
Formula Meaning
C Continuous functions
C α α-Hölder continuous functions
C k k-times continuously differentiable functions
C ∞-times continuously differentiable functions
spt(φ) Support of φ
C0 Image C-functions with compact support
C0k Image Ck-functions with compact support
D Image Dual of C0Image
C0,div Image C0Image-functions with vanishing divergence
Ddiv Image Dual of C0,divImage
C0, Image C0Image-functions with vanishing mean value
X Dual space of X
X Norm on X
,⋅〉X Inner product on X
Ln Image n-dimensional Lebesgue measure
Hs Image s-dimensional Hausdorff measure
B Image Borelian σ-algebra
L p Lebesgue-space of p-integrable functions
Llocp Image Lebesgue-space of locally p-integrable functions
Ldivp Image Lp-functions with vanishing divergence
Lp Image Lp-functions with vanishing mean
p Dual exponent of p: p=p/(p1)Image
LA/A(L) Orlicz-space generated by A
LA/A(L) Image LA-functions with vanishing mean
A˜ Image Young conjugate of A
u Decreasing rearrangement of u
uv Convolution of u and v
Mf Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator applied to f
Br Image Ball with radius r
κBr Image Ball with same center as BrImage and radius κr
Πk Averaged Taylor polynomial of order k
W k,p Sobolev functions with differentiability k and integrability p
Wlock,p Image Sobolev functions with differentiability k and local integrability p
Wdivk,p Image Wk,p-functions with vanishing divergence
W0k,p Image Wk,p-functions with vanishing trace
W k,p Dual space of W0k,pImage
Wdivk,p Image Wk,p-functions with vanishing divergence
W0,divk,p Image W0k,pImage-functions with vanishing divergence
Wdivk,p Image Dual space of W0,divk,pImage
W 1,A Orlicz-Sobolev space generated by A
W01,A Image W1,A-functions with vanishing trace
Rsymd×d Image Symmetric d × d matrices
Symmetric tensor product
E p Lp-functions with symmetric gradient in Lp
E0p Image Ep-functions with vanishing trace
E0,divp Image E0pImage-functions with vanishing divergence
E A LA-functions with symmetric gradient in LA
E0A Image EA-functions with vanishing trace
E0,divA Image E0AImage-functions with vanishing divergence
BD Functions of bounded deformation
M Image Bounded signed measures
HA/HA(L) LA-functions with divergence in LA
H0A/H0A(L) Image HA-functions with vanishing normal trace
Bog Bogovskiĭ-operator
Δ−1 Solution operator to the Laplace equation
Δ−2 Solution operator to the bi-Laplace equation
curl−1 Solution operator to the curl equation
Q r Parabolic cube with radius r
κQ r Cube with same center as Qr and radius κr
Mα Image α-parabolic maximal function
Mσα Image α-parabolic maximal function with power σ
Lp(0,T;V) Image Bochner measurable functions with values in VImage and integrability p
C([0,T];V) Image Continuous functions with values in VImage
Cα([0,T];V) Image α-Hölder continuous functions with values in VImage
Cw([0,T];V) Image Weakly continuous functions with values in VImage
Wk,p(0,T;V) Image k-times weakly differentiable functions with values in VImage and integrability p
(Ω,F,P) Image Probability space with sample space Ω, σ-algebra FImage and probability measure PImage
(Ft)t0 Image filtration
Lp(Ω,F,P;V) Image Random variable over (Ω,F,P)Image with values in VImage and moments of order p
M2 Image Quadratically integrable martingales
M2c Image Quadratically integrable continuous martingales
M2c,loc Image Locally in time quadratically integrable continuous martingales
L2(H1,H2) Image Hilbert-Schmidt operators from H1H2Image
(Xt)t0 Image Quadratic variation process of (Xt)t0Image
(X,Yt)t0 Image Covariation process of (Xt)t0Image and (Yt)t0Image
Aq Image Stokes operator on Lq
Aq Image AImage-Stokes operator on Lq
D Domain of an operator

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