7.5.2. Delegating Constructors


The new standard extends the use of constructor initializers to let us define so-called delegating constructors. A delegating constructor uses another constructor from its own class to perform its initialization. It is said to “delegate” some (or all) of its work to this other constructor.

Like any other constructor, a delegating constructor has a member initializer list and a function body. In a delegating constructor, the member initializer list has a single entry that is the name of the class itself. Like other member initializers, the name of the class is followed by a parenthesized list of arguments. The argument list must match another constructor in the class.

As an example, we’ll rewrite the Sales_data class to use delegating constructors as follows:

class Sales_data {
    // nondelegating constructor initializes members from corresponding arguments
    Sales_data(std::string s, unsigned cnt, double price):
            bookNo(s), units_sold(cnt), revenue(cnt*price) { }
    // remaining constructors all delegate to another constructor
    Sales_data(): Sales_data("", 0, 0) {}
    Sales_data(std::string s): Sales_data(s, 0,0) {}
    Sales_data(std::istream &is): Sales_data()
                                        { read(is, *this); }
    // other members as before

In this version of Sales_data, all but one of the constructors delegate their work. The first constructor takes three arguments, uses those arguments to initialize the data members, and does no further work. In this version of the class, we define the default constructor to use the three-argument constructor to do its initialization. It too has no additional work, as indicated by the empty constructor body. The constructor that takes a string also delegates to the three-argument version.

The constructor that takes an istream& also delegates. It delegates to the default constructor, which in turn delegates to the three-argument constructor. Once those constructors complete their work, the body of the istream& constructor is run. Its constructor body calls read to read the given istream.

When a constructor delegates to another constructor, the constructor initializer list and function body of the delegated-to constructor are both executed. In Sales_data, the function bodies of the delegated-to constructors happen to be empty. Had the function bodies contained code, that code would be run before control returned to the function body of the delegating constructor.

Exercises Section 7.5.2

Exercise 7.41: Rewrite your own version of the Sales_data class to use delegating constructors. Add a statement to the body of each of the constructors that prints a message whenever it is executed. Write declarations to construct a Sales_data object in every way possible. Study the output until you are certain you understand the order of execution among delegating constructors.

Exercise 7.42: For the class you wrote for exercise 7.40 in § 7.5.1 (p. 291), decide whether any of the constructors might use delegation. If so, write the delegating constructor(s) for your class. If not, look at the list of abstractions and choose one that you think would use a delegating constructor. Write the class definition for that abstraction.

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