9.2.3. begin and end Members


The begin and end operations (§ 3.4.1, p. 106) yield iterators that refer to the first and one past the last element in the container. These iterators are most often used to form an iterator range that encompasses all the elements in the container.

As shown in Table 9.2 (p. 330), there are several versions of begin and end: The versions with an r return reverse iterators (which we cover in § 10.4.3 (p. 407)). Those that start with a c return the const version of the related iterator:

list<string> a = {"Milton", "Shakespeare", "Austen"};
auto it1 = a.begin();  // list<string>::iterator
auto it2 = a.rbegin(); // list<string>::reverse_iterator
auto it3 = a.cbegin(); // list<string>::const_iterator
auto it4 = a.crbegin();// list<string>::const_reverse_iterator

The functions that do not begin with a c are overloaded. That is, there are actually two members named begin. One is a const member (§ 7.1.2, p. 258) that returns the container’s const_iterator type. The other is nonconst and returns the container’s iterator type. Similarly for rbegin, end, and rend. When we call one of these members on a nonconst object, we get the version that returns iterator. We get a const version of the iterators only when we call these functions on a const object. As with pointers and references to const, we can convert a plain iterator to the corresponding const_iterator, but not vice versa.


The c versions were introduced by the new standard to support using auto with begin and end functions (§ 2.5.2, p. 68). In the past, we had no choice but to say which type of iterator we want:

// type is explicitly specified
list<string>::iterator it5 = a.begin();
list<string>::const_iterator it6 = a.begin();
// iterator or const_iterator depending on a's type of a
auto it7 = a.begin();  // const_iterator only if a is const
auto it8 = a.cbegin(); // it8 is const_iterator

When we use auto with begin or end, the iterator type we get depends on the container type. How we intend to use the iterator is irrelevant. The c versions let us get a const_iterator regardless of the type of the container.

Image Best Practices

When write access is not needed, use cbegin and cend.

Exercises Section 9.2.3

Exercise 9.9: What is the difference between the begin and cbegin functions?

Exercise 9.10: What are the types of the following four objects?

vector<int> v1;
const vector<int> v2;
auto it1 = v1.begin(), it2 = v2.begin();
auto it3 = v1.cbegin(), it4 = v2.cbegin();

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