molecular structure e.g. water, oil and certain gases satisfy a linear relation such as (1.4.41). Those which do not are called non-Newtonian fluids (see [13]). A special class among these are generalized Newtonian fluids. Here, the viscosity is assumed to be a function of the shear rate |ε(v)|Image and the constitutive relation is


Image (1.4.42)

An external force can produce two different reactions:

• The fluid becomes thicker (for example batter): the viscosity of a shear thickening fluid is an increasing function of the shear rate.

• The fluid becomes thinner (for example ketchup): the viscosity of a shear thinning fluid is a decreasing function of the shear rate.

The power law model for non-Newtonian/generalized Newtonian fluids


Image (1.4.43)

is very popular among rheologists. Here ν0>0Image and p(1,)Image is specified by physical experiments. An extensive list of specific p-values for different fluids can be found in [23]. It becomes clear that many interesting p-values lie in the interval [32,2]Image. In the following we give a historical overview concerning the theory of weak solutions to (1.4.40) and sketch the proofs, cf. [29].

Monotone operator theory (1969).

The mathematical discussion of power law models started in the late sixties with the work of Lions and Ladyshenskaya (see [106108] and [109]). Due to the appearance of the convective term div(vv)Image the equations for power law fluids (the constitutive law is given by (1.4.43)) depend significantly on the value of p. In the stationary case, the existence of a weak solution to (1.4.44), (1.4.43) can be shown by monotone operator theory for p3dd+2Image. To be precise, there is a function vW1,p0,div(G)Image such that


Image (1.4.44)

for all φC0,div(G)Image. Note that this formulation has the advantage that the pressure does not appear but can easily be recovered later by De Rahm theory (this was first used in [109]). For the recovery of the pressure see Theorem 2.2.10. Also note that the divergence-free constraint and homogeneous boundary conditions are incorporated in the definition of the space W1,p0,div(G)Image. The condition


Image (1.4.45)

ensures that the solution itself is a test-function and the convective term is a compact perturbation. We begin with the approach based on monotone operator theory (see [109]). It does not yet contain truncations, but it is the basis of the existence theory and everything is build upon it. Let us assume that (1.4.45) holds and that we have a sequence of approximate solutions, i.e. (vn)W1,p0,div(G)Image solving (1.4.44). We want to pass to the limit. By (1.4.45), Sobolev's embedding Theorem and smooth approximation, (1.4.44) holds also for all φW1,p0,div(G)Image. So vnImage is an admissible test-function. Since G(vn)vnvndx=0Image we obtain a uniform a priori estimate in W1,p(G)Image and (after choosing an appropriate subsequence)


Image (1.4.46)

Note that we also used the coercivity from (1.4.43) and Korn's inequality. Using (1.4.43) again yields


Image (1.4.47)

The nonlinearity in the convective term (vn)vnImage can be overcome by compactness arguments. Kondrachov's Theorem and (1.4.45) imply


Image (1.4.48)

and so


Image (1.4.49)

Using (1.4.46)(1.4.49) we can pass to the limit in the equation and obtain


Image (1.4.50)

for all φW1,p0,div(G)Image. It remains to be shown


Image (1.4.51)

As S is nonlinear the weak convergence in (1.4.46) is not enough for this limit procedure. We have to apply methods from monotone operator theory. Let us consider the integral



The second term on the right-hand-side vanishes for nImage as a consequence of (1.4.46) and S(ε(v))Lp(G)Image. For the first term one we use the equation for vnImage and obtain



This is a consequence of (1.4.46) and (1.4.49). Plugging all together we have shown



The strict monotonicity of S implies ε(vn)ε(v)Image a.e. and hence (1.4.51).

L Image -truncation (1997).

Examining the three-dimensional situation we see that the bound p>95Image is very restrictive since many interesting liquids lie beyond it. For example polyethylene oxide (polyethylene is the most common plastic) has lower flow behaviour indices: the experiments presented in [23] (table 4.1-2, p. 175) suggest values between 1.53 and 1.6 depending on the temperature. The first attempt to lower the bound for p was an approach via LImage-truncation by Frehse, Málek and Steinhauer (see [78], see also [129]). The term



is defined for all φL(G)Image if


Image (1.4.52)

Instead of testing the equation by v (which is not permitted) they used the function vLL(G)Image, L1Image, whose LImage-norm is bounded by L and which equals v on a large set.

In order to give an overview of this method we assume that (1.4.52) holds and that we have a sequence of approximated solutions to (1.4.44) with uniform a priori estimates in W1,p0,div(G)Image. Note that test-functions have to be bounded as (v)vImage is only an integrable function. We will demonstrate how to obtain a weak solution combining ideas of [78] and [140].

Again we have (1.4.46) and (1.4.47) but instead of (1.4.48) and (1.4.49) only the following hold


Image (1.4.53)


Image (1.4.54)

where σ:=pdp(d+1)2d(1,)Image, cf. (1.4.52). We still obtain (1.4.50) for all φW1,p0,divL(G)Image and the goal is to show (1.4.51). We are faced with the problem that the solution is not an admissible test-function any more. So an approach via monotone operator theory as described before will fail. Instead of testing with un:=vnvImage we use a truncated function. As functions from the class W1,p0,divL(G)Image are admissible we cut values of unImage which are too large and obtain a bounded function. For LNImage we define



where ψC0([0,2])Image, 0ψ1Image, ψ1Image on [0,1]Image and 0ψ2Image. Now we use the test-function un,L:=ΨL(|un|)unImage and neglect for a moment the fact that it is not divergence-free. For fixed L the function un,LImage is essentially bounded (in terms of L) and we obtain for nImage

un,L0inLq(G)for allq<.

Image (1.4.55)

Now we test with un,LImage which implies (using (1.4.54) and (1.4.55) for the integral G(vn)vnun,LdxImage)


Image (1.4.56)

Now one needs that



uniformly in L and n which follows from the definition of ΨLImage. This allows us to show that the left-hand-side of (1.4.56) is bounded in L and hence there is a subsequence (in fact one has to take a diagonal sequence) such that for nImage



One can show easily that σImage is increasing in and so σ0=0Image, i.e.,


Image (1.4.57)

As ψ1(t)=1Image for t1Image and un0Image in L2(G)Image this yields


Image (1.4.58)

for all Θ<1Image. Due to the monotonicity of S we deduce (1.4.51).

As divun,L0Image we have to correct the divergence by means of the Bogovskiĭ-operator. It is solution operator to the divergence equation with respect to zero boundary conditions. See Section 2.1. Additional terms appear which can be handled similarly.

Remark 1.4.5

In [78] the limit case p=2dd+1Image is also included based on the fact that (v)vImage has divcurlImage structure and hence belongs to the Hardy space H1(Rd)Image.

Lipschitz truncation (2003).

Although we can now cover a wide range of power law fluids there remain several with lower values of p. The experiments presented in [23] (table 4.1-2, p. 175) suggest values for 2% hydroxyethylcellulose (hydroxyethylcellulose is a gelling and thickening agent derived from cellulose, used in cosmetics, cleaning solutions, and other household products) between 1.19 and 1.25 depending on the temperature.

Since divv=0Image we can rewrite



so that appropriate test-functions have to be Lipschitz continuous provided vvL1(G)Image. This condition is satisfied for p2dd+2Image by Sobolev's embedding. Otherwise one cannot define the convective term (at least in the stationary case). This bound therefore seems to be optimal.

In the case


Image (1.4.59)

the existence of a weak solution to (1.4.44), (1.4.43) was first established in [79]. This is the first paper where the Lipschitz truncation was used in the context of fluid mechanics. Here one approximates the function v by a Lipschitz continuous function vλImage with vλcλImage instead of a bounded function as in the approach via LImage-truncation.

Assume that (1.4.59) holds and that we have a sequence of solutions (vn)W1,p0,div(G)Image to


Image (1.4.60)

for all φW1,0,div(G)Image which is uniformly bounded. Again we have (1.4.46) and (1.4.47) and by Kondrachov's Theorem and (1.4.59)


Image (1.4.61)

where σ(1,12pddp)Image, cf. (1.4.59). So we can pass to the limit in (1.4.60) and obtain


Image (1.4.62)

In order to show ˜S=S(ε(v))Image it is enough to have (1.4.58). Introduce the Lipschitz truncation un,λImage of un:=vnvImage, cf. Section 1.3. Then (1.4.58) follows from


Image (1.4.63)

and (1.3.31). As a consequence of un,λcλImage the Lipschitz truncation features much better convergence properties than the original function. In particular, we have



recall (1.3.29) and (1.3.30). Taking this into account, (1.4.63) follows from (1.4.60) and (1.4.61).

We again neglected the fact that divun,λ0Image. There are two options for overcoming this. In [79] the authors introduce the pressure πnImage and decompose it with respect to the terms appearing in the equation. This requires some technical effort but all terms can be handled. An easier way is presented in [62] where the divergence is corrected using the Bogovskiĭ operator as indicated in the approach via LImage-truncation.


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